Chinese English Sentence:
  • 内部网现仍处于幼年期,一些司常常不愿意采用新技术。
    Intranet technology is still in its infancy and companies are often reluctant to adopt new technology.
  • 承认通常是不情愿地承认…是真的、正或合适的;承认
    To acknowledge, often reluctantly, as being true, just, or proper; admit.
  • 但午餐后我们回到办室,他订了比过去都要多的货物,而怀着平静的心情回家去了。
    He accepted reluctantly, but when we came back to the office he placed a larger order than ever before.
  • 委员会是吴作栋总理的建议,目的是要国人把目光放远,不要局限于所谓的5c,即金钱、共管寓、俱乐部会员证、信用卡和车子,齐心合力为国家的未来做好准备。
    The Remaking Singapore Committee is a brainchild of PM Goh Chok Tong, formed to make Singaporeans look beyond the 5 Cs : cash, condos, clubs, credit cards and cars, to help prepare the nation for the future.
  • 就像有些人不愿意离开埋葬着亲人的地方一样,爵在女儿去世后仍旧留在巴涅尔。一天早上,爵在一条小路的拐角处遇见了玛格丽特。
    One morning the Duke, who had remained at Bagneres just as people will remain on ground where a piece of their heart lies buried, caught sight of Marguerite as she turned a corner of a gravel walk.
  • 政府在一九九八年六月布,在一九九八至九九财政年度余下的时间,即时停止以拍卖或招标方式出售土地。
    In June 1998, the government announced an immediate suspension of all land sales by public auction or tender in the remainder of the 1998-99 financial year.
  • 投资司通过外聘基金经理管理这项投资组合,外汇基金现正出售余下的香港股票组合。
    This investment portfolio is managed by the EFIL through external managers. The remainder of the Exchange Fund's Hong Kong equity portfolio is being disposed of.
  • 使用道路的乘客中,过半数乘搭专利巴士,其余则由绿色专线小巴、共小型巴士、的士及非专利巴士运载。
    More than half of public transport journeys made by road were on franchised buses, and the remainder on green minibuses, public light buses, taxis and non-franchised buses.
  • 其余获配单位的申请人包括初级务员、火灾及天灾灾民、坐落于危险地点的寮屋及其他搭建物的住客,以及经由社会福利署推荐给予体恤安置的人士。
    The remainder were allocated to junior civil servants, victims of fires and natural disasters, occupants of huts and other structures in dangerous locations, and compassionate cases recommended by the Social Welfare Department.
  • 这件文未写也未发出去。
    The missive remains unwritten and unsent.
  • 因为对一个暴露自己的人,别人是不会开反对他的;
    For to him that opens himself, men will hardly show themselves adverse;
  • 股民对这家司的信心一落千丈。
    The stockholders’ confidence in this company has fallen off remarkably.
  • 消除不、纠正错误、弥补损失、克服缺点
    Remedy injustices, mistakes, losses, deficiencies
  • 我记不得这些公式。
    I cannot remember these formulas.
  • 可是有一样,威灵顿爵军队里的英国人买东西向来不欠账,他们究竟是来自小店主之国,所以买东西从来不会忘记付钱。
    But it may be said as a rule that every Englishman in the Duke of Wellington's army paid his way. The remembrance of such a fact surely becomes a nation of shop-keepers.
  • 抱歉并提醒,此次失败,主要是由于贵司优柔寡断所致。
    But remind you recent failure due meanly your indecision
  • 第一波士顿[财务]司经济学家索斯,谈到美元贬值时说,“我认为这是在提醒新政府必须采取某些步骤来稳定金融。这是一个警讯。”
    "I think it is a reminder that the new Government has to take certain steps to keep the financial stability intact," Neal M.Soss, a First Boston Corporation economist, said of the dollar's decline. "It is a shot across the bow."
  • 在基地人口处有一块巨大的招牌,上面写明在基地旅馆住一晚的特价为75美元。徒步旅行经过网球场,三个礼品店——其中两个不过几十码远,还有司赞助的一些其它设施。
    A large sign at the entrance to the grounds announces a $ 75-a-night special at the on-site hotel , and the walking tour passes tennis courts, three gift shops -- two of them just several dozen yards apart -- and reminders of corporate sponsorship.
  • 爷爷是喜欢坐在园里跟别的老人们一起话旧。
    Grandfather liked nothing better than sitting in the park, reminiscing with the other old men.
  • 我们现在要先由《秋镫琐忆》(主人是作者之妻秋芙)中摘录几段出来,然后由《浮生六记》(主人是芸)中摘录几段。
    We will begin with certain select passages from the Reminiscences Under the Lamp-Light with the author's wife Ch'iufu as the heroine, and follow it with selections from Six Chapters of a Floating Life, with Yiin as the heroine.
  • 如果你想见见真正的火山,往南到冬加里洛国家园。那里壮观的山峰令人想起《小矮人历险记》中的孤独山。
    If you want to encounter a real volcano, head south to Tongariro National Park with its breath-taking peaks reminiscent of the Lonely Mountain from The Hobbit.
  • vandenbrink司推出了转向灵活而风格独特的carver轿车,它的驾驶室很像小汽车的(尤其像新甲壳虫的驾驶室),但里面的座椅又和摩托车一样前后排列。
    The Vandenbrink Carver is a crossover vehicle of a different sort:its enclosed cabin is reminiscent of a car's(specifically,the New Beetle's),but it seats just two in tandem like a motorcycle.
  • 营学校的中四至中七学生,如有经济需要而又能通过入息审查,可根据高中学费减免计划申请减免学费。
    Needy Secondary 4 to 7 students in public sector schools may have their tuition fees waived under the means-tested Senior Secondary Fee Remission Scheme.
  • 营学校的中四至中七学生,如有经济需要而又能通过入息审查,可根据高中学费减免计划申请减免学费。
    Needy Secondary 4 to 7 students in public sector schools may have their tuition fees waived under the means tested Senior Secondary Fee Remission Scheme.
  • 关于销售帐单,请分别列明各项收支,并请将款项分别汇交本司。
    As to the account sale, you will please to furnish with a distinct account for each, and remit me for each.
  • 至于销售报告书与应付款项,我方将遵照贵司指示办理。
    As to the account sale and remittance for the proceeds, we shall act for you in the way named.
  • 那楝建筑物被改建成百货司。
    The building was remodeled into a department store.
  • 新建和改建学生寓4800万平方米,超过1950年到1997年的建设总规模。
    A total of 48 million square meters of college dormitories were built or remodeled, more than the total built in the 1950-1997 period.
  • 这正是东京的烟民们所经历的,因为日本烟草司推出了一种由拖车改装而成的自由吸烟室。
    That's what Tokyo smokers got when Japan Tobacco Inc. rolled out a trailer that was remodeled for use as a free-smoking space.
  • 内部网上的硬件与软件将遵循为数不多的几个共标准,并可以在网络上进行远程管理。
    Hardware and software on intranets will follow a few common standards and may be managed remotely over a network.
  • 据该司称,识别处理可以在远地进行,用户能马上获得答案。
    Recognition processing would occur remotely, and the user "would get an answer back right away", according to the company.
  • 此项布的关键部分是微软承诺提交新的操作系统特色,称作零管理,让管理人员集中管理pc机及远地分配和安装软件。
    A key part of the announcement was Microsoft's promise to deliver new operating system features, dubbed Zero Administration, that would let administrators centrally manage PCs as well as remotely distribute and install software.