Chinese English Sentence:
  • 檬的果实檬树蛋形果实,绿色外皮、汁酸,可用作调料
    The egg-shaped fruit of this plant, having a green rind and acid juice used as flavoring.
  • 喝鸡尾酒就象喝调酒一样是一个传统的习俗-辛克·刘易斯。
    the drinking of cocktails was as canonical a rite as the mixing- Sinclair Lewis.
  • 它是根据辛克·刘易斯的一部小说改写的。
    It was adapted from a novel by Sinclair Lewis.
  • 她的纯情女性形象使人难免把她同好坞公主朱利娅.罗伯茨相互比较。
    Her innocent sex appeal has made comparisons between Sandra and Hollywood princess Julia Roberts inescapable.
  • 位于麻省弗明翰市的国际数据公司(《计算机世界》的姐妹公司)的分析师罗杰·凯称,需要更多的基于dmi标准的产品。
    Roger Kay, an analyst at Framingham, Mass.-based International Data Corp., a Computerworld sister company, says more DMI standard-based products are needed.
  • 两个关键性的内阁成员罗杰斯和尔德的软弱无能,又加重了基辛格原有的职权和负担。
    What added to the inherent power of his position and his burdens was the weakness of two key Cabinet members,Rogers and Laird.
  • 亚当斯先生和布克先生的上班时间是一致的。
    The working hours of Mr. Adams and Mr. Black coincide.
  • 坞一词包含了浪漫与耀眼的成就的含意
    Hollywood holds connotations of romance and glittering success.
  • 有些诗人,如济慈和雪,写的是浪漫主义的诗歌。
    Such poets as Keats and Shelley wrote Romantic poetry.
  • 美国南达科他州西部布克山脉的一座山;山石上雕有华盛顿、杰弗逊、林肯和罗斯福的巨大雕像。
    a mountain in the Black Hills of South Dakota; site of the likenesses of Washington and Jefferson and Lincoln and Roosevelt carved on it.
  • 草一种产于美国东部的多年生的无茎常绿植物(加腊克斯加腊克斯属),具有带光泽的心形叶子的蔷薇叶丛和穗状小白花
    A stemless, evergreen, perennial plant(Galax urceolata) of the eastern United States, having a rosette of glossy, heart-shaped leaves and small, white flowers in spikelike clusters.
  • 然而43年前录制这首歌的时候,卡特可能绝对没有想到这首歌能够在这么多年后赢得2万美元的版税和6项葛美大奖。
    On that day 43 years ago, Carter could never have imagined that the song would lead to a $20,000 royalty check and six Grammy awards.
  • 曼宰湖生成湿地项目利用负担得起、相对简单和有效的技术,截留两公顷地区范围内的沉积物和污染物。
    The Lake Manzala engineered wetlands project uses an affordable, relatively simple and efficient technology that traps the sediments and pollutants in a two-acre area.
  • 这四座大厦都座落在诺南迪埃尔街和塞斯坦修道院之间,四座府邸的山墙和雉堞被修道院的尖顶一衬托,轮廓线益发显得优雅飘逸。
    These four edifices filled the space from the Rue des Nonaindi鑢es, to the abbey of the Celestins, whose spire gracefully relieved their line of gables and battlements.
  • 代基里酒一种由朗姆酒、姆汁或柠檬汁和糖混合的加冰鸡尾酒
    An iced cocktail of rum, lime or lemon juice, and sugar.
  • 弗甜食涂了果酱、果冻、牛奶蛋糊和掼奶油并在雪莉酒、朗姆酒或白兰地中浸渍的蛋糕甜食
    A dessert typically consisting of plain or sponge cake soaked in sherry, rum, or brandy and topped with layers of jam or jelly, custard, and whipped cream.
  • 电子公司的布克先生刚才来电话说,他本周五上午来看您。
    Mr. black of the Electronic Co. has just rung up saying that he will come to see you this Friday morning.
  • 帕特罗克勒斯希腊一勇士,阿希斯的仆从和朋友,在特洛伊战争中被赫克特耳杀死
    A Greek warrior, attendant, and friend to Achilles, who was killed by Hector in the Trojan War.
  • 彬格说:“我真太高兴了,我的朋友所说的话,经你这么一圆转,反面变成恭维我的话了。
    "I am exceedingly gratified," said Bingley, "by your converting what my friend says into a compliment on the sweetness of my temper.
  • 拉当时18岁,在她的洛杉矶老家开了一家指甲美容店。但在那场比赛后,拳击手套、汗水和出拳的镜头深深地铭刻在她的脑海里,她立即来了个180度的大转弯,开始选择新的职业道路。
    Laila was 18 and running a nail salon in her native Los Angeles, but the imagery of the gloves, sweat and punches was so firmly etched into her consciousness that she immediately spun180 degrees into another career direction.
  • 号上货物一向符合质量标准,你方样本恐怕欠公正,今航空寄上对应样本。
    Horaimaru cargo usual quality exactly within standard your sampling afraid unfair counter sample airmail.
  • 马克·吐温和塞缪尔·克门斯是一个人。
    Mark Twain and Samuel Clemens were one and the same.
  • 马克·吐温和赛缪尔·克门斯是一个人。
    Mark Twain and Samuel Clemens were one and the same person.
  • 塞缪尔。克门斯,以马克吐温知名,成了美国有名的作家。
    Samuel Clemens, known as Mark Twain, became a famous American writer.
  • 塞缪斯·克门斯,以马克·吐温知名,成了美国名作家。
    Samuel Clemens, who was known as Mark Twain, became a famous American writer.
  • 先知书希伯圣经三个部的第二部,包括约书亚记,士师记,撒母耳记,国王记,以撒记,耶利米书,以西结书和卡二先知书
    The second of the three divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures, comprising the books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the Twelve.
  • 瓦尔帕索智利中部的一座城市,位于圣地亚哥西北偏西部的太平洋沿岸。此城市建于1536年,频繁地遭受严重的地震。现在的城市于20世纪早期作为一个工业中心和智利的主要港口而得到发展。人口265,355
    A city of central Chile on the Pacific Ocean west-northwest of Santiago. Founded in1536, it has frequently been subject to severe earthquakes. The modern city developed as an industrial center and the chief port of Chile in the early20th century. Population,265, 355.
  • 船长残忍地鞭打他的船员。
    Captain Bilgh scourged his crew without mercy.
  •  布恩已经长成了一个杰出青年,他在13岁就是老鹰童子军的成员,是阿肯色州最年轻的(童子军是塑造品德的组织,极个别的孩子能升到该组织的最高级,成为老鹰童子军成员就相当于在道德与多才多艺方面获得了极高的奖励)。
    Bryan had become an extraordinary young man.He was an Eagle Scout at the age of 13, Arkansas's youngest ever. (The Boy Scouts are a character-building organization, and few boys rise to the top level; to become an Eagle Scout is like receiving a grand testimonial to one's virtue and versatility.) He had been a football star in high school.
  • 尔在英国队3:0大胜丹麦队后说,"我只能说我很不走运,必须出席国际会议。我实在很想试试看有什么办法可以让我重新安排时间。
    "I have to say unfortunately I have got to attend an international conference and so I'm desperately trying to scrabble around looking for how I can refix the times," said Blair following the 3-0 thumping of Denmark.
  • 希伯圣经;托位包括伯经典的一大部书籍,用于宗教仪式时向人们布道
    A scroll of parchment containing the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures, used in a synagogue during services.
  • 但是,迪士博士及其同事没有详细说明这些原材料可能会是些什么东西,也没有详细说明它们怎样才能变成美食。
    " Dr Ladisch and his colleagues do not, however, detail what those raw materials might be,nor how they might be turned into something scrumptious.