  • 培養什麽人?
    What kind of personnel should they train?
  • 的確是個受歡迎的老師;感覺上有些飼養的方式並沒有育出優良的寵物來
    A certain popular teacher; felt that certain breeds did not make good pets.
  • 喜林芋一種喜林芋屬熱帶美洲攀附植物,許多都當作室內盆栽植物栽
    Any of various climbing tropical American plants of the genus Philodendron, many of which are cultivated as houseplants.
  • 全面貫徹黨的教育方針,堅持教育為社會主義現代化建設服務,為人民服務,與生産勞動和社會實踐相結合,養德智體美全面發展的社會主義建設者和接班人。
    We must carry out the Party's education policy that education should serve socialist modernization and the people and integrate itself with productive labor and social practice so as to train socialist builders and successors featuring an all-round development in morality, intelligence, physique and art.
  • 科技發展一日千裏,日新月異。我們必須全面育下一代,務使他們在德、智、體、群、美各方面有均衡發展,以應付未來的挑戰,保持香港在世界上的競爭優勢。
    As technology develops rapidly, we must provide our children with quality education for all-round development in areas including ethics, the intellect, the physique, social skills and aesthetics to enable them to cope with challenges ahead and to maintain Hong Kong's competitive edge in the world.
  • 正如楊教授提出,東方傳統重視教育,強調家庭觀念,這是東方文化的優點,因此我們不斷地養,造就了許多科技人才。
    The strength of the Eastern tradition, as pinpointed by Prof Yang, lies in its emphasis on education and family ties. That explains why numerous talented Asians have been brought up in the fields of science and technology.
  • 鄉村裏的條件同訓中心相比是太差了。首先,沒有浴池。
    Conditions at the village contrasted sadly with the training centre. For a start, there were no pithead baths.
  • 樹木栽木本植物的種植與護理,尤指樹
    The planting and care of woody plants, especially trees.
  • 我們正在植一個小花園。
    We're planting a small garden.
  • 一種豆,主要為其可食的種子而栽
    a bean plant grown primarily for its edible seed rather than its pod.
  • 在德國育的肝褐色或褐白色獵狗;3/4獵犬和1/4警犬。
    liver or liver-and-white hunting dog developed in Germany; 3/4 pointer and 1/4 bloodhound.
  • ”所以,林業公司衹能靠植種子的果園來養種子。果園裏種滿了種樹用以相互受粉。
    As a result, timber companies had to grow seed by planting seed orchards, full of elite trees that were supposed to pollinate each other.
  • 國傢還通過發展高等職業技術學校、中等職業技術學校、中等專業技術學校、技術工人學校、就業訓練中心、民辦職業訓機構、企業職工訓中心等職業訓形式,努力形成全方位、多層次的職業技術教育和訓體係,加強對新生勞動力、在職職工及下崗失業人員的訓。
    China is aiming to establish an all-round, multi-level vocational and technical education and training system by developing higher vocational and technical schools, secondary vocational and technical schools, secondary polytechnic schools, technical schools, employment training centers, community-run vocational training institutions and enterprise-run on-the-job training centers, thereby strengthening the training of new workers, on-the-job employees and laid-off workers.
  • 2001年與1949年相比,全區小學由1335所增加到6221所,中學由9所增加到1929所,中等專業學校由11所增加到99所,普通高校由1所增加到21所,高校在校學生數由0.04萬人增加到11萬人,五十多年來纍计養普通高校畢業生18.5萬人;
    Compared with that of 1949, in the year of 2001, the number of primary schools in the region increased from 1,335 to 6,221, middle schools from 9 to 1,929, polytechnic schools from 11 to 99, and regular institutions of higher learning from 1 to 21. The number of students currently registered at local institutions of higher learning has increased from 400 to 110,000, and 185,000 students have graduated from regular institutions of higher learning.
  • 利用現有500多所農林中專學校、2000多所縣級農業廣播電視學校和基層農業技術推廣機構,廣泛開展農民職業技術訓,提高農民接受和應用農業新技術的能力。
    China will make full use of its existing 500-odd agricultural and forestry polytechnical schools, more than 2,000 county-level agricultural broadcasting and TV schools and grass-roots agrotechnology popularization organs to improve farmers' abilities to accept and apply new agrotechnologies through extensive vocational training, especially through the ``Green Certificate'' project.
  • 利用現有500多所農林中專學校、2000多所縣級農業廣播電視學校和基層農業技術推廣機構,廣泛開展農民職業技術訓,提高農民接受和應用農業新技術的能力。實施“緑色證書”工程,到2000年使1000萬農民獲得“緑色證書”,養一大批糧食種植能手。
    China will make full use of its existing 500-odd agricultural and forestry polytechnical schools, more than 2,000 county-level agricultural broadcasting and TV schools and grass-roots agrotechnology popularization organs to improve farmers' abilities to accept and apply new agrotechnologies through extensive vocational training, especially through the ``Green Certificate'' project. By 2000, ten million farmers will have obtained such certificates and large numbers of grain-growing experts will have emerged.
  • 城的後面矗立着4000英尺高的維蘇維火山。
    Behind the city of Pompeii stood the4000-feet Mount Vesuvius.
  • 蓬塔斯小亞細亞東北部的一個古國,沿伸到黑海南岸。此國建於公元前4世紀,在米特司立得提六世的統治下開始繁榮昌盛,直到公元66年被羅馬的龐擊敗
    An ancient country of northeast Asia Minor along the southern coast of the Black Sea. Established in the fourth century b.c., it flourished under Mithridates VI until his defeat by Pompey of Rome in66.
  • 常見於𠔌地的一種一年生歐洲罌粟,通常為人工栽
    annual European poppy common in grain fields and often cultivated.
  • 大力養少數民族幹部。繼續推進興邊富民行動,加大對人口較少的民族扶持力度,促進各民族共同繁榮進步。
    While training more cadres of ethnic minority backgrounds, we should continue our programs of action to bring prosperity to border areas, increase support to less populous ethnic groups and promote common prosperity and progress of all ethnic groups.
  • 我們的文藝,應當在描寫和養社會主義新人方面付出更大的努力,取得更豐碩的成果。
    Our writers and artists should try harder to portray and help foster the new socialist man and achieve greater successes in doing so.
  • 未來六年精心組織和承辦好30項以上國際重要賽事,育6至8項國際品牌賽事,增加城市體育文化新亮點,提升城市的國際知名度和影響力,塑造國際化體育中心城市的新形象。
    Add bright spots to the urban sports culture, make Beijing more famous and influential internationally, and portray the new image of the international sports centre city by organizing and hosting more than 30 major international sports tournaments well and cultivating six to eight international brand sporting events in the coming six years.
  • 上層階級所養的風度
    a pose cultivated by the upper classes
  • 養每天說或做一些使他人感到舒服的話或事,你可以利用電話、明信片,或一些簡單的善意動作達到此一目的。
    Form the habit of saying or doing something every day which will make someone else feel better.You can do this with a phone call,a postcard,or a simple act of kindness.
  • 因此,我們在贊成或栽華文精英的同時,也強烈認為,馬來及印度精英也該栽,至於英文精英,英文是我們的主導與共同語言,英文精英老早在我們當中存在了,繼續栽年輕一代的英文精英,是理所當然的。
    In our perception, our future society will not be a melting pot dominated by a particular culture, but a potpourri in which all different cultures can be preserved and developed fully.
  • 電子行業積極做好現代企業制度試點工作,推進大公司戰略,以新産品為竜頭、資本為紐帶、市場為契機,加快育具有經濟、技術、資本經營、國際貿易等綜合競爭實力的企業集團。
    The electronics industry was committed to doing a good job in the pilot projects for building a modern enterprise system and promoting big corporation strategy. With new products as the powerhouse, the capital as the ties with the parties involved and the market as the development opportunity, the sector sped up the pace of fostering conglomerates with overall competitive strength in economy, technology, capital operation, international trade, etc.
  • 培養孩子們遵守紀律
    practise children in discipline
  • 士兵可能要花很多年訓,他們會成為自己領域的專傢,突然他們捐軀了就會導致能力沒那麽強,技術沒那麽高超的人來替代他,因為替代他的人不見得受過多年的訓。所以不僅從道義上,從實際角度出發也要避免士兵的傷亡。
    Soldiers may spend years being trained. They may b experts in their field and suddenly when they are dead they are going to be replaced by someone who is less capable, less than an expert because they won't have the years of training, so it's not only moral but it's pragmatic to avoid the losses of one's soldiers.
  • 很多人認為衹有技術工人才比較容易得到訓的機會,而事實並非如此。
    Many people think that only technology workers receive training preferences, but this is not the case.
  • 會員國、區域組織和聯合國秘書處正在努力改進總體的準備待命狀態、後備能力、後勤支助和訓。
    Member States, regional organizations and the UN Secretariat are working to improve overall preparedness, standby capacity, logistical support and training.
  • 訓他當總統候選人。
    The party groomed him as a presidential candidate.
  • 養孩子們誠實、見識廣博、有原則。
    She trained the children to be honest, well-informed and principled.