  • 哈里:我的左手不太动得了,抓不住西或其它什么的……龙尼(一把抓住哈里的手,摇了摇):像牛似的有力气,你这个孩子,想骗我吗。
    Harry: I can't move my left hand very well. Lost its grip or something… Ronnie (gripping Harry's hand in a shake): Strong as an ox. You're a sham, Harry boy.
  • 这些知识在古人在外人是直接经验的西,如果在古人外人直接经验时是符合于列宁所说的条件“科学的抽象”,是科学地反映了客观的事物,那末这些知识是可靠的,否则就是不可靠的。
    To our ancestors and to foreigners, such knowledge was -- or is -- a matter of direct experience, and this knowledge is reliable if in the course of their direct experience the requirement of "scientific abstraction", spoken of by Lenin, was -- or is -- fulfilled and objective reality scientifically reflected, otherwise it is not reliable.
  • 意在隐藏或隐瞒被认为是不体面的事物的任何西。
    anything intended to conceal something regarded as shameful.
  • —一当所谓的具有审美气质的人要从艺术圣殿中驱逐一切与艺术无关的西时,那么艺术就会真正沦为干巴巴的抽象数学了。
    ... When the so-called aesthetic temperament wishes to expel from the holy citadel all that is extraneous to art, it ends up actually reducing art to the dry abstraction of mathematics.
  • 能够教授的西的拟人化说法。
    a personified abstraction that teaches.
  • 他极度心不在焉,以至于两天没吃西。
    His abstraction was so deep that he did not eat for two days.
  • 长裙、开司米披肩、首饰,一下子都实完了,快得令人难以置信,可是没有一件西是我用得着的,我一直在等待。
    Dresses, Indian shawls, jewels, came under the hammer at an unbelievable rate. None of it took my fancy, and I waited on.
  • 这样西她喜欢,对吗?
    She likes it, doesn't she?
  • 哲学和抽象思维这些西会令他们大惑不解。
    Philosophy and abstract thinking baffle them.
  • 建造一些抽象的西。
    build or establish something abstract.
  • 常见于北太平洋部的小型黑白色海鸥。
    small black-and-white shearwater common in the eastern North Atlantic.
  • 旭日升,光芒四射。
    The morning sun rises in the east, shedding its rays in all directions.
  • 形式主义地吸收外国的西,在中国过去是吃过大亏的。
    China has suffered a great deal from the mechanical absorption of foreign material.
  • 迪拜阿拉伯联合酋长国部的一个城市和酋长国,滨邻波斯湾,19世纪60年代在此发现石油。人口265,702
    A city and sheikdom of eastern United Arab Emirates on the Persian Gulf. Oil was discovered here in the1960's. Population,265, 702.
  • 阿布扎比阿拉伯部波斯湾上的一酋长国和城市。为阿拉伯联合酋长国的首都。因为有大量的石油收入,该酋长国为世界上人均收入最高的国家之一。人口242,975
    A sheikdom and city of eastern Arabia on the Persian Gulf. The city is the capital of the federated United Arab Emirates. With enormous oil revenues, the sheikdom has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world. Population,242, 975.
  • 心果山核桃,山胡桃一种北美部的山核桃树(心果山核桃山核桃属),有薄壳坚果,果核苦味
    A hickory tree(Carya cordiformis) of eastern North America, having thin-shelled nuts with bitter kernels.
  • 美国部的山胡桃树,有七到九个小叶的叶子,壳薄非常苦的果实。
    hickory of the eastern United States having a leaves with 7 or 9 leaflets and thin-shelled very bitter nuts.
  • 北美部小型灌木状树种,类似于满条红,粉红色花;生长于潮湿阴暗的丛林之中。
    small shrubby tree of eastern North America similar to the Judas tree having usually pink flowers; found in damp sheltered underwood.
  • 格洛斯特马萨诸塞州北部一城市,在大西洋安角,波士顿北,三个世纪以来一直被用作渔船的避风港。人口28,716
    A city of northeast Massachusetts on Cape Ann and the Atlantic Ocean northeast of Boston. Its sheltered harbor has been used by fishing fleets for three centuries. Population,28, 716.
  • 我把架子摆好了,可以顺手拿到上面的一切西。
    I arranged these shelves, and I could lay my hands on anything.
  • 我们可以从外国语言中吸收我们需要的西。
    We can absorb what we need from foreign languages.
  • 我们应当批判地吸收别国文学艺术中一切有益的西。
    We should critically assimilate whatever is beneficial in literature and arts from other countries.
  • 当他要被迫逮捕他认为从来不偷西的邻居盖杨先生时,谢里夫·霍根感到不高兴。
    Sheriff Hoggun felt sullen when he was compelled to arrest Mr. Guyot , his neighbor , who he knew had never stole before.
  • “你想拿这个作担保,要我借给你半个克郎?”舍洛克惊呼道,“可是这西一个小钱也不值呀。”
    "Lend you half a crown with this as security?" cried Sherlock, "Why, it's not worth a doit."
  • 苏格兰西部是赫布里底群岛,苏格兰本土北部是奥克尼郡和设得兰群岛。
    Western Scotland is fringed by the large archipelago known as the Hebrides and to the north east of the Scottish mainland are Orkney and Shetland.
  • 苦艾一种欧洲多年生草本植物(洋艾蒿属),移植到北美部,有羽状的银色丝般叶子及许多低垂花序
    A perennial aromatic European herb(Artemisia absinthium), naturalized in eastern North America and having pinnatifid, silvery silky leaves and numerous nodding flower heads.
  • 什叶派穆斯林的圣城;位于伊朗北部。
    the holy city of Shiite Muslims; located in northeastern Iran.
  • 它是站在海岸遥望海中已经看得见桅杆尖头了的一只航船,它是立于高山之巅远看方已见光芒四射喷薄欲出的一轮朝日,它是躁动于母腹中的快要成熟了的一个婴儿。
    It is like a ship far out at sea whose mast-head can already be seen from the shore; it is like the morning sun in the east whose shimmering rays are visible from a high mountain top; it is like a child about to be born moving restlessly in its mother's womb.
  • 它一会儿是桑巴舞曲,一会儿变成现代流行的monkees风格的合唱或是中悦耳的异域风情。
    It can samba one moment, shimmy to a Monkees? style pop chorus the next or writhe to exotic Middle Eastern melodies.
  • 根据提出这条法律的韩国裔参议员保罗-申所说,该项法律得以通过,是因为“方人”是个带贬损味道的专用词,是得罪人的。
    According to the law's sponsor, Korean-American state senator Paull Shin, the law was passed because the term "Oriental" is "pejorative terminology" and "offensive".
  •  根据申先生以及其他对“方人”一词持批评态度的人士所说,这个词得罪了亚洲人,是因为该词隐含着欧洲是世界中心的观点。
    According to Mr Shin and other critics of the word Oriental, the word is offensive to Asians because it implies a Europe-centered view of the world.
  • 美洲北部通体闪着金光的银色小鱼;有时也称为鳊。
    shiner of eastern North America having golden glints; sometimes also called `bream'.