  • 抗日统一战线政权的选举政策,应该是凡满十八岁的赞成抗日和民主的中国人,不阶级、民族、党派、男女、信仰和文化程度,均有选举权和被选举权。
    On the question of suffrage, the policy is that every Chinese who reaches the age of eighteen and is in favour of resistance and democracy should have the right to elect and to be elected, irrespective of class, nationality, party affiliation, sex, creed or educational level.
  • 这一2.0版的特性为第三方团体提供了有力的支持,这些第三方团体包括那些为特定标识系统提供认证的团体,或者是提供一个特定类法的团体,对于后者而言,可能对该类法的使用具有策略上的控制,比如仅能使用一组特定的类值空间,比如只能让联盟或协会内成员使用该类法。
    This Version 2.0 feature makes it possible for a third party, who perhaps specializes in identity verification or provides a specialized classification that is restricted in use to either specific value sets or as applicable to specific members of a group or affiliation with an organization.
  • 弄碎解成粉末;粉碎
    To reduce to powder; pulverize.
  • 贝达得:通过各种加工设备,脆簿鲜嫩的叶子体积缩小,紧接着放入干燥器内烘制,之后进行等挑选,最后的成品就是装入小袋出售的松脆小叶片。
    The tea is reduced from being a green, brittle leaf, and it is put through various machines which reduce its size.It is then fired in a tea dryer, and then sorted, and the finished product is what people see in their packet, a small brittle fragment.
  • 单源论一种认为精神和物质都源于或可以解为同一最终物质或原理的学说
    The doctrine that mind and matter are formed, or reducible to, the same ultimate substance or principle of being.
  • 把某物离成原子的过程。
    annihilation by reducing something to atoms.
  • 你看将价格下调百之五怎么样?
    So how about reducing the price by 5%?
  • 降低通货膨胀是政府经济政策的主要组成部
    Reducing inflation is central to the govemment's economic policy.
  • 与阻止或减少身体内肾上腺素泌相关的。
    relating to blocking or reducing adrenergic effects in the body.
  • 我们只能降价百之二,不能再多了。
    We can not do more than a 2% reduction.
  • 可订购200打桌布若能减价百之一。
    Can order 200 dozen tablecloth if one percent reduction allowed
  • 第二国际所属的社会民主党,在张伯伦、达拉第的威迫利诱之下,正在发生化,一部上层反动子正在蹈袭第一次大战时的覆辙,准备赞助新的帝国主义战争。
    With Chamberlain and Daladier practising intimidation and bribery, the social-democratic parties affiliated to the Second International are splitting up. One section, the reactionary upper stratum, is following the same old disastrous road as in the First World War and is ready to support the new imperialist war.
  • 约半数的雇员工会,别附属于以下五个根据《社团条例》注册的主要劳工组织,即香港工会联合会(有属会130个)、港九工团联合总会(有属会57个)、香港职工会联盟(有属会47个)、港九劳工社团联会(有属会44个)及公务员工会联合会(有属会18个)。
    About half of the employees' unions are affiliated to the following five major labour organisations registered under the Societies Ordinance: the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions (130 affiliated unions), the Hong Kong and Kowloon Trades Union Council (57 unions), the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (47 unions), the Federation of Hong Kong and Kowloon Labour Unions (44 unions) and the Federation of Civil Service Unions (18 unions).
  • 有百之十的劳动力要裁减掉。
    Ten per cent of the work-force will be made redundant.
  • 这样做的目的是为了简化程序、减少重复、改善效率、更新秘书处职能、停止已丧失意义的活动,从而确保最合理地配现有资源。
    The aim is to ensure the optimum allocation of available resources by simplifying procedures, reducing redundancies, improving efficiency, modernizing Secretariat functions and discontinuing activities that have outlived their usefulness.
  • 三、下岗流,实施再就业工程,使一批职工平稳转移;
    Third, the reemployment project will be implemented nationwide to smoothly transfer a large batch of redundant workers to other posts.
  • 有百之多少的公司便携机是多余的机器(它们仅在工作人员外出时访问公司网络)?
    And what percentage of corporate laptop PCs are redundant machines that are used solely to access the company network while workers are on the road?
  • 该协会多年来一直试图强行参加进来,可是我们一直没有答应其要求作为附属会的申请。
    The association has been trying to muscle in for years now, but we have always rejected their applications to be affiliated.
  • 棒球会附属于一个高级联合会俱乐部的小联合会俱乐部,其负责训练新成员和保留暂时不需要的队员
    A minor-league club affiliated with a major-league club for the training of recruits and the maintenance of temporarily unneeded players.
  • 我们手头十拮据,急需用钱。
    We're had pressed and reed money.
  • 多科大学有许多组成部支机构组成的大学,比如多个独立的大学、学院和研究中心
    A university that has numerous constituent and affiliated institutions, such as separate colleges, campuses, and research centers.
  • 布于美洲、欧洲、北非和亚州的一种香蒲。
    reed maces of America, Europe, North Africa, Asia.
  • 协会属下的多个体育总会,本身都是国际体育协会的会员,别致力发展和推广不同的体育活动。
    Members of the ASF & OC are NSAs which are in turn affiliated to their international federations.
  • 中国公安、司法机关别制定了有关规章,对强制戒毒所和劳教戒毒所实行等级化、规范化管理。
    Chinese public security and judicial organs have also formulated regulations on the hierarchical and standardized administration of compulsory rehabilitation centers and treatment and reeducation-through-labor centers.
  • 礁石外深色水域界线
    A line of darker water beyond the reef.
  • 这两校均为该大学的校。
    Both schools are affiliated with the university.
  • 人工鱼礁敷设计划两期实施。
    The artificial reef deployment project was implemented in two phases.
  • 换句话说,大堡礁的大部实际上是活的生物。
    In other words, much of the Great Barrier Reef is an actual living creature.
  • 被暗礁或是沙滩或是珊瑚从一个较大的水体割出的一个较小的水体。
    a body of water cut off from a larger body by a reef of sand or coral.
  • 他在晚年(1930年)还曾表示,“吾所最希求者,即中国真正和平统一”,“都是中国领土,何尔我”,“英人对吾确有诱惑之念,但吾知主权不可失”,公开表明“不亲英人,不背中央”的意旨(摘自刘曼卿著《康藏轺征》)。
    In his later years (in 1930), he said, "My greatest wish is for the real peace and unification of China." "Since it is all Chinese territory, why distinguish between you and us?" He further elaborated, "The British truly intend to tempt me, but I know that our sovereignty must not be lost." He also publicly expressed his determination "not to affiliate with the British nor forsake the central government" (Liu Manqing: A Mission to Xikang and Tibet).
  • 美国癌症研究所和它的欧洲支世界癌症基金会的主席玛里琳·詹特立说:“我们要传达的信息是:癌症通常是种可以预防的疾病,而且我们能很快地控制患这种病的危险。”
    Our message is that cancer is often a preventable disease and that we have immediate control over our risk,” says Marilyn Gentry,president of the American Institute for Cancer Research and its European affiliate, the World Cancer Research Fund.
  • 供带盘和收带盘开的一种磁带机,其磁带卷并不固封在磁带盒中。
    A tape transport where the file reel is separated from the machine reel, and is not enclosed in a cassette or cartridge.