  • 中国同意降低关税和取消进口配额、取消出口补贴,并对外开放服务业的竞
    It has agreed to slash tariffs and to eliminate import quotas, to dismantle export subsidies, and to open service industries to foreign competition.
  • 让我们重归于好,把过去的吵一笔勾销吧。
    Let's wipe the slate clean and forget our past quarrels.
  • 让我们忘记过去的吵,重新言归于好吧。
    Let's forget our quarrel and start again with a clean slate.
  • 大屠杀大规模杀戮,如战中的大屠杀;屠宰
    Massive slaughter, as in war; a massacre.
  • 我的许多同学在1941—1981的战中死去。那时,我们那一代人成群结队地走向这场战时,丝毫不了解战的残酷。
    Many of my fellow-students perished in the 1914-1981 war, to which my generation flocked like sheep to the slaughter.
  • 这里说的,是作为人类流血的政治的所谓战,两军相杀的战,它的根本目的是什么。
    Here we are dealing with the elementary object of war, war as "politics with bloodshed", as mutual slaughter by opposing armies.
  • ——这个人类互相残杀的怪物,人类社会的发展终久要把它消灭的,而且就在不远的将来会要把它消灭的。
    War, this monster of mutual slaughter among men, will be finally eliminated by the progress of human society, and in the not too distant future too.
  • 他对自由的信仰是他对奴隶制度作斗的动力。
    His belief in freedom was the mainspring of his fight against slavery.
  • vampire(吸血鬼)一词的确切来源是有议的,大多数来源,包括第2版牛津英语辞典(cod),讲该词来自匈牙利语‘vampir’,该词在多种斯拉夫方言中都有同根词,可能原先来自北方的土耳其语uber,意为“巫婆”。
    The exact origin of Vampire is disputed. Most sources, including the The Compact Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd Edition, derive it from the Hungarian vampir. The word has cognates in several Slavic tongues and may originally derive from the northern Turkish uber, meaning witch.
  • 和谈失败後, 迅速结束战的希望都已化为乌有.
    With the failure of the peace talks all hopes of a swift end to the war have flown out of the window.
  • 有一个密西西比河上的船夫,人家问他怎样设法取睡眠时间时,他回答说:“我有空就睡一下。”
    A boatman on the Mississippi, being asked how he managed to secure sleeping time, answered, "I sleep in spots."
  • 人们等待已久的、快速廉价的带宽线路接进家庭和小型办公室的日子,看来为期不远了,因为电话公司和有线电视公司相要把高速、低价的通信线路送到你的大门上,这些线路采用数字用户线(dsl)技术中的任何一种和光缆/同轴电缆混合线路的形式。
    The long-awaited day of fast, cheap bandwidth to the home and small office appears to be just around the corner as phone companies and cable companies scramble to deliver high-speed, low-cost telecommunications, running any of a slew of digital subscriber link (DSL) technologies and fiber/coaxial cable hybrids up to your front door.
  • 琼在从事取妇女平等权力的活动。
    Joan is campaigning for equal rights for women.
  • 现代社会的每个人都面临着激烈的竞
    Everyone in modern society faces the keen competition.
  • 2.不要计较你和他人间微不足道的一些小事;不要让这种小事变成议,大人物从不计较不重要的事情。
    2. Ignore trivial circumstances in your relations with others,do not let them become controversies.Big people kook past small slights.
  • 在家里,孩子们面对来自父母的更大压力。他们必须努力不懈,取最好的成绩。一些父母更无视于孩子的资质和能力,希望越多的补习能够带来越好的学业表现。
    At home, our children are frequently being bombarded with even greater pressure from their demanding parents to slog for top grades at all costs, regardless of their inherent abilities, and cramming them with excessive private tuition to boot.
  • 在这种情况下,我们的结论不是回到“停止内战”或“取和平”的旧口号去,而是前进一步,提出“取民主”的新口号,只有这样才能巩固和平,也只有这样才能实现抗战。
    Such being the case, we have come to the conclusion that, instead of reverting to the old slogans of "end the civil war" and "fight for peace", we should take a step forward and adopt the new slogan of "fight for democracy", for this is the only way to consolidate internal peace and bring the war of resistance against Japan into being.
  • (为共同事业而斗的人们所用的)标语或口号
    Slogan or rallying cry of a group of people fighting for the same cause
  • 鹬蚌相争,渔人得利
    "when the snip and the calm grapple, it is the fisherman who stands to benefit; two dogs strive for a bone, and a third runs away with it"
  • 他们的战不但在帝国主义各国组织白党进攻时,是在保卫苏维埃的口号下进行的,就是在十月起义的准备时期,也是在保卫首都的口号下进行军事动员的。
    When the imperialist countries organized the Whites for attack, the war was waged under the slogan of defending the Soviets; even when the October Uprising was being prepared, the military mobilization was carried out under the slogan of defending the capital.
  • 鹬蚌相,渔翁得利。
    Two dogs strive for a bone, and a third runs away with it.
  • 我谴责由于供应商的顽固和处理相竞标准的方法而放慢了业界在远程访问方面的发展。”
    I blame the entire industry's slowdown in remote access on the stubbornness of the vendors and the way the competing standards were handled."
  • 他们会感到放慢他们的应答没有什么不是,因为他们不必跟你"广播时间"!做一个更好的倾听者不仅能帮助你更具耐心,也能改善你和他人的关系。
    They will feel safe in slowing down their own responses because they won't feel in competition with you for “ air time” ! Not only will becoming a better listener make you a more patient person,it will also enhance the quality of your relationships.
  • 巳、为着发展生产,繁荣经济,以便保障人民生计和支援战,必须注意领导人民加紧生产,不误农时,不荒地,防止地富怠工和破坏;
    6. In order to expand production and promote economic prosperity to ensure the people's livelihood and to support the war, we should urge the people to accelerate production, miss no farming seasons and leave no land uncultivated, and we should prevent landlords and rich peasants from slowing down farm work and disrupting production.
  • 争分夺秒效率高。
    One hour today is worth two tomorrow.
  • 直到最近,人们所知的能够发出地震信号的大型哺乳类动物只有海象。其极富攻击性的雄性在全世界的海滩上为了夺妻妾而相互斗的特性是广为人知的。
    Until recently, the only large mammal known to produce seismic signals was the elephant seal,a species whose notoriously aggressive bulls slug it out on beaches around the world for possession of harems of females.
  • 由于深恐消费者因经济依然不景气而搜购廉价货,结果出现竞相削价的激烈火竞局面,投资者乃销售名牌产品的公司股票保持距离。
    Fearing intense price competition as consumers search for bargains in an economy that remains sluggish, many investors are giving a wide berth to brand-name companies.
  • 她选择住在斯迪普耐,与当地人民一道面对着饥饿与战的危险。她对周围人们的关心与那些常假惺惺地去视察贫民区的人大相径庭。
    She had chosen to go and live in Stepney and share the exposure of its people to the hazards of poverty and war. Her concern with the lives around her seemed so different from that of those who used to go slumming.
  • 七十年代后期,由于面对诸如电子游戏之类新的娱乐形式的竟,许多西方国家的唱片销售业已十分萧条。
    By the late 1970s, record sales in many Western countries underwent a major slump, faced with competition from new leisure time activities such as video games.
  • 桑德拉1996年的影片《两人出海》使她的事业有所下滑,而且她还在诸如《爱情与战》和《永别了,武器》中扮演了不适合的角色。
    Sandra had a little slump in 1996 with Two If by Sea. As well she chose other bad roles in movies like In Love and War and A Farewell to Arms.
  • 分秒必争。
    Every minute counts.
  • 她总喜欢为极小的问题而论。
    She is always ready to argue over the smallest issues.