  • 露脐装、超短裙、短筒靴,这些装束只会出现在性感mtv中那些随着音乐不断旋转的演员身上吗?
    Half-shirts, mini-skirts, and booty shorts are fashions you'd expect to find on gyrating dancers in sexy music videos - grown women.
  • 这11名选手不可能想到100年后,打网球可以只穿背心短裤满场飞奔,子会去踢球、玩举重、练摔跤……
    The 11 women athletes would never dream that a hundred years later, woman was able to play tennis in shorts, mn on the soccer fields, practice wrestling, and weightliffing.
  • 做父母的应该设法阻止子吸烟.
    Parents should discourage smoking.
  • 异常强烈的性欲。
    abnormally intense sexual desire in women.
  • 河北省组织妇开展“三八银花赛”,400万参赛妇承担了一半以上的棉田生产任务,扭转了该省连年棉花生产滑坡局面。
    Women in Hebei Province have been organized to participate in "March 8th Cotton Competition." The 4 million women partaking the competition have shouldered more than half of the management in the cotton fields, ending the decline situation of cotton production in the province.
  • 在中国4.5亿农业劳动力中,从事农业生产的有3.2亿,占71%,其中2.1亿是妇,占65.6%,随着农业产业结构调整,大批男劳力流入城市和乡镇企业,妇承担了粮、棉、油、菜、果等主导产业的大部分生产任务,创造的产值占农业生产总值50%~60%。
    Among the 450 million farm labor force, 320 million are engaged in farm production, making up 71 percent of the total, of which 210 million are women, making up 65.6 percent. As the construction of agriculture being adjusted, a great number of male labors transferred to cities or village and township enterprises. Women thus have shouldered larger part of the task of main productions of grain, cotton, oil, vegetables and fruits. The output value they created has made up 50 to 60 percent of the total output value of agriculture.
  • 吵闹、语言下流的人们立即叫了起来。
    noisy foul-mouthed women all shouting at once.
  • 拥有不正常的性愿望的人。
    a woman with abnormal sexual desires.
  • 根据一则内线消息,该节目将在六月整月播放一个星期新节目和一个星期重播,二者交替播放。然后该节目将被一个新制作的医药顾问节目取代。不过,一位“一对一”节目发言人表示不敢苟同。
    One inside source tells us that the show will be aired through June by alternating a week of new shows and a week of reruns and that the show will then be replaced by a new medical advice show. A spokeswoman for "One on One," though, begs to differ.
  • 11.我们将不遗余力地帮助我们十亿多男老少同胞摆脱目前凄苦可怜和毫无尊严的极端贫穷状况。
    11. We will spare no effort to free our fellow men, women and children from the abject and dehumanizing conditions of extreme poverty, to which more than a billion of them are currently subjected.
  • 《花花公子》杂志,这份素以书中的裸体性彩页而闻名的男性杂志,3月25日宣布计划开辟画刊专栏"安然人",为近日丑闻缠身的能源巨头--安然公司中的现任和曾经在该公司供职的雇员提供展现自己风采的机会。
    Playboy, the men's magazine famous for its centerfolds of nude women, on Monday said it is planning a photo spread entitled the "Women of Enron" to showcase current and former employees of the ruined energy company.
  • 那位士被引进客厅。
    The lady was shown into the drawing room.
  • 花饰服上的艳丽物品
    A showy article of dress.
  • 孩退缩以躲避那只狗。
    The girl shrank from the dog.
  • 那个本来挺和蔼的孩结婚后成为了一个泼妇。
    The nice girl he had married grew into a shrew.
  • 维纳斯,一个美丽而温柔的性,是为爱的神;朱诺,一个可怕的悍妇,是为婚姻的神;她们始终是势不两立的死对头。
    Venus, a beautiful good-natured lady, was the goddess of love; Juno, a terrible shrew, the goddess of marriage; and they are always mortal enemies.
  • 但是她在传记中说自己曾是“一个权主义者,曾经是悍妇”,一个有控制欲的怪人。没完没了的唠叨找岔,贬低丈夫,几乎葬送她与44岁的丈夫约翰的婚姻。
    But the writer, who bills herself in her biography as " a feminist and former shrew," says she nearly ruined her marriage to husband John, 44, by becoming a control freak, constantly nagging and demeaning him.
  • 她还出演过两部重要的古典纽约舞台剧《驯悍记》和《我们的城市》,但发现由于其"荧屏星"的名声,戏剧方面的角色越来越难找了。
    Hunt also starred in two major classical New York theatre productions The Taming of the Shrew and Our Town?but found theatre work harder and harder to come by because of her reputation as a “ television” actress.
  • 娜蒂契达以她的精明机智和性的好心肠赢得了他完全的信任。
    With shrewd tact and womanly kindness Nadyezhda had won his complete trust.
  • 这神灵和全宇宙的一切生物一样,是由男性的,主动的,正的,或阳的成分,和性的,被动的,负的,或阴的成分,两者结合而产生出来的——这事实上不过是对阴阳电的原理的一种巧妙而侥幸的猜测吧了。
    This spirit, like all life in the entire universe, is produced by the union of the male, active, positive or yang principle, and the female, passive, negative or yin principle which is really no more than a lucky, shrewd guess at positive and negative electricity.
  • 华代尔先生自慰得到了一个可以做帮手的婿,他任命德·坎特尔为报纸主编,这实际上是承认了他的手腕高明。
    M. Walter had managed to resign himself to having a conniving son-in-law, had, in fact, recognized his shrewdness by making him chief editor of the newspaper.
  • 荡妇被认为是不名誉的或泼辣的
    A woman regarded as disreputable or shrewish.
  • 老师不耐烦地告诉那个学生答案就在书的后面列了出来
    The teacher gave the talkative girl short shrift, telling her the answer is simply listed at the back of the book.
  • 但年轻未婚子可以进入会场。古希腊人认为已婚妇出现在会场会玷污建在那的最古老的神祠。
    The Greeks believed that the presence of wives in olympia would defile Greece's oldest religious shrine there, although young girls were allowed in.
  • 他警告说:“如果受教育程度上存在的差别继续以现在的速度发展下去,大学毕业的妇能找到相应学历的男子结婚的人数会越来越少。
    "If the educational attainment differences continue to grow at the rate they are, a shrinking number of college-educated women are going to find college-educated men to marry," he cautions.
  • 因为没有一个男人愿意把他们和这种人的暧昧关系公开化,而她们又不堪寂寞,因此总是随身带着伴。这些陪客有些是因为境况不如她们,自己没有车子;有些是怎么打扮也好看不了的老妇人。如果有人要想知道她们陪同的那位马车主人的任何私情秘事,那么尽可以放心大胆地向她们去请教。
    Since no man would ever consent to flaunt by day the predilection he has for them by night, and because they abhor solitude, they are usually attended either by less fortunate associates who have no carriages of their own, or else by elderly ladies of refinement who are not the least refined and to whom an interested party may apply without fear, should any information be required concerning the woman they are escorting.
  • 新法律要等到王批准才生效。
    The new law will go into abeyance until it has received royal approval.
  • 那个小孩看到切开喉咙的死猪而战栗。
    The little girl shuddered at the sight of the dead pig with its throat cut.
  • 像新近被阿伯丁资产管理公司以年薪超过100万英镑聘为首席投资官的凯瑟琳·加勒特-考克斯(33岁)这样的性就是sassy族的偶像。
    Icons for the Sassies are women such as Katherine Garrett Cox, 33, recently named the chief investment officer at Aberdeen Asset Management at £1 million plus a year.
  • 村民们关掉了他们相信是该受诅咒的一个地方;诅咒有四个儿;他那可恶的愚蠢;如果我看到你讲理,那我就该死了。
    villagers shun the area believing it to be cursed; cursed with four daughter; not a cursed drop; his cursed stupidity; I'll be cursed if I can see your reasoning.
  • 美国,大约只有1/4的妇每日钙的摄取量达到专家建议的标准,即1000至1300毫克,相当于3.5杯脱脂牛奶中的所含的钙。他们不敢食用奶制品是因为想减肥。
    Only about one out of every four American women gets the recommended daily calcium intake -- 1,000 to 1,300 mg, the equivalent of about three and a half cups of skim milk -- often because they're shunning dairy products in an attempt to lose weight.
  • 禁止拐卖、绑架妇
    It forbids the abduction and kidnapping of women as well as the sale and purchase of such women.