  • dsml标准背后的想法是,btob交易应用程序能利用web目录服务的可扩性、复制性、安全性和管理能力,而无须重新改造因特网的基础设施或者现有的件。
    The idea behind the DSML standard is that business-to-business exchange applications can make use of the scalability, replication, security and management strength of Web directory services without having to re-engineer either the Internet's infrastructure or existing software.
  • 据报导,他给禁起来了。
    He was reported under house arrest.
  • 网络计算机的最初吸引力是它应该比pc机便宜得多,更重要的是,根据报道,它降低了升级、维护、件部署和培训(被称之为所有权的总成本,即tco)的费用。
    The initial attraction of the Network Computer is that it is supposed to be a lot less expensive than a PC and, more importantly, reportedly cuts the costs of upgrades, maintenance, software deployment and training (called total cost of ownership, or TCO).
  • 每个库包含了知识资本——项目建议书和工作文件、约定摘要、讲演与报告、流程图、件方案等。
    Each repository contains intellectual capital -- project proposals and work papers, engagement summaries, presentations and reports, process maps, software solutions and so forth.
  • 这些石头开始变,呈现形状,渐渐地带上了略似于人的状貌。
    The stones began to grow soft and to assume shape. By degrees they put on a rude resemblance to the human form.
  • 体动物相似的海生无脊椎动物。
    marine invertebrates that resemble mollusks.
  • 仿阿斯特拉罕毛仿照这种皮毛制成的卷曲的,环状毛纤维
    A fabric with a curly, looped pile, made to resemble this fur.
  • 托马斯·布鲁那的“shockwaverider”和托马斯·赖安的“adolescenceofp-1”描述了一个件能在不为人知的情况下将自己从一个计算机转移到另一个计算机。
    Thomas Brunner's Shockwave Rider and Thomas Ryan's Adolescence of P-1 depicted worlds where a piece of software could transfer itself from one computer to another without detection.
  • 固定的存在于计算机内存中并控制用户程序运行的专门件。
    specialized programs that reside permanently in the computer's main memory and control the processing of user's programs.
  • 与那些要占用pc机硬盘多兆字节的普通应用件不一样,java应用程序,即小应用程序,是很小的程序,它常驻在网络中集中式的服务器上。
    Unlike ordinary software applications, which take up megabytes on the hard disk of your PC, Java applications, or "applets", are little programs that reside on the network in centralized servers.
  • 有些应用件驻留在本地最终用户的桌面上,而其他的是一些"瘦客户"应用件,它们打开万维网的浏览器,用户通过浏览器能进入其他的基于服务器的应用件,如企业电子邮件系统。
    Some applications reside locally on an end-user's desktop, while others are "thin client" applications that open up a World Wide Web browser through which a user can access other server-based applications, such as enterprise e-mail systems.
  • 最初,adobe支持起诉,但是由年轻人发动的一场“开放件”公众运动改变了adobe公司的做法。
    Initially, Adobe supported the prosecution, but public outcry from the same young people who belong to the "open source software" movements changed its mind.
  • 对公司施加压力有时也会起作用:考虑一下adobe公司在起诉dmitriskylyarov和俄国公司elcomsoft上是如何转变观念的,因为后者销售的件侵犯了adobe电子图书的版权。
    Pressure on corporations does work sometimes: Consider how Adobe changed its mind about its support for the prosecution of Dmitri Skylyarov and the Russian corporation Elcomsoft, for selling software that cracked the protections on Adobe's eBook reader.
  • 服务器交换机与服务器适配器和特定主机上的优化件一起,提供一个聚合的服务器系统,满足多服务器应用的严格的性能、可伸缩性和复原性要求。
    In conjunction with server adapters and host specific optimization software, server switches provide a cohesive server system to meet stringent performance, scalability and resilience requirements of multiserver applications.
  • 用柔或有弹性的材料来填充某物或使之成形以达到保护或更舒适的目的。
    soft or resilient material used to fill or give shape or protect or add comfort.
  • 果子冻一种的有弹性、稠度大的半固体食品,由含有果胶或胶质的液体或者在液体中添加胶质而制成,尤指含有果胶的果汁加糖熬制而成的食品
    A soft, semisolid food substance with a resilient consistency, made by the setting of a liquid containing pectin or gelatin or by the addition of gelatin to a liquid, especially such a substance made of fruit juice containing pectin boiled with sugar.
  • 弹性沥青一种深棕色,柔可弯曲的烃树脂
    A brown-to-black, soft, elastic hydrocarbon resin.
  • 的黑灰色脂状岩蔷薇分泌物,用于制香水,尤其用作保香剂。
    a soft blackish-brown resinous exudate from various rockroses used in perfumes especially as a fixative.
  • 弱无力装装样子的抵抗
    A faint show of resistance
  • 表现出对柔感觉的无情抵制。
    showing unfeeling resistance to tender feelings.
  • 一种强大的柔的抗褶皱的纤维。
    a strong soft crease-resistant fabric.
  • 不清晰的,深沉的;听起来似乎打击在某种相对较的东西上。
    not clear and resonant; sounding as if striking with or against something relatively soft.
  • 鼻音的由腭下降发言以致气流在口道某处阻塞因而使鼻道张开的,如鼻辅音(m)(n)和(ng)或法语中的鼻元音bon的发音
    Articulated by lowering the soft palate so that air resonates in the nasal cavities and passes out the nose, as in the pronunciation of the nasal consonants(m),(n), and(ng) or the nasalized vowel of French bon.
  • 他既弱又爱慕虚荣。
    His not only weak but also admire vanity.
  • 血蓝蛋白一种浅蓝色的含铜的呼吸色素,类似血红蛋白,出现在某些节肢动物及体动物的血液之中
    A bluish, copper-containing respiratory pigment similar to hemoglobin, present in the blood of certain mollusks and arthropods.
  • 栉鳃,栉齿一种梳子状的结构,如体动物的呼吸器官或者某些昆虫的一排刺
    A comblike structure, such as the respiratory apparatus of a mollusk or a row of spines in some insects.
  • 5月底,微将其最受欢迎的办公商务件的经典改进版officexp投放市场。这只是头一炮,标志着即将闪电式推出一系列技术产品,盖次深信,这些产品将巩固其公司作为计算机行业不可动摇的“航空母舰”地位。
    The launch of Office XP, a sophisticated rethink of Microsoft's most popular business tool at the end of last May, marks merely the opening shot in a forthcoming technological blitz that Gates is serenely his company's status as the unshakeable colossus of computing.
  • 各种身体柔、圆头的裂趾类哺乳动物,其中许多动物的爪伸缩自如。
    any of various lithe-bodied round-headed fissiped mammals many with retractile claws.
  • 他已经设计出一种可以调整的激光,它可以针对、硬组织迅速转换波长进行治疗。
    He has designed an adjustable laser that can switch instantly between soft-tissue and hard-tissue wavelengths.
  • 工作流件的第一次高潮是图像处理产品,它们能使各公司用电子方法存储、编索引和重新得到被扫描的文档。
    The first wave of workflow software consisted of image-processing products that enabled companies to electronically store, index and retrieve scanned documents.
  • ap平台件更新(su)和ap版本更新过程要求用户在选中ap件版本之后进行提交。
    The AP Platform Software Updates (SUs) and AP Generic Retrofit procedures require you to commit the AP software version after it is selected.
  • 的时候执行选择件版本ap用户正在执行ap平台su和/或ap版本更新并且想要在该过程中选择一个新的件版本。
    Select software versionAPUser is performing AP Platform SUs and/or AP Generic Retrofits and want to select a new software version during the procedure.