Chinese English Sentence:
  • 他们了这犯人的性命。
    They spared the prisoner.
  • 海洋的富(大量鱼产)
    The prodigality of the sea, ie in providing fish
  • 也许你有社交方面的缺点,诸如势利、舌、出语粗俗等,使你的新相识退避三舍。
    Maybe you have social faults such as snobbishness, talkativeness, and using slang, etc. which drive away new acquaintances.
  • 请饶我一命。
    Please spare me my life.
  • 我恳求你饶恕他。
    I adjure you to spare him.
  • 他宁愿饿死也不无耻求
    He would rather starve to death than shamelessly beg for his life.
  • 以批评的按语结束对优秀的奖学金申请的这次审查似乎太狭隘了;不依不的卑劣之人。
    it seems ungenerous to end this review of a splendid work of scholarship on a critical note- Times Litt. Sup.; a meanspirited man unwilling to forgive.
  • 使他们到了富的时候容易贪欲无度。因此为父母者若对他们底子嗣在管理上严密,而在钱包上宽松,则其结果是最好的。
    and makes them surfeit more, when they come to plenty: and therefore, the proof is best, when men keep their authority towards their children, but not their purse.
  • 乖戾、不依不的老女人。
    a surly unforgiving old woman.
  • 智短爱饶舌。
    The smaller the heart the longer the tongue.
  • 智短爱饶舌。
    The smaller the heart the longer the tongue.
  • 她对他呵痒使他痒得讨说是。
    She tickled him into saying yes.
  • 莱马美国俄亥俄州西北部城市,位于托莱多西南偏南。是富农业区的加工和销售中心。人口45,549
    A city of northwest Ohio south-southwest of Toledo. It is a processing and marketing center for a rich farm area. Population,45, 549.
  • 鞋舌;木板上装舌片的;舌状闪电;舌的。
    tongued shoes; tongued boards; toungued lightning; long-tongued.
  • 她总是不断地饶舌。
    Her tongue is always wagging.
  • 愚人受饶舌。
    The tongues of idle persons are never still.
  • 我原来以为是我在恕她;而今天,我觉得是我根本不配接受她赐给我的宽恕。
    I belived that it was for me to forgive her, and today I find myself unworthy of the pardon she bestows on me.
  • 不理会叽叽喳喳的舌.
    Pay no attention to clacking tongues, ie to people gossiping.
  • 他大声求饶.
    for mercy.
  • 约翰是一个舌大王。他能够一连好几个小时滔滔不绝的讲毫无内容的话。
    John is such a windbag. He can talk for hours at a time without saying anything.
  • 饶了我吧,爸爸!
    Have a heart, dad!