  • 容的,容許的允許或有意給予許可的;容忍的或容的
    Granting or inclined to grant permission; tolerant or lenient.
  • 我們美國當父母的管孩子也不會像你們一些人那麽
    We American parents are not so lenient as some of you.
  • 法官的判决很大,狄剋僅是受到警告,衹罰了很少的款就獲釋了。
    The judge was very lenient. Dick got off with a warning and a small fine.
  • 第三、瓦解敵軍和待俘虜的原則。
    Third, the principle of disintegrating the enemy troops and giving lenient treatment to prisoners of war.
  • 考慮到你的年齡,法院决定大,處以罰款而不是入獄。
    In view of your age the court has decided to be lenient and impose a fine rather than imprisonment.
  • 對一般黨員處理要些,對領導幹部要嚴些,特別是對高級幹部要更嚴些。
    We should be somewhat lenient with rank-and-file Party members, but more severe with leading cadres, especially those of high rank.
  • 有些人可能會抗議,“但是如果我采取了那種容的作法,我的伴侶就永遠不會再洗碗碟或再去付帳了。”
    Some may protes, “But if I took that lenient approach, my partner would never do another dish or pay another bill.”
  • ,也不能到連黨籍、軍籍也保留,甚至於還升一級吧。
    We cannot be so lenient as to allow them to remain in the Party or the army, much less be promoted.
  • 起初法官似乎有意大處理,但由於發生了某些情況,對他判處了最重的刑罰。
    At first it seemed that the judge was going to be lenient, but then something happened and he threw the book at him.
  • 其生育政策於漢族的生育政策,一般規定,少數民族家庭可以生育兩個或三個孩子;
    These policies are more lenient than those with the Han people. Under these policies, an ethnic minority family generally may have two or three children;
  • 我知道你為了避免當衆吵鬧已不得不又讓孩子隨心所欲了。我認為你對他太容了。
    I see you’ve had to give him his own way again to prevent a scene. I think you’re too lenient with that child.
  • 報上登的一個從處理的,貪污六千元;一個判十五年徒刑的,貪污五六萬元。
    According to press reports, an offender who had embezzled 6,000 yuan was given lenient treatment, and another who had embezzled 50,000-60,000 yuan was sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment.
  • 經過改造,一千多名原日本戰犯經大釋放回國後,絶大多數積極參加反戰、和平和促進中日友好的活動;
    After their reform, over one thousand Japanese war criminals received lenient treatment and were returned to Japan. Most of them have taken an active part in anti-war activities, supporting peace and promoting Sino-Japanese friendship.
  • 爭取地富回傢的工作,應當廣泛進行,但應采取嚴肅的立場和態度,表明這是政府和人民對他們的大。
    We should encourage as many landlords and rich peasants as possible to return to their homes, but we must adopt a serious stand and attitude, letting them know that the government and the people are lenient towards them.
  • 應當動員各種力量,勸說官兵回傢,政府對於回傢的一律大處理,不殺不辱,衹進行一定的登記手續。
    We should mobilize people from all quarters to persuade Kuomintang officers and men to go home, and the government will be lenient to all of them; they will not be subject to insult or execution, except that they should register with the competent authorities.
  • 當然還是要分別是非輕重,要以事實為根據,以法律為準繩,還是要講坦白從抗拒從嚴的政策。
    Of course, we still need to distinguish between right and wrong and between more serious and less serious crimes, to take facts as the basis for judgement and the law as the criterion, and to be lenient with those who confess and severe with those who refuse to.
  • 他評分很寬。
    He marked the paper leniently.
  • 對初犯者從寬發落
    Reckon leniently with a first offender
  • 鑒於泰嵐的罪行,泰嵐是受到了大處理,對此他非常生氣。
    he felt incensed that Tarrant should have been treated so leniently given his crime.
  • 法官發表意見說,那個年輕人受到的處理過於大。
    The judge deliveres himself of the view that young people were treated far too leniently.
  • 瓦解敵軍和待俘虜的辦法雖然目前收效尚未顯著,但在將來必定會有成效的。
    Although our measures for disintegrating the enemy troops and for treating prisoners of war leniently have not yielded conspicuous results as yet, they will certainly do so in the future.
  • 對於日本士兵,不是侮辱其自尊心,而是瞭解和順導他們的這種自尊心,從待俘虜的方法,引導他們瞭解日本統治者之反人民的侵略主義。
    We should understand, rather than hurt, their pride and channel it in the proper direction and, by treating prisoners of war leniently, lead the Japanese soldiers to see the anti-popular character of the aggression committed by the Japanese rulers.
  • 變寬鬆,變溫和
    To become less strict.
  • 坦白從承認有罪以求輕判並避免遭受較為嚴重的懲罰
    To plead guilty to a lesser charge so as to avoid standing trial for a more serious charge.
  • 有尖銳的叉頭的用來舉起和投擲幹草的長把工具。
    a long-handled tool with sharp widely spaced prongs for lifting and pitching hay.
  • 這個房間的照明給人以敞的感覺。
    The room's lighting conveys an impression of spaciousness.
  • 女用寬鬆短大衣
    A woman's short, lightweight coat.
  • 浮葉,葉枕水生植物漂浮的葉子,如睡蓮
    The broad, floating leaf of an aquatic plant such as the water lily.
  • 水生動物專門用來有用的平而的肢。
    the flat broad limb of aquatic animals specialized for swimming.
  • 一邊附着在它物上的薄柔軟的遮蓋物;隨意地垂着或自由地凸起。
    any broad thin and limber covering attached at one edge; hangs loose or projects freely.
  • 中國將進一步放外商在華設立合資外貿公司的限製條件。
    China will further relax limitations on joint venture trading companies with foreign investment.
  • 印字度的單位,以一英寸直綫距離上能安置的字符數計。
    A unit of type width based on the number of times a character can be set in one linear inch.