  • 下半年经济开始复
    it produced a resurrection of hope.
  • 耶稣的使徒,不相信耶稣的复直到他亲眼见到耶稣。
    the Apostle who would not believe the resurrection of Jesus until he saw Jesus with his own eyes.
  • 芭蕾舞演员泰格利欧尼准备晚会演出时,在跟着父亲上了两小时非常严格的芭蕾课程之后,她会精疲力尽跌倒在地,不得不让别人帮她脱下衣服,用湿海绵擦身,使她从完全失去知觉中醒过来。
    When the ballet dancer Taglioni was preparing herself for her evening exhibition, she would, after a severe two hours' lesson from her father, fall down exhausted, and had to be undressed, sponged, and resuscitated from being totally unconscious.
  • 像零售业一类的企业,明年底以前便会度过难关,为缓和复铺路。
    Industries like retailing will have largely taken their lumps by the end of next year, paving the way for a modest recovery.
  • 玛丽踢了珊,珊咬她作了报复。
    Mary kicked Susan, and Susan retaliated by biting her.
  • 玛丽踢了珊一脚,珊则咬了玛丽一口作为报复。
    Mary kicked Susan, and Susan retaliated against her by biting.
  • 事实上,由于联已经拥有了大量增加的核能力,我们依靠大规模报复战略的可靠性和谨慎态度要让位于我们的灵活反应战略。
    Indeed, as the Soviet Union acquired vastly increased nuclear capabilities, the credibility and prudence of relying on massive retaliation gave way to our flexible response posture.
  • 联为了报复4年前美国的抵制,故意不派代表队去美国参赛,借口说活杉矶奥运会组委会行为不当。
    The Soviet Union, in retaliation for the American boycott four years ago, elected not to send a team to the United States, citing concerns over the performance of the L.A. Olympic Organizing Committee.
  • 每一任新政府都想“即刻表现”,可是正因为如此,肯尼迪误入猪湾,艾克[艾森豪威尔]批准“毁灭性报复”政策,约翰逊深陷越南,里根一开始就谴责联为“邪恶帝国。”
    Every new administration wants "to hit the ground running," but this was what Kennedy did when he stumbled into the Bay of Pigs, what Ike did when he approved the doctrine of "massive retaliation," what Johnson did when he plunged deeper into Vietnam, and what Reagan did when he started off condemning the Soviet "evil empire."
  • 军在希特勒所在的掩体内抓获了一些很有价值的德军俘虏,其中包括希特勒的保镖约翰·拉滕胡贝尔、党卫军军官奥托·冈舍、希特勒的座机驾驶员汉斯·鲍尔和牙医助手卡塔琳娜·霍伊泽尔曼。在1945年的大部分时间里他们经常受到提审。
    The Russians had capured the most useful witnesses from Hitler's bunker including Johann Rattenhuber, Hitler's bodyguard, SS adjutant Otto Gunsche, Hans Baur, his pilot, and Katarina Heusermann, a dental assistant and interrogated them for much of 1945.
  • 位于欧洲中北部波罗的海的一个共和国;年由联建立;年与西德合并。
    a republic in north central Europe on the Baltic; established by the Soviet Union in 1954; reunified with Germany in 1990.
  • 当罗米纳醒过来的时候,她平日的伙伴--大猩猩邦戈和萨洛米就在她的身边。那真是个浪漫的场景啊!
    Once Romina recovered she was reunited with her companions Bongo and Salome -- and there may be romance in the air.
  • 杰姆斯利用权力报复珊。
    James unleashed his power on Susan in revenge.
  • “你们这里种水果吗?”“不种,只种大黄,这是上帝对对格兰人和懒人的恩宠。”
    "Won't you grow any fruit?" "No. only rhubarb, God's gift to Scotland and lazy gardeners."
  • 哈菲兹波斯诗人,其诗多为押韵华美的两行诗体,其中许多描写爱情,美酒和大自然,菲派穆斯林因循传统地对它们作了寓言式阐释
    Persian poet whose sensuous rhyming couplets, many of which concern love, wine, and nature, are traditionally interpreted allegorically by Sufic Moslems.
  • 一般来说,房地产,尤其是办公大楼,从来都是起起伏伏。上一个周期在1970年代中期到达最低点,所有办公室空出率为百分之十三。但是这一次走下坡特别严重,短期似无法复
    Real estate in general and office buildings in particular have always ridden a roller coaster; the last cycle bottomed in the mid-1970's with overall office vacancy rates of 13 percent. But this downturn has been especially severe, and seems built to last.
  • 打水漱一漱你的口。
    Rinse your mouth with water and soda.
  • 苏珊姑妈活到80高龄。
    Aunt Susan lived to the ripe old age of 80.
  • 第二种,除联外,正在各资本主义国家中酝酿着。
    The second kind exists in the Soviet Union, and the conditions for its birth are ripening in capitalist countries.
  • 在西蒙大拿州的密拉附近,pardee发现一个古老的湖泊沉积矿上的褶皱就仿佛河床上形成的波痕,但是比例巨大无比:15米高,几百米长。
    Near Missoula in western Montana, Pardee found ripples on an ancient lakebed just like the ones that form on streambeds, but of absurdly large proportions: 15 metres high and hundreds of metres long.
  • 伯勒斯,威廉·厄德生于1914美国作家,尤其以对吸毒成瘾者的超现实主义描写的裸体午餐而著名
    American writer noted especially for Naked Lunch(1959), a surrealist portrait of drug addiction.
  • 但必须看到,超级大国的争夺日益加剧,联霸权主义加速推进全球战略部署,严重地威胁着世界的和平和我国的安全。
    But we must recognize that the intensified rivalry between the superpowers and the quickened pace of global strategic deployment by the Soviet hegemonists present a serious threat to world peace and to our own national security.
  • 普拉特河美国内布拉斯加州中部的一条河流,流程约499公里(310英里),由北普拉特河和南普拉特河汇合形成,向东在衣阿华州边界奥马哈下游注入密里河
    A river, about499 km(310 mi) long, of central Nebraska formed by the confluence of the North Platte and South Platte rivers and flowing eastward to the Missouri River at the Iowa border below Omaha.
  • 以美国和中国为首的60多个国家拒约参加1980年莫斯科奥运会,原因是抗议联1979年12月对阿富汗的侵略,就这样该届奥运会失去了一些顶级明星。
    More than 60 countries, led by the United States and China, stayed away from Moscow in 1980 in protest against the soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979, robbing the Games of some of the top name athletes of the day.
  • 珊和罗伯特相互亲吻。
    Susan and Robert kissed each other.
  • 笛福,丹尼尔1660-1731英国作家,其著名的小说为鲁滨逊飘流记,由一个叫亚历山大·塞尔科克的格兰海员在荒岛上的探险经历激发灵感创作而成。他还著有摩尔弗兰德斯和疫年记事(都作于1722年)
    British writer whose most famous novel, Robinson Crusoe(1719), was inspired by the exploits of a Scottish sailor and castaway, Alexander Selkirk. He also wrote Moll Flanders and A Journal of the Plague Year(both1722).
  • 凤尾蕉属的铁植物;一种漂亮的掌状铁,叶片和崎岖的树干上长有坚硬的树冠。
    any cycad of the genus Dioon; handsome palmlike cycads with robust crowns of leaves and rugged trunks.
  • 含有小打、罗谢尔盐和酒石酸的冒泡的盐。
    an effervescing salt containing sodium bicarbonate and Rochelle salt and tartaric acid.
  • 饼干制作者用带钉子的巨大擀面杖在做打饼干用的干面薄片上滚动,这样其中的气泡在烘烤前便爆裂了!
    Makers roll giant spiked rolling pins over sheets of cracker dough to pop air bubbles prior to baking.
  • 约翰和珊的感情时好时坏。
    John and Susan had an off again, on again romance.
  • 尽管遭到了联合抵制,莫斯科奥运会上人们还是看到了好几十个记录被打破,而罗马尼亚体操运动员娜迪亚·科马内奇、古巴拳击手迪奥菲洛·史蒂文森和联泳将弗拉迪米尔·萨尔尼科夫的精彩表演更是给人们留下了深刻的印象。
    Despite the boycott, the Moscow Olympics saw dozens of records fall and memorable performances by Romanian gymnast Nadia Comaneci, Cuban boxer Teofilo Stevenson and Soviet swimmer Vladimir Salnikov.
  • 基什尼奥夫联欧洲部分西南部一城市,靠近罗马尼亚边境,位于敖德萨西北。它于15世纪早期建立成为一个修道院中心。它是摩尔达维亚首府。人口624,000
    A city of southwest European U.S.S.R. near the Romanian border northwest of Odessa. Founded as a monastery center in the early15th century, it is the capital of Moldavia. Population,624, 000.