  • 该科定期抽查力器具,举行考试并发给合格证书,调查意外和推广安全。
    The division conducted regular spot checks on pressure equipment; examination for the issue of certificates of competency; accident investigation and promotion of safety.
  • 一九九九年,锅炉及力容器科共处理2363宗力器登记申请,巡查6519家工厂、检验5098具力器,以及发出和批署336份合格证书。
    In 1999, the division processed 2 363 equipment registration applications, inspected 6 519 factories and 5 098 items of pressure equipment, and issued 336 certificates of competency and endorsements.
  • 完全屈从于压制
    A complete surrender of inhibitions.
  • 研究人员发现,这些错误的发生大都不是因为手术疲劳,而是手术力。这些力主要来自紧急情况或者手术进行中发现的并发症等等。
    The mistakes largely result not from surgeon fatigue, but from the stress arising from emergencies or complications discovered on the operating table, the researchers reported.
  • 训人试图通过极力劝说来施加影响或力,尤指极力使别人自觉服从
    To try to influence or pressure through strong persuasion, especially to urge to comply voluntarily.
  • 由…组成通过挤或联合到一起来制造;构成
    To make by pressing or joining together; compose.
  • 这部电影将几年的事缩于半小时内。
    The film compresses several years into half an hour.
  • 压缩成为一团
    To compress into a wad.
  • 把这块粘土缩成一个小球。
    Compress this clay into a small ball.
  • 木块受时可缩小很多。
    Wood blocks may compress a great deal under pressure.
  • 拇指夹过去使用的一种用于迫拇指的刑具
    An instrument of torture formerly used to compress the thumb.
  • 气机缩器,尤指缩气体的机器
    One that compresses, especially a machine used to compress gases.
  • 锤打锤打或缩成薄片或薄板
    To beat or compress into a thin plate or sheet.
  • 猛烈地缩使其变形或改变条件。
    to compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition.
  • 这一大堆材料是不可能缩成只有几页的内容的东西的。
    It’s impossible to compress this mass of material into a few pages.
  • 夹钳任何一种用来连接、抓紧、支持或缩的机械部件或结构部件的器械
    Any of various devices used to join, grip, support, or compress mechanical or structural parts.
  • 绞,拧扭拧、挤或缩,尤指以此来挤出水分。常与out连用
    To twist, squeeze, or compress, especially so as to extract liquid. Often used with out.
  • 施加力以形成或塑造或切割原料或提取液体或缩固体的任何一种机器。
    any machine that exerts pressure to form or shape or cut materials or extract liquids or compress solids.
  • 他们用一台空气缩机把大气中的空气吸进来,加以缩,然后送入船舱。
    They used an air compressor to take in atmospheric air, compress it, and force it into the cabin.
  • 绷带由纱布等材料做成的条带,用来保护、固定、迫或支撑伤口或受伤的肢体
    A strip of material such as gauze used to protect, immobilize, compress, or support a wound or injured body part.
  • 止血钳一种夹钳似的工具,手术中用于迫血管以便减少或阻止流血
    A clamplike instrument used to compress a blood vessel in order to reduce or arrest the flow of blood during surgery.
  • 例如,声音请求可以送进“个人数字助理”,该装置对话音进行缩,以便在internet网上以4kb/s的速度通过无线电或其它介质传输。
    Voice requests could be fed into a personal digital assistant, for example, which could compress the speech for transmission via radio or other medium at 4 kilobits/sec across the Internet.
  • 轮胎车轮的覆盖物,通常由用尼龙绳、玻璃纤维或其它材料加固的橡胶制成,并注入了缩的空气
    A covering for a wheel, usually made of rubber reinforced with cords of nylon, fiberglass, or other material and filled with compressed air.
  • 大气球注入缩空气後, 几秒钟就充足了气.
    With a supply of compressed air the large balloon inflated in a matter of seconds.
  • 这么多的东西怎么能缩在一天之内看完呢?
    How can so much be compressed into one day?
  • 在一起或者缩。
    pressed together or compressed.
  • 压缩空气蓄能电站
    compressed air energy storage plant
  • 棉花被成一包一包的。
    Cotton is compressed into bales.
  • 缩空气驱动的钻。
    a drill powered by compressed air.
  • 缩空气驱动的钻。
    a hammer driven by compressed air.
  • 气罐贮存缩气体的容器
    A vessel for storing compressed gas.
  • 通过缩空气来喷射子弹的枪支。
    propels a projectile by compressed air.