Chinese English Sentence:
  • 坚硬物体碰撞时产生的一串尖锐的碰撞声。
    a rattling noise (often produced by rapid movement).
  • 响尾蛇一种西半球有毒蛇响尾蛇和响尾蛇属其尾端有一串松散,接的角质肢节,能通过震动发出格格或沉闷的响声
    Any of various venomous New World snakes of the genera Crotalus and Sistrurus, having at the end of the tail a series of loosely attached, horny segments that can be vibrated to produce a rattling or buzzing sound.
  • 同那些珠宝一起掉进峡谷里了。
    She went into the ravine, together with the jewels.
  • 亲爱的,你穿上那件衣裙真漂亮!
    Darling, you look simply ravishing in that dress!
  • 贝基:还有《捕鼠器》,是阿加莎·克里斯蒂写的惊险话剧,在伦敦已续上演多年了。
    And there's the Mousterap. It's a thriller by Agatha Christie, which has been on in London for years.
  • 他给我写了一封非常冷淡的信,信上问候我的话看来都好像是后来加上去的。
    He wrote me a cold letter; even the inquiry about my health looked as if it had been added on as an afterthought.
  • 那辆卡车撞到了队伍中最后面一辆汽车的尾部,汽车又冲撞到前面的汽车,前面的汽车又碰撞到了再前面的,这形成了锁的反应。
    The lorry ran into the back of the rearmost car in the queue which bumped into the car in front, which then hit the next one, and so on in a chain reaction.
  • 我费力重新安排时间,他却想都不想去(喝)另一家。
    I take the trouble to rearrange my schedule, but he do not even want to go another round.
  • 我费力重新安排时间,他却想都不想去另一家。
    I take the trouble to rearrange my schedule, but he does not even want to go another round.
  • 我费力重新安排时间,他却想都不想去另一家。
    I took the trouble to rearrange my schedule, but he did not even want to go another round.
  • 太阳原子中的电子不断的重新排列导致了光的散发——詹姆士·琼斯;持续了六个月的疾病;生活在不断的恐惧中;将星期三的假期挪到最近的一个星期一或者星期五就可以保证续不断的工作周。
    a continuous rearrangement of electrons in the solar atoms results in the emission of light- James Jeans; a continuous bout of illness lasting six months; lived in continuous fear; a continuous row of warehouses; a continuous line has no gaps or breaks in it; moving midweek holidays to the nearest Monday or Friday allows uninterrupted work weeks.
  • (尤指飞机机翼)从接点向后转变角度。
    (especially of aircraft wings) angled rearward from the point of attachment.
  • 尾端部位高尔夫球棍头上和杆相的弯头
    A lower, rearward surface, as of the head of a golf club where it joins the shaft.
  • 在十三大以前,国际舆论和国内的人民还有些担心我们的改革开放政策是不是会续下去,十三大回答了这个问题,我国人民和国际朋友都放心了。
    Before the congress, people at home and abroad were concerned that those policies might not be continued. But the congress has addressed that question, reassuring the Chinese people and our international friends.
  • 用榫把木块或石块在一起。
    join with a rebate, as of pieces of timber or stone.
  • 战提出将九年免费教育增加至12年,并主张“提高薪资特别扣除额”的减税措施。
    Lien Chan, promised to extend the 9-year free education to 12 ears and offered special tax rebates to allow the people to pay less to the government's coffers.
  • 战提出将九年免费教育增加至12年,并主张“提高薪资特别扣除额”(即免税额)的减税措施。
    Lien Chan, the ruling party's presidential candidate in Taiwan, promised to extend the 9-year free education to 12 years and offered special tax rebates to allow the people to pay less to the government's coffers.
  • 随后,叛乱头目续召开所谓“人民代表会议”、“西藏独立国人民会议”,加紧组织和扩大叛乱武装。
    Subsequently, the rebel leaders convened the so-called "people's congress" and "people's conference of the independent state of Tibet," intensifying their efforts to organize and expand armed rebellion.
  • 获得新生的晚晴园,产生了巨大的轰动效应和良性锁反应,远在槟城也有热心人士主张,将孙中山当年创办的槟城阅书报社原址建成类似晚晴园的纪念馆。
    The reborn villa has sparked a positive chain of reactions. For instance, some people in Penang have suggested building a similar memorial hall at the original site of the Penang Philomatic Society, which was founded by Dr Sun Yat Sun.
  • 那还是个反弹球,你在罚球线投的球甚至篮框都没碰到,而且球还直接从篮板弹到对方的手中。
    It was a rebound. You were on the free-throw line, and the ball didn't even touch the hoop.
  • 新签合同外资金额521.32亿美元,增长2.21%,扭转了1996年、1997年续两年大幅下滑的局面,实现了恢复性增长。
    the newly-signed contractual foreign investment witnessed a growth of 2.21% and a total of 52.132 billion US dollars, realizing growth rebound after decline by large margin for two years in a row in 1996 and 1997.
  • 他们因电路接方面的错误收回了10,000台洗衣机。
    They recall 10,000 washing machine, because of a faulty electrical connection.
  • 在11-13世纪欧洲基督教势力想从穆罕默德教徒那里夺回圣地的任何续的军事远征。
    any of the more or less continuous military expeditions in the 11-13th centuries when Christian powers of Europe tried to recapture the Holy Land from the Muslims.
  • 留下两个守卫收复的土地,并肃清这个地区的残敌。
    Two companies were left behind to guard and mop up the recaptured territory.
  • 他(提心吊胆)自己的影子都害怕。
    He is afraid of his own shadow.
  • 结接受相同数量日照的各点的一条联线。
    an isogram connecting points receiving equal amounts of sunshine.
  • 森林被闪电点燃了;汽车的轮胎都烧着了;被烟花点亮了的夜晚;在桌子上燃烧的蜡烛;壁炉里燃烧的木头;点燃了的香烟;烧得噼啪作响的火;着火的房子。
    forests set ablaze (or afire) by lightning; even the car's tires were aflame; a night aflare with fireworks; candles alight on the tables; blazing logs in the fireplace; a burning cigarette; a flaming crackling fire; houses on fire.
  • 人的鼻子使用一个接受器和神经元相互接的复杂系统,这个系统将信号传导到大脑进行解释。
    The human nose uses a complex system of interconnected receptors and neurons, which conduct signals to the brain for interpretation.
  • 凹室,壁龛凹进处或部分被包围的延伸处,与一个房间相或形成房间的一部分
    A recess or partly enclosed extension connected to or forming part of a room.
  • 续用8小时,然后你得再充电。
    It'll last for eight hours of consecutive use. Then you'll have to recharge the batteries.
  • 不搞市场,世界上的信息都不知道,是自甘落后。
    If we did not have a market economy, we would have no access to information from other countries and would have to reconcile ourselves to lagging behind.
  • 对给定的一个计算机系统配置进行变动,例如,隔离和旁路一个有缺陷的功能部件,通过替换的路径接两个功能部件。重构可以自动地也可用手工方式来实现,并可用来保持系统的完整性。
    A change made to a given configuration of a computer system; for example, isolating and bypassing a defective functional unit, connecting two functional units by an alternative path. Reconfiguration is effected automatically or manually and can be used to maintain system integrity.