  • 田地排得那么整齐,整个场就像一幅巨大的棋盘。
    So neatly are the plots laid out that the whole farm looks like a giant chessboard.
  • 埃莫西约墨西哥西北的一城市,位于邻近加利福尼亚海湾、奇瓦瓦以西。建于18世纪,为业及采矿区的贸易中心。人口297,175
    A city of northwest Mexico near the Gulf of California west of Chihuahua. Established c.1700, it is a trade center in an agricultural and mining area. Population,297, 175.
  • 根据中国村的实际情况,提倡生了一个孩子的育龄妇女采用宫内节育器,生了两个孩子的育龄夫妇一方做绝育手术,有利于保护妇女的身心健康,是安全、有效的避孕措施,因此,比较容易为村育龄夫妇所接受。
    In light of the actual conditions in rural areas, women of childbearing age there with one child are encouraged to use intrauterine device and either the wife or husband of a couple with two children is encouraged to undergo sterilization, which are safe and effective contraceptive measures favorable to the protection of women's health. Therefore they are more easily accepted by rural couples of childbearing age.
  • 而在广大、牧民群众中主要是开展生育知识的宣传教育,提倡优生优育,改善妇幼保健条件,为自愿节育者提供避孕药具和节育技术服务;
    Among the broad masses of farmers and herdsmen, the government has mainly educated them in childbearing knowledge, advocated healthier birth and child-rearing practices, improved health care for women and children, and provided contraceptives and birth control technical services to those who volunteer to practise birth control.
  • 应当看到,在中国尤其是在村地区、落后地区和边远地区,一部分育龄夫妇的生育意愿同现行的计划生育政策要求有一定距离,在计划生育工作中也难免会有这样那样的缺点,但是,由于计划生育政策从根本上符合中国绝大多数人的利益,而且在实际执行过程中,注意照顾一部分群众的实际困难和正当要求,坚决维护公民的合法权益,因而计划生育政策得到了广大人民群众的理解和认同。
    We should see that in China, especially in rural, backward and remote areas, there is a gap between the desire for childbirth of some couples of childbearing age and the demand of the present family planning policy, and shortcomings of one kind or another are unavoidable in family planning work. However, as the family planning policy fundamentally conforms to the interests of the majority of the Chinese people and, during its actual implementation, the actual difficulties and reasonable demands of some people have been taken into consideration and the legal rights and interests of the citizens are strongly protected, the family planning policy has won understanding and recognition from the broad masses of the people.
  • 村无依靠的老年人,由社会和集体对他们实行保吃、保穿、保注保医、保葬。
    In rural areas, childless and infirm old people are guaranteed food, clothing, housing, medical care and burial expenses by society and collectives.
  • 有机氯一种含氯的碳氢化合物杀虫药,如滴滴涕杀虫剂
    Any of various hydrocarbon pesticides, such as DDT, that contain chlorine.
  • 该倡议的合作伙伴包括康拉德·希尔顿基金会(在7年期间提供1800万美元)、美援署、世界展望国际组织、儿童基金会、援水组织、国际狮子俱乐部基金会、沙漠研究所、温洛克国际、康奈尔大学国际粮食、业和发展所及世界氯理事会。
    The initiative is a partnership between the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation (providing $18 million over 7 years), USAID, World Vision,UNICEF, WaterAid, the Lions Club International Foundation, the Desert Research Institute, Winrock International, Cornell University’s International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development and the World Chlorine Council.
  • 佛罗伦萨美国肯塔基州中北部的一座城市,位于俄亥俄辛辛那提西南部的一个业区。人口18,624
    A city of north-central Kentucky southwest of Cincinnati, Ohio, in a farming region. Population,18, 624.
  • 奴中流传着这样的话:“能带走的只是自己的身影,能留下的只有自己的脚印。
    A saying circulated among serfs, "All a serf can carry away is his own shadow, and all he can leave behind is his footprints."
  • 第四章 农产品流通
  • 外来移民会使村城市化。
    Immigration will citify the country?
  • 热带作物的树皮病症。
    serious bark disease of many tropical crop trees (coffee; citrus; rubber); branches have a covering of pink hyphae.
  • 北京市特别是市区空气质量改善是一项复杂的综合性工作,既要强化市区大气污染防治,也要在与大气环境质量密切相关的全市及首都周边地区生态状况改善、工业经济结构调整、水资源合理利用等方面,取得实质性进展。
    The air quality improvement of Beijing is a complex challenge that not only involves the urban area, but also relies on the ecological improvement in the whole city and the surrounding areas. While strengthening the initiative to reduce air pollution within the urban area, citywide and regional ecological improvement, agricultural and industrial structure adjustment, and rational utilize of limited water resources are all of critical importance.
  • 但是,只有当一个业国在文化上和政治上已经达到了那样的发展阶段,已经有必要建成一个工业国时,这方面的损失才是绝对的损失。
    This will, however, be a positive loss only in case the agricultural nation has already reached that stage of civilisation and political development which is necessary for the establishment of a manufacturing power.
  • 它与政治经济学,即以研究如何使某一指定国家(在世界当前形势下)凭工商业取得富强、文化和力量的那种科学是对立的。
    in opposition to political economy, or that science which limits its teaching to the inquiry how a given nation can obtain (under the existing conditions of the world) prosperity, civilisation, and power, by means of agriculture, industry, and commerce.
  • 这些发明和发现——火、语言、武器、家畜、业和文字——使文明社会有可能出现。
    These inventions and discoveries fire, speech, weapons, domestic animals, agriculture, and writing made the existence of civilized communities possible.
  • 会势盛地方,族长及祠款经管人不敢再压迫族下子孙,不敢再侵蚀祠款。
    Where the peasant association is powerful, the clan elders and administrators of temple funds no longer dare oppress those lower in the clan hierarchy or embezzle clan funds.
  • 要是地主的政治权力破坏完了的地方,民对家族神道男女关系这三点便开始进攻了。
    Wherever it has been wholly destroyed, they are beginning to press their attack in the three other spheres of the clan, the gods and male domination.
  • 这四种权力——政权、族权、神权、夫权,代表了全部封建宗法的思想和制度,是束缚中国人民特别是民的四条极大的绳索。
    These four authorities -- political, clan, religious and masculine -- are the embodiment of the whole feual-patriarchal system and ideology, and are the four thick ropes binding the Chinese people, particularly the peasants.
  • 这是加利福尼亚的一个特殊问题,因为加州业、工业的发展以及日益增加的人口和对环境的要求已经与那里有限的水资源发生冲突。
    This is a particular problem for California, where agriculture, industry, a burgeoning population and environmental needs already clash over limited water supplies.
  • 首任业部长是诺曼考尔曼,他是被科莱夫兰德任命的。
    the first Secretary of Agriculture was Norman J. Colman, who was appointed by Cleveland.
  • 佩恩斯维尔俄亥俄东北的一个城市,位于克里夫兰的东北,是业地区的一个商业中心。人口15,699
    A city of northeast Ohio northeast of Cleveland. It is a trade center in a farming area. Population,15, 699.
  • 阿什兰克利夫兰东南俄亥俄州中北部的一座城市,是一个业区的制造中心。人口20,079
    A city of north-central Ohio southeast of Cleveland. It is a manufacturing center in an agricultural region. Population,20, 079.
  • 随着悬念发展到引人入胜的高潮,一切都变得清晰了。在"场",中情局的古老格言是正确的:不要相信任何人,凡事皆非其表象。
    As the suspense builds toward a gripping climax,it soon becomes clear that at the Farm,the CIA's old maxims are true: trust no one,and nothing is as it seems.
  • 他想更深入地考察村生活。
    He wanted to see farm life at closer range.
  • 关闭村地区的加油站对生活在乡下的人来说简直就是一种灾难。
    The closure of petrol stations in country areas would be little short of disastrous for people who live in villages.
  • 夫很高兴地看着成堆的玉米。
    The farmer was pleased to see his piles of corns on the cob.
  • 莱文说公司专营的这种化学混合物是绝对保密的,他称之为“可口可乐配方”,它所调制出的电池内含物就像打印机的油墨一样。
    Levanon says the company's proprietary chemical combination -- so secretive that he calls them the " Coca? Cola formulas" -- results in battery materials that are like printer's ink.
  • 南美西北部一个共和国;主要的合法的产品是咖啡,但可卡因也是其主要出口产品。
    a republic in northwestern South America; the major legal crop is coffee but cocaine is also a major export.
  • 一听到第一声公鸡的啼叫这位民就起床了。
    The farmer gets up as soon as he hear the first cockcrow.
  • 祖父重重地答谢了船主后,把不易挣来的钱做本钱,几年后他成功经营了橡胶、椰子、胡椒园、烧砖、瓷器等各种小厂,并鼓励大家一起发展业、商业、小工业和运输业。
    After thanking the owner of the boat which rescued him, my grandfather used his hard-earned money to set up a business.After a few years, he acquired rubber, coconut and pepper plantations. He also set up small brick and porcelain factories. At the same time, he encouraged his relatives and friends to venture into other businesses like plantation, finance, shipping and other small enterprises with him.