  • 克隆技术的一项生物医学应用是遗传性地改变动物,使它们的细胞或器能移植给人类。
    One biomedical application of the cloning technique is genetically modifying animals so that their cells and organs can be transplanted into humans.
  • 创新科技顾问委员会于二零零零年四月成立,现时共有16名成员,其中14人为非方委员,主要来自本地或海外的工商界或学术界,全部是金融、经济、电子工程、电讯科技及服务,以及生物医学工程等多个界别的翘楚。
    The CAIT was established in April 2000 and it now comprises a total of 16 members; 14 of them are non-official members mainly from the business and academic sectors, either locally or externally. All are experts in their respective fields covering finance, economics, electronic engineering, telecommunication technology and services as well as biomedical engineering.
  • 国国家委员会的一份报告说,在不远的将来,士兵们将食用能使其保持健康作战状态的特殊食品,尽管这份为“生物技术在未来军队中的运用”的报告,缺少细节描述,但是以普渡大学生物工程师克尔·来迪史为首的16位作者推断,高科技食品将在未来25年之内既使军队免受生物武器的威胁,又使他们免受严寒之苦,而且指挥还能够通过卫星看到他们。
    Soldiers of the near future will dine on special food that makes them fighting fit, according to a report by America's National Research Council. The report, entitiled"Opportunities in Biotechnology for Future Army Applications", is short on detail. But its 16 authors, led by Michael Ladisch, a biological engineer at Purdue University, reckon that high?tech chow will, within the next 25 years, protect troops from attack by biological weapons, insulate them against cold weather and even make them visible to their commanders by satellite.
  • 那个恶棍对逮捕他的警怒目而视。
    That blackguard gave the police officer who arrested him a black look.
  • 内窥镜,内视镜一种目测检查身体通道或中空器,如结肠、膀胱或胃的内部的仪器
    An instrument for examining visually the interior of a bodily canal or a hollow organ such as the colon, bladder, or stomach.
  • 膀胱,泡,囊膀胱,尤指泌尿器的膀胱或胆囊
    A bladder, especially the urinary bladder or the gallbladder.
  • 膀胱,囊一种可膨胀有膜囊状物,如膀胱或鳔,作为储存液体或气体的器
    Any of various distensible membranous sacs, such as the urinary bladder or the swim bladder, that serve as receptacles for fluid or gas.
  • 息肉一种通常为非恶性的增生或肿瘤,从象鼻子、膀胱或肠这类器的内层黏膜上突出来
    A usually nonmalignant growth or tumor protruding from the mucous lining of an organ such as the nose, bladder, or intestine, often causing obstruction.
  • 证明书无过失、可靠或称职的方证明
    Official certification of blamelessness, trustworthiness, or suitability.
  • 媒体是由公司运作的,公司要的是赚钱、娱乐,而不是惹麻烦,要尽可能地温和,不去冒犯别人,避免代价高昂的调查和可能的司。
    The media is now run by corporations who want to make money,entertain,not cause anyruckuses,be as bland and inoffensive as possible,avoid costly investigations and possible litigations.
  • 膨胀的僚主义;过高的预算
    A bloated bureaucracy; a bloated budget.
  • 华盛顿的话题乃是关于膨胀的赤字,更高的税以及预算削减。偏偏在这时候,最近所提[为国会议员及其他联邦政府高级关员]加薪一事,引起很多美国人的激烈反对。
    At a time when the rest of the talk form Washington is about bloated deficits, higher taxes and budget cuts, the latest proposal for a pay raise [for congressmen and other federal government highranking officials] has many Americans up in arms.
  • 这名员到头来还是我行我素,于是政府建住宅的租金提高了。但这并非是无代价的胜利;他已经引起人们的极大不满。
    The official got his own way in the end and the rents of the council houses were raised. It wouldn’t be an entirely bloodless victory though; he had stirred up a good deal of bad feeling.
  • 内脏身体内部器;内脏
    Internal bodily organs; viscera.
  • 通过手术把一个器或身体结构移走。
    remove an organ or bodily structure by surgery.
  • 主体身体结构或器的主要部分
    The main part of a bodily structure or organ.
  • (病理学)涉及或者影响生理或者身体器
    (pathology) involving or affecting physiology or bodily organs.
  • 要害器官
    The vital body organs.
  • 英国君主的保卫(正式的)中的员。
    officer in the (ceremonial) bodyguard of the British monarch.
  • 陷入繁文缛节和僚制度中的创新方法
    Innovative ideas that get bogged down in red tape and bureaucracy.
  • 最近欲起诉里根政府高级情报员,以便再度认真调查的企图,已经陷于停顿,因为机密文件用来作证是否会危及国家安全的问题争持难决。
    A more recent attempt to revitalize the investigation by prosecuting top Reagan Administration intellligence officials has a bogged down in disputes over whether classified documents could be offered as evidence without jeopardizing national security.
  • 将别人的大使馆炸掉,居然还不准抗议,抗议者一定是方发动的群众。
    The US has bombed another country's embassy, but does not the citizens of that country to protest. Any protestors who took to the streets must have been mobilised by the government.
  • 将别人的大使馆炸掉,居然还不准抗议,抗议者一定是方发动的群众。
    The US has bombed another country's embassy, but does not allow the citizens of that country to protest. Any protestors who took to the streets must have been mobilised by the government.
  • 最后,来了几个军,才解决这场一触即发的险情,使一大群处在生死线上的人得救了。
    Finally some officers arrived and defused the explosive situation, and just a handful of the lives that went up in that particular bonfire were saved.
  • 从最近方华文手册出错的情形可以粗略评估。
    One may get a rough idea from a recent official Chinese-language booklet that contained embarrassing errors.
  • 战地指挥以低沉而有回响的声音发出号令
    A field commander booming out orders.
  • 一个有名的辩护律师曾经说道,能在税务案件中胜诉的律师常常是对出示证据作了充分准备,尽量不使法和陪审团厌倦的律师。
    A well-known defense attorney once remarked that the attorney that wins in a tax case is usually the attorney who is best prepared to present evidence efficiently thus causing the judge and jury the least amount of boredom.
  • 雌雄异株的在一个个体上产生雄性器,而在另一同种的个体上产生雌性器
    Having the male and female reproductive organs borne on separate individuals of the same species.
  • 镇长某些特定的州的自治村镇的首要行政
    The chief executive of a borough in certain states.
  • 高级市政1974年以前英格兰和爱尔兰市政或市区议会较高分支机构的成员
    A member of the higher branch of the municipal or borough council in England and Ireland before1974.
  • 布莱克太太最专横霸道,她好像永远坐在审判席上。
    Mrs Black is so bossy, she always acts as thought she is in the judgment seat.
  • (植物学)有使雌性器组织受精能力的。
    (botany) capable of fertilizing female organs.