  • 26岁的第小提琴手海莉说:“我们的成功不是基于我们的服装,它是超越我们形象的,因为我们演奏的是好音乐。
    "Our success is not based on our outfits,"says Ecker,26,the quartet's lead violinist."It goes beyond our image.We play great music."
  • 不管航程多麽短, 这班机上都有些吃的.
    However short the journey is, you always get something to eat on this airline.
  • 还有a小调g大调和d小调这三个弦乐四重奏以及部非常精彩的弦乐五重奏,这是他最后的作品之
    the three string quartets in A minor, G major, and D minor,, and a heavenly Quintet for Strings, one of Schubert's last works.
  • 因此,请您聆听下这钟楼乐队的奏鸣,想象下在整个音响之上弥散开来的五十万人的悄声细语、塞纳河永无尽期的哀诉、风声没完没了的叹息、天边山丘上宛如巨大管风琴木壳的四大森林那遥远而低沉的四重奏;
    Lend an ear, then,to this concert of bell towers; spread over all the murmur of half a million men, the eternal plaint of the river, the infinite breathings of the wind, the grave and distant quartette of the four forests arranged upon the hills, on the horizon,like immense stacks of organ pipes;
  • 目下我们有他在本四开本书的边上所写的注,书名是《贵人日耳曼和克林东、柯恩华立斯两将军以及美洲海域海军上将们的往来信札》,凡尔赛盘索书店及巴黎奥古斯丁河沿毕索书店印行。
    We now have under our eyes a note written by him on the margin of a quarto entitled Correspondence of Lord Germain with Generals Clinton, Cornwallis, and the Admirals on the American station. Versailles, Poincot, book-seller; and Paris, Pissot, bookseller, Quai des Augustins.
  • 这是一个石英钟。
    It is quartz clock.
  • 个冲压石英对它进行加工的工厂。
    a mill for stamping quartz.
  • 王先生是法国航空公司的名职员。
    Mr. Wang is a staff of France airline.
  • 种类似黄玉的黄色石英,等次稍低。
    semiprecious yellow quartz resembling topaz.
  • 一种淡黄色的石英
    A light yellow variety of quartz.
  • 种烟黄色或烟褐色石英。
    a smoky yellow or brown quartz.
  • 种由石英和云母构成的花岗石。
    a granitic rock composed of quartz and mica.
  • 种乳白色或浅灰色的半透明或透明石英。
    a milky or grayish translucent to transparent quartz.
  • 云英岩种主要由石英和云母构成的花岗石
    A granitic rock composed chiefly of quartz and mica.
  • 黄水晶,茶晶种类似黄玉的晶体石英的淡黄色变体
    A pale yellow variety of crystalline quartz resembling topaz.
  • 石英岩种由石英沙岩的变质作用而形成的岩石
    A rock formed from the metamorphism of quartz sandstone.
  • 种半透明的玫瑰红色石英,用作装饰物。
    a translucent rose-red variety of quartz used for ornaments.
  • (英国口语)种不通风烟雾似的空气。
    (British informal) an airless smoky smelly atmosphere.
  • 种清亮的石英,用于制作电子、光学设备。
    a clear quartz used in making electronic and optical equipment.
  • 种透明的紫色石英,用作宝石。
    a transparent purple variety of quartz; used as a gemstone.
  • 那是一个闷热的晚上.
    It was a hot, airless evening.
  • 种半透明石英,含有闪烁的云母或其他金属颗粒。
    a translucent quartz spangled with bits of mica or other minerals.
  • 燧石,火石种用钢撞击能发出火星的坚硬的、纹理细密的石英
    A very hard, fine-grained quartz that sparks when struck with steel.
  • 我就买块石英表,代替我的老机械表吧。
    I'll take a quartz watch to replace my old mechanical one.
  • 由石英和长石构成的种纹理细密的淡色花岗岩类岩石。
    light-colored and fine-grained granitic rock consisting chiefly of quartz and feldspars.
  • 店:您要哪类手表:机械手表,还是石英手表?
    What kind of watch do you mechanical watches, or quartz watches?
  • 但是实现民主和法制,同实现四个现代化样,不能用大跃进的做法,不能用“大鸣大放”的做法。
    But as with China's modernization, democracy and the legal system cannot be put into practice by the method of the Great Leap Forward or the method of "speaking out freely and airing one's views fully".
  • 内容体内在另矿物体中的矿物质,例如石英中的金红石或电气石
    A mineral enclosed within another mineral, such as rutile or tourmaline in quartz.
  • 硅石种耐火土和石英的混合物,用于作冶金炉的内壁
    A mixture of fire clay and ground quartz, used to line metallurgical furnaces.
  • 碧玉,水苍玉种颜色可为红色、黄色或褐色的不透明的隐晶体石英
    An opaque cryptocrystalline variety of quartz that may be red, yellow, or brown.
  • 细晶岩主要由正长石和石英构成的种纹理细密的淡色花岗岩类岩石
    A fine-grained, light-colored granitic rock consisting primarily of orthoclase and quartz.
  • 霏细石种纹理细密且颜色浅的主要由长石和石英构成的火成岩石
    A fine-grained, light-colored igneous rock, composed chiefly of feldspar and quartz.