  • 的由两股不同频率的交替电流联合产生两个新的频率的,原频率的总和及拍均可通过适当调频或滤波用于无线电或电视接收
    Having alternating currents of two different frequencies that are combined to produce two new frequencies, the sum and difference of the original frequencies, either of which may be used in radio or television receivers by proper tuning or filtering.
  • 平均数和方数都为有限的一个理论分布。
    a theoretical distribution with finite mean and variance.
  • 游隙某一特定火器枪弹的直径与火器镗孔的直径之间的
    The difference in a given firearm between the diameter of the projectile fired and the diameter of the bore of the firearm.
  • 毕竟,早在计算机出现以前,甚至在计算机成为一种普通工作用品前十年,收入距就已经开始扩大。
    The income gap began widening, after all, before computers had even appeared on the scene, and more than a decade before they became a common workplace fixture.
  • 平淡去肤浅无味只有毫厘之
    Between mildness and mere flatness there is only a very thin margin.
  • 因此,在朋友所给的诤言与自己所作的主张之间其别有如良友的净言与谄佞的建议之间的别一样。
    So as there is as much difference between the counsel, that a friend giveth, and that a man giveth himself, as there is between the counsel of a friend, and of a flatterer.
  • 这种葡萄酒的味道比那种
    This wine is inferior to that in flavor.
  • 今天我们还处在内战的战略防御时期,我们的政权距离一个完全的国家形态还很远,我们军队的数量和技术较之敌人还得远,我们的领土还很小,我们的敌人时时刻刻想要消灭我们才快活。
    Today we are still in the period of strategic defensive in the civil war, the form of our political power is still far from that of a full-fledged state, our army is still much inferior to the enemy both in numbers and technical equipment, our territory is still very small, and our enemy is constantly out to destroy us and will never rest content till he has done so.
  • 羊毛与绒面呢,或一把棉籽与一匹平纹细布之间的别更大。
    The difference is greater still between the fleece of a sheep, or a handful of cotton seeds, and a web of muslin or broad cloth;
  • 格雷觉得这倒是件可轻易挣到钱的使。
    Gray thought of it as easy money.
  • 我飞往东京出差。
    I flew to Tokyo on business.
  • 那个笨蛋跟老板的女儿调情,一点被炒鱿鱼。
    That bozo flirt with the boss' daughter and nearly get fired.
  • 已探知的流量的变更依赖许多因素;已确定的行为规范;已探知的成就的别;没有关于这些被发觉的现象的解释。
    variation in the ascertained flux depends on a number of factors; the discovered behavior norms; discovered differences in achievement; no explanation for the observed phenomena.
  • 一想到什么就马上脱口而出的人们,倘使经过思量之后再讲的话,就可能没那么劲了。
    Folks that blurt out just what they think wouldn't be so bad if they thought.
  • 一想到什么就马上脱口而出的人们,倘使经过思量之后再讲的话,就可能没那么劲了。
    Folks that out just what they think will not be so bad if they thought.
  • 一想到什么就马上脱口而出的人们,倘使经过思量之后再讲的话,就可能没那么劲了。
    Folks that out just what they think will not is so bad if they think.
  • 由于这些不同,共产主义者和三民主义者之间就有了别。
    They distinguish communists from the followers of the Three People's Principles.
  • 方达认识到了性别异,她呼吁哈佛研究一下为何人们理所当然地认为女孩子容易妥协和顺从。
    Fonda recognises the gender gap and challenged Harvard to do something about the state of affairs that predicted female success on compromise and conformity.
  • 5岁的年龄距并没有妨碍我们彼此日益产生好感。
    The five years gap of age did not hinder our growing fondness towards each other.
  • 这家餐馆的饭菜太了。
    The fare in this restaurant is terrible.
  • 外:我刚才说过,他们一点就把那次旅游给搞砸了。
    Foreigner:As I said,they nearly spoilt the trip,but not quite.
  • 外国人:北京好像不多人人都有手机了!
    Foreigner:It seems nearly everybody owns a mobile phone in Beijing!
  • 将实验室误最小化需要一个质量控制程序,如那些已经在法医实验室主动就位的程序。
    Minimizing laboratory errors requires a quality control program such as the ones which already are in place on a voluntary basis in the forensic laboratories.
  • 幸运的是,在dna个案中,因为误导致误判还没有被发现,虽然不可避免的在将来的某一天会出现。
    Fortunately, an error resulting in a miscarriage of justice has yet to be demonstrated in forensic DNA casework, although it is perhaps inevitable that it will occur someday.
  • 你不应指责孩子们忘记生日,你自己在记日期方面也极
    You shouldn't reproach the children for forgetting birthdays. You're pretty bad at remembering dates yourself.
  • 谢谢,我点儿忘了。
    Thanks.I almost forgot about it.
  • 她唱得比以前差。
    She sings wronger than formerly.
  • 你的计算只要有一点点错,整个计划就会失败。
    If your calculations are even fractionally incorrect, the whole plan will fail.
  • "你的计算只要有一点点错,整个工程就可能失败。"
    "If your calculations are even fractionally incorrect, the whole projection will fail."
  • 鉴定系统本身固有的误,如不能精确的测量dna限制酵素片段长度,可以由解释规则来很好的弥补,因为解释规则会考虑到这些种类的误
    Errors intrinsic to the testing systems, such as the inability to precisely measure DNA restriction fragment lengths, are well compensated for by interpretation guidelines which take these kinds of errors into account.
  • 欧亚一年生草本植物,在香味和药用上与母菊相似,味道更苦药效更
    annual Eurasian herb similar in fragrance and medicinal uses to chamomile though taste is more bitter and effect is considered inferior.
  • 有毛边的;参不齐的
    Having a fringe; fringed.