  • 共有1634名正规和辅助警务人员的子女,获两个警察教育信讬基金颁赠助学金,协助他们在各级院校进
    In all, 1634 children of regular and Auxiliary Police officers were awarded bursaries from the two Police Education Trusts to help them further their education.
  • 用于饰或说明一种资源在同一时刻可供给多个用户使用的可用性。
    Pertaining to the availability of a resource for more than one user at the same time.
  • 由于理要花点时间,今天下午晚一点我们会送一套更换装置给您们使用。
    As the repairs will take awhile, we will send over a replacement unit for you to use later this afternoon.
  • 汽车理厂的机工发现汽车的後车轴上有一条裂缝。
    The garage mechanic find a crack in the back axle of the car.
  • 自1987至1990年间我在贵校学习,主美国文学,并于1990年获文学学士学位。
    I studied in your University majoring in American Literature from 1987 to 1990 and received a BA. degree in 1990.
  • 我能开车,但要是车子出了毛病,我就不能理了。我承认我对车是十足的外行。
    I can drive, but I can't fix the car if anything goes wrong. I admit that I'm a babe in the woods.
  • 用来饰说明一种用于备份存储设备的技术,这种技术应用伯努里原理来防止读写头和旋转磁盘面之间的物理接触。
    Pertaining to a technology used for backup storage devices that applies the Bernoulli principle to prevent destructive physical contact between the read/ write head and a rotating disk.
  • 这些卡车急需修理。
    The trucks are badly in need of repair.
  • 他也指出,无论多少辆马赛地,多少间豪华公寓,都不可能填补人类心灵的空虚,他明显地在主张人类除了仅仅是个社会人和经济人之外,也需要文化的承载,以成为一个有文化养的人。
    Mercedes and condominiums, said Chen, cannot fill the "void" in the heart. Here, he was obviously pointing to the fact that men-in-the-street and those who pursue the five-C's need a cultural ballast to be cultured.
  • 他也指出,无论多少辆马赛地,多少间豪华公寓,都不可能填补人类心灵的空虚,他明显地在主张人类除了仅仅是个社会人和经济人之外,也需要文化的承载,以成为一个有文化养的人。
    Mercedes and condominiums, said Tan, cannot fill the "void" in the heart. Here, he was obviously pointing to the fact that men-in-the-street and those who pursue the five-C's need a cultural ballast (counterweight) to be cultured.
  • 香港对数个时下问题尤为积极参与,包括船舶造成空气污染的管制措施、微生物寄存压舱水中所造成的污染、《国际海上人命安全公约》其中一章有关防火的重大订和诠释、《高速船安全守则》的订、船舶安全管理系统和散装货轮安全等。这些问题对香港注册船舶和香港公司所拥有或管理的船舶会有长远影响。
    Hong Kong was particularly active on several issues, including measures to control air pollution from ships, contamination by transport of aquatic organisms in ballast water, major revision and interpretation of a chapter on fire prevention within the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, revision of the High Speed Craft Code, safety management systems for ships and bulk carrier safety, which will have long-term effects on Hong Kong registered ships as well as ships owned or managed by Hong Kong companies.
  • 竹器木器保护与修复
    Preservation and Restoration of Bamboo and Wooden Articles
  • 金融学。涉及的课程有如下几门:银行业务,89分;银行与计算机,90分;贷款,92分;信用证,90分;储蓄,88分;外汇兑换,92分;电汇,90分;汇款,94分;西方金融制度,92分。
    Majored in banking. Courses covered are as follows: Banking operations, 89; banking and computers, 90; loans, 92; letters of credit, 90; savings, 88; foreign exchange, 92; telegraphic transfers, 90; remittances, 94; financial systems in the west, 92.
  • 教育署、香港浸会大学、香港中文大学、香港教育学院和香港大学(包括各院校的持续专业教育单位)、香港公开大学,以及一些专业组织,也有为教师开办在职专业进课程。
    In-service professional development courses for teachers are provided by the Education Department, the Hong Kong Baptist University, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd) and the University of Hong Kong (including their respective continuing and professional education units), the Open University of Hong Kong and professional organisations.
  • 肢解、截肢、四肢脱臼、复,那是维特吕维于斯和维尼奥尔的倡导者们所进行的希腊式、罗马式或野蛮式的工作。
    Mutilations, amputations, dislocation of the joints,"restorations"; this is the Greek, Roman, and barbarian work of professors according to Vitruvius and Vignole.
  • 我请理发师为我面。
    I had a barber shave me.
  • 你是自己面,还是去理发店面?
    Do you shave yourself or go to the barber 's?
  • 如果英国不曾耀武扬威,在许多殖民地国家扮演宗主国的角色,并强制性把英国大文豪莎士比亚的文学作品列为学校的必科目,我怀疑莎翁的作品会那么广泛地受到新加坡和其他亚洲地区英语源流人士的喜爱。
    It is doubtful that the literary genius of Shakespeare would have been so admired by the English-educated Singaporeans and other Asians if Britain had not been a leading colonial power and the bard's works were not made compulsory examination subjects.
  • 这个工人用一个铁箍桶。
    The worker repaired the barrel with a hoop iron.
  • 他们这辆手推车一直到深夜。
    They worked on the barrow late into the night.
  • 请巴里来帮忙车根本没有用,他对扳钳之类的东西一窍不通。
    It's no use asking Barry to help mend a car; he doesn't know one end of a spanner from the other.
  • 巴里试图理这台机器吗?他肯定弄不好的!
    Barry tried to mend the machine? Trust him to get it wrong!
  • 中国自1979年起先后签署了《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》、《国际捕鲸管制公约》、《关于保护臭氧层的维也纳公约》、《关于控制危险废物越境转移及其处置的巴赛尔公约》、《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书(订本)》、《气候变化框架公约》、《生物多样性公约》、《防治荒漠化公约》、《关于特别是作为水禽栖息地的国际重要湿地公约》、《1972年伦敦公约》等一系列国际环境公约和议定书。
    Since 1979 China has signed a series of international environmental conventions and agreements, including the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling, Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, Basel Convention on Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer (revised version), Framework Convention on Climate Change, Convention on Biological Diversity, Convention on Combating Desertification, Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat, and 1972 London Convention.
  • 在批处理中,改主文件的全部改记录的集合所构成的文件。
    A file which is a collection of change records used to update a master file in batch processing.
  • 在希腊发现了3000多年前的浴缸的残片和建的供水系统。
    In Greece there are the ruins of a bathtub and Water system built over 3,000 years ago.
  • 汽车理工检验了汽车里的电池。
    The mechanic checked out the car battery.
  • 要不要我也检一下您的蓄电池和轮胎?
    Shall I do your battery and tyres as well?
  • 这一座座华丽公馆的后面,是巧夺天工的圣波尔行宫的围墙,它伸向四面八方,广阔无边,形式多样,时而像一座城堡,有着断垣、绿篱和雉堞,时而像一座女道院,隐没在大树之中。圣波尔行宫广大无比,法兰西国王在这里足可以冠冕堂皇地安顿二十二位诸如王太子或勃艮第公爵这样身份的王亲国戚,以及他们成群的仆役和侍从,且不谈那班大领主了;皇帝来巴黎观光时也在这里下榻;还有社会名流在这行宫里也各有单独的宅邸。
    Behind these palaces, extended in all directions, now broken,fenced in, battlemented like a citadel, now veiled by great trees like a Carthusian convent, the immense and multiform enclosure of that miraculous Hotel de Saint-Pol, where the King of France possessed the means of lodging superbly two and twenty princes of the rank of the dauphin and the Duke of Burgundy, with their domestics and their suites, without counting the great lords, and the emperor when he came to view Paris, and the lions, who had their separate Hotel at the royal Hotel.
  • 他们用刺刀逼着我们给他们碉堡。
    They drove us at bayonet point to build blockhouses for them.
  • 卧室需要重新装修。
    The bedroom needs doing over.
  • 我问汽车理工他是否有1967年生产的莫里斯·迈纳车的油泵,使我惊奇的是他竟然马上拿出一个来。
    I asked the car breaker if he had a fuel pump for a 1967 Morris Minor and lo and behold he produced one immediately.
  • 这似乎是一个女的贞操誓言。
    It seems the vows of chastity belonging to a nun.