  • 杰夫:在第17站比赛进行之前,已经有3支车队因不满警方的突袭而布退出比赛。
    Jeff: Before the race of the 17th stage began, three teams have al-ready dropped out of the race because of their dissatisfaction of the police's sudden attack.
  • 我们应该本着这种精神,去做好毛泽东思想的传工作。
    We should disseminate Mao Zedong Thought in this spirit.
  • 在青年里面应该广泛地传这些思想。
    It is essential to widely disseminate these ideas among young people.
  • 我们要向全体人民、全体青少年努力传这种高尚的道德。
    We should make more efforts to disseminate this noble outlook among our people, especially the young people.
  • 第一,在本机关范围内,有系统地开展统一战线工作,不断地向非党员传马列主义和党的主张。
    First, they should systematically carry out united front work within their own organs and constantly disseminate Marxism-Leninism and the Party's positions among non-Party people.
  • 该署安排外展活动,包括学校讲座及教育活动,传个人卫生和食物安全方面的信息,以及有关保持居住环境卫生的措施。
    Outreaching programmes, including school talks and educational activities, are organised to disseminate messages on personal hygiene, food safety and measures in maintaining a hygienic living environment.
  • 全港18区区议会都成立了地区清洁香港委员会,并且有一千二百多名义工获委任为清洁香港大使,协助扬清洁香港的信息。
    District Clean Hong Kong Committees have been set up in all the 18 districts under the respective District Councils, and over 1 200 voluntary helpers have been appointed Clean Hong Kong Ambassadors to help disseminate the message.
  • 经过实践检验证明是正确的毛泽东思想,仍然是我们的指导思想,必须结合实际加以坚持和发展,并理直气壮地进行传,不允许怠工。
    Mao Zedong Thought, which has been proved correct through practice, remains our guiding ideology. We must adhere to it and develop it in the light of specific conditions, and we must disseminate it with full confidence, permitting no slackening of effort.
  • 香港吸烟与健康委员会是独立的法定组织,于一九八七年成立,负责蒐集和传有关烟草产品危害健康的资料,并就吸烟、二手烟与健康等相关事宜向政府提供意见。
    The Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health is an independent statutory body, established in 1987 to acquire and disseminate information on the hazards of using tobacco products, and to advise the Government on matters related to smoking, passive smoking and health.
  • 第二十三条 各级人民政府应当组织有关部门开展防震减灾知识的传教育,增强公民的防震减灾意识,提高公民在地震灾害中自救、互救的能力;
    Article 23 People's governments at all levels shall mobilize the departments concerned to disseminate knowledge about the importance of protecting against and mitigating earthquake disasters, enhancing the citizens' awareness of such importance and help increasing citizens' capability of self-and mutual-rescue from earthquake disasters;
  • 当作国民文化的方针来说,居于指导地位的是共产主义的思想,并且我们应当努力在工人阶级中传社会主义和共产主义,并适当地有步骤地用社会主义教育农民及其他群众。
    So far as the orientation of our national culture is concerned, communist ideology plays the guiding role, and we should work hard both to disseminate socialism and communism throughout the working class and to educate the peasantry and other sections of the people in socialism properly and step by step.
  • 按照《教育统筹委员会第七号报告书》的建议,督导委员会设立了杰出学校奖励计划,表扬和鼓励表现卓越的学校、推广和传各学校的卓越教育工作,以及在学界培养优质文化,鼓励学校因应本身的独特条件追求卓越成就。
    Arising from the recommendations of the ECR 7, the QEFSC has also set up an Outstanding School Awards (OSA) scheme. The scheme aims to give recognition and encouragement to schools with excellent practices and performance, promote and disseminate schools' excellent educational practices and cultivate a quality culture within the school sector to strive for excellence having regard to the school's unique conditions.
  • 关于毛泽东思想的传,中央已经发了一个指示,准备还要搞点材料,再发个指示。
    The Central Committee has issued a directive concerning the dissemination of Mao Zedong Thought. It will issue another one when more material has been gathered.
  • 对毛泽东思想的传问题,我曾经在山东、天津谈过,后来在中央也议了。
    I have discussed the dissemination of Mao Zedong Thought in Shandong and Tianjin and later discussed the subject with other comrades of the central leading bodies.
  • 一定要彻底扭转这种不正常的局面,使马克思主义的和社会主义、共产主义的传,特别是在一切重大理论性、原则性问题上的正确观点,在思想界真正发挥主导作用。
    This abnormal situation must change, so that propaganda in favour of socialism and communism will be truly predominant in the ideological sphere, along with the dissemination of Marxism and, in particular, of correct views on all major theoretical questions of principle.
  • 总统布了议会解散。
    The President announced the dissolution of Parliament.
  • 他是一位卓越的传家。
    He was a distinguished publicist.
  • 风筝还被用做信标,用于散发传小册子,甚至运送炸弹。
    Kites were also used as beacons,to distribute pamphlets,and even to transport bombs.
  • 在这样的情况下,公司会布往常的股息再加上特别股息。
    In this situation, the company will declare a special dividend on top of the usual one.
  • 去年新电信布5分股息或33.33%(0.05分除以0.15元)。
    Last year,Singapore Telecom declared a dividend of 5 cents or 33.33%(i.e. 5 cents divided by 15 cents).
  • 去年新电信布5分股息或33.33%(0.05元除以0.15元)。
    Last year, Singapore Telecom declared a dividend of 5 cents or 33.33% (i.e. 5 cents divided by 15 cents).
  • 该法案未经分组表决即进行读。
    The Bill was read without a division.
  • 也许有人会提出疑问,是否有人允许考克斯委员会把“原子弹”的有关命令纳入到修订报告中,是否允许泄漏上述有关中子弹的滑稽可笑的故事。这种疑问将被原谅,因为考克斯委员会之所以这么做,是因为称间谍事件发生于里根政府,而不是克林顿政府,而有关“中子弹”的秘密和(或)“微型热力原子弹”的“秘密”是彼得-李泄露给中国的,这是已经被认定的?。
    One can perhaps be forgiven for wondering if whoever allowed the Cox Committee to include that "neutron bomb" charge in their Redacted Report and later leaked the ridiculous story about teeny-tiny hydrogen bombs, did so because the alleged spying incident happened on Reagan's, not Clinton's watch." The "secret " of the "neutron bomb," and/or the "secret " of the "miniaturized thermonuclear warhead," is what Peter Lee is supposed to have divulged to the PRC.
  • 传活动对一个学说、事业或信息的系统传,其反映倡导该学说或该事业的人的观点和利益
    The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those people advocating such a doctrine or cause.
  • 每年确定一个主题,拍摄传介绍北京古都景观的系列专题片;
    Special documentary films shall be made to present the scenes in this ancient capital city, and these documentary films can focus on a different theme each year.
  • 《陆宣公集》
    Collection of Official Documents Drafted by Lu Zhi
  • 美方在演示会上散发的传材料上指出,在八十年代和九十年代初,美国能源部实验室和中国有关研究机构经过接触后认为,中美两国有关部门有许多共同的兴趣,促进双方在这些领域的技术交流与合作,有助于增进中美两国的理解和信任。
    The publicity materials distributed by the US side at the demonstration meeting pointed out that, between the 1980s and the early 1990s, the laboratories of the US Department of Energy (DOE), after contacts with related Chinese research institutes, believed the two countries had many mutual interests and that advances in technical exchanges in these fields could contribute to greater understanding and trust between the two countries.
  • 当做教条来宣扬
    To proclaim as dogma.
  • 美国司法部称微软利用了其在操作系统市场上的主导地位来限制竞争。
    The US department of Justice alleges that Microsoft has used its domination of the operating system market to restrict competition.
  • 擅长交易的特朗普在他那本曾大事传的书里夸口说,几乎未费分文就买下富丽堂皇的棕榈海滩大厦,并智胜税务员因而省税8万元……。
    Deal-maker Donald Trump boasted in his much-hyped book that he got his gaudy Palm Beach mansion for a song and then beat the taxman out of more than $ 80,000….
  • 关于慈善事业,1997年时代-华纳公司共同董事长特德·特纳布向联合国发展和援助方案捐赠10亿美元。所捐款项由他的联合国基金会与联合国国际伙伴关系基金协调经管。
    Regarding philanthropy, Time-Warner co-chairman Ted Turner in 1997 announced a $1 billion donation to UN development and assistance programmes, which is administered by his UN Foundation in coordination with the United Nations Fund for International Partnerships.
  • 1997年11月,中国国家主席江泽民布,中国将继续积极支持国际扫雷努力和国际扫雷合作,包括向国际扫雷基金提供捐赠,在扫雷培训、技术和设备方面提供援助。
    In November 1997, the Chinese President Jiang Zemin declared that China would continue to actively support international demining efforts and cooperation, including donation and provision of assistance in the fields of demining training, technology and equipment through the relevant international demining funds.