  • 明年开始,所有携签证到达美国各个机场或者海港的外国人都要接受一系列安全检查,其中包括扫描旅行护照、提取指纹和照片同恐怖分子单对照以确认其身份。
    Foreign visitors arriving with visas at U.S. airports or seaports next year will have their travel documents scanned, their fingerprints and photos taken and their identification checked against terrorist watch lists.
  • 当指定了这个修饰词后,uddi注册中心将对所有被搜索的实体的注册实施相似性搜索,同时返回那些与传入的指定soundex值参数相匹配的被搜索实体的注册所在的被搜索实体。
    When specified, the UDDI registry will perform a soundex search on the registered names of the entities being searched, and return matches where the soundex value any of the name parameter(s) passed is equal to the soundex value of the registered names for the searched entities.
  • 他这个辈子追求望。
    He spent his life searching after fame.
  • 当敌人的探照灯扫过江面时,那两泅水过江的侦察员设法躲在水下。
    The two scouts, swimming across the river, managed to keep under as the enemy's searchlight raked the surface.
  • 我们会去著的大型海滨游泳场度过一个美妙的黄昏。
    We shall go to the famous large seashore swimming pool and have a splendid dusk.
  • 最好的结合是有坦白之,隐密之习,掩饰之适当应用;
    The best composition and temperature is to have openness in fame and opinion; secrecy in habit;dissimulation in seasonable use;
  • 以第一名结束了赛季
    Finished the season in first.
  • 根据声;根据人们一般相信的程度。
    by repute; according to general belief.
  • 主人让我在史密斯旁边就座。
    The host seated me next to Mrs. Smith.
  • 新闻中心则为印刷传媒提供专用的工作间,以及一个可以容纳约600记者的自由座位大堂。
    and a press centre providing the print media with exclusive work spaces and a large free seating area for some 600 journalists.
  • 西雅图一个对西北太平洋沿岸地区的白人移民友善的苏瓜密西族酋长。西雅图城以他的字命
    Suquamish leader who befriended white settlers of the Pacific Northwest. The city of Seattle is named for him.
  • 老威廉·盖茨,西雅图的一律师,也是美国最富有的微软公司总裁比尔·盖茨的父亲。
    ; and William Gates Sr.,a Seattle lawyer and father of America's richest man,Microsoft Corp.Chairman Bill Gates.
  • 那是1965年,当时我是西雅图维尤岭中学的一图书管理员。
    One day in l965, when I was a librarian at View Ridge School in Seattle, a fourth-grade teacher approached me.
  • 他父亲是西雅图的一律师,母亲是第一州际银行的一部门主管,他们将盖茨送人了一所具有高学术水平的私立学校。
    His father, a Seattle lawyer, and his mother, a director of First Interstate Bank, enrolled him in a private school with high academic standards.
  • 北京作为一座历史文化城和现代化国际大都市,承办第29届奥林匹克运动会,将极大地促进东西方文化交流与融合,丰富奥林匹克精神的内涵,并将有力地推动北京文化事业和产业的发展,促进市民思想道德素质和科学文化素质的提高。
    Beijing, as a modern metropolis famous for its rich history and culture, is to hold the 29th Olympic Games. This will greatly facilitate the exchange and confluence of Eastern and Western cultures, enrich the value of the Olympic spirit, promote the development of Beijing’s cultural industry, and stimulate the moral, technological and cultural accomplishments of Beijing’s citizens.
  • 在这个充满活力的星球上,蔚蓝的海洋,葱翠的树木以及许多世界著的建筑使它变得多姿多彩。
    On this vivid planet, it appears colorful with azure blue seawater, lush green plants and many world famous buildings.
  • 感到骄傲的父母;为他的成就感到骄傲;愉快的时刻;对能为国家服务而感到骄傲;骄傲的字;骄傲的王子们。
    proud parents; proud of his accomplishments; a proud moment; proud to serve his country; a proud name; proud princes.
  • 琼斯在这个凉爽的周五晚上跑了10.83秒,场内110,000观众顿时一片沸腾。
    Jones ran 10.83 sec.on a cool Friday evening, thrilling 110,000 fans.
  • 那位著的演员现在过着隐居生活。
    The famous actor now lives in seclusion.
  • 一白色无味稍苦粉(贸易字seconal)作为一种钠盐有镇静作用并且治疗抽搐。
    a white odorless slightly bitter powder (trade name Seconal) used as a sodium salt for sedation and to treat convulsions.
  • 她在赛跑中列第二。
    She was placed second.
  • 阿姆斯特朗不仅战胜了病魔,而且还于2000年7月25日冲过了在巴黎的终点线,超出第二选手7分37秒,成了在这项自行车大赛中夺魁的第二位美国人。
    Armstrong not only beat the cancer, but when he zoomed across the finish line in Paris on July 25,2000 - outpacing his closest competitor by seven minutes and 37 seconds - he became only the second American to win cycling's premier event.
  • 其次,他把在政治经济这个词下所包含的内容归纳到一种学说,这种学说显然是世界主义性质的;
    secondly, that he attributes the name political economy to a doctrine which is evidently of cosmopolitical nature;
  • 公务员事务局经常与各个主要职工会协商。该局辖下的一般职系处,负责管理28500行政、文书和秘书职系人员。
    The bureau is also the focal point for consultation with major staff associations and its General Grades Office manages the 28500 executive, clerical and secretarial staff.
  • 公务员事务局经常与各主要职工会协商。该局辖下的一般职系处,负责管理30800行政、文书和秘书职系人员。
    It is also the focal point for consultation with the principal staff associations and its General Grades Office manages the 30 800 executive, clerical and secretarial staff.
  • 香港业余体育协会暨奥林匹克委员会每两年举行理事会选举,理事会成员包括会长、8副会长、义务秘书、3义务副秘书、义务司库和副义务司库。
    Office-bearers are elected biennially. They include the President, eight Vice-Presidents, the Honorary Secretary, three Honorary Deputy Secretaries, the Honorary Treasurer, and the Assistant Honorary Treasurer.
  • 他们会搞出堂来的。
    They'll crtainly accomplish somethimg.
  • 他们会搞出堂来的。
    They'll certainly accomplish somethimg.
  • 二零零一至零二学年,约有1480全日制学生修读该院开办的四项高级文凭课程,包括会计学、公司秘书及行政、电脑学和翻译及传译。
    In 2001-02, about 1480 full-time students enrolled in its four Higher Diploma programmes in Accounting Studies, Company Secretaryship and Administration, Computing Studies and Translation and Interpretation.
  • 昭著的欧洲移民者过去常常到大不列颠博物馆写一些煽动性很强的小册子。
    European emigres, who notoriously used to repair to the British Museum to write seditious pamphlets.
  • 被依法处理的信教的人中,有进行颠覆国家政权,破坏、危害国家安全活动的,有煽动群众抗拒执行国家法律、法规的,也有挑动群众互相殴斗、严重扰乱社会秩序的,还有假借宗教义诈骗钱财、危害他人身心健康、诱奸妇女的,等等,没有一个是因信教而被捕的。
    Among the religious people who were dealt with according to law, some were engaged in subversion against the state regime or activities endangering national security, some instigated the masses to defy state laws and regulations, others incited the masses to infighting that seriously disturbed public order, and still others swindled money, molested other people physically and mentally and seduced women in the name of religion. In short, none of them were arrested only because of their religious beliefs.
  • 在讯问下她说出了同犯的字。
    Under interrogation, she give the name of her accomplice.