  • 中国东方空公司,他们的服务最好。
    China Eastern Airlines provides the best service.
  • 蓝天空公司订座部,能否为您效劳?
    Bluesky airlines, Reservations. May I help you?
  • 传世奇空,有什么事吗?
    Transky Airlines. May I help you?
  • 绿州空,有什么事吗?
    Oasis Airlines. May I help you?
  • 这是西北空公司的登机手续办理处吗?
    Is this the Northwest Airlines check-in?
  • 大陆空公司,我能为您服务吗?
    Intercontinental airlines, may I help you?
  • 这是西北空公司的登机手续办理处吗?
    Be this the northwest airlines check-in?
  • 中国乘客准备起诉日本空公司
    Chinese passengers prepare to sue Japan Airlines
  • 那些空公司营运不错。
    The airlines were doing pretty well.
  • 感谢您光顾瑞士民
    Thank you for calling Swiss Airlines.
  • 联合航空,您好。
    Hello. This is United Airlines.
  • 这是美国空公司302次班机。
    That's american airlines flight 302.
  • 瑞士空公司,国际班订票处。
    Swiss Airlines, International Reservations.
  • 全球空公司订座中心。
    Reservation Centre, Global Airlines.
  • 早安,美国空公司。
    Good morning, American Airlines.
  • 这里是美国空公司订票处。
    American Airlines, Reservations Office.
  • 美国空公司,国内班预订处。
    American Airlines, Domestic Reservations.
  • 主要空公司的利润受到燃料涨价的影响。
    Profit of major airlines has been affected by the rise in fuel price.
  • 我的兄弟是空公司的驾驶员,他非常热爱自己的工作。
    My brother is a pilot with the airlines. He loves his job very much.
  • 我可以给您订星期六上午9点30分美国空公司144班机的机票。
    I can book you on american airlines flight144 at9:30 Saturday.
  • 是西北空公司的104号班机。
    It's flight No.104, northwest orient airlines.
  • 这可能是为一个简单的决定,诸如,上学时带雨衣或者延迟一场足球赛事,也可能是为一个重要的决定,诸如,飞机的空中线转移到无雾的机场,像这样的决定每天都要有很多。为了帮助决定者,气象员可以提供过去或将来的信息。
    It might be a simple decision to take a rain coat when going to school or to delay the start of a football match, or it might be a more important one to divert an airliner to a fog-free airport. Millions of decisions like these are made every day, and to help decision-makers the weathermen can provide information about the past or the future.
  • 在接受访问时,他将苏联上月试飞成功的氢动力民机比作1957年发射斯普特尼克。“我们又一次错过机会,”他说,“我们只能希望下一届政府比这一届更注意氢[动力]”。
    In an interview, he compared the flight of the hydrogen-powered Soviet airliner last month to the launching of Sputnick in 1957. "Once again we've missed the boat," he said, "and we can only hope that the next administration will be more interested in hydrogen than this one has been."
  • 前联邦空局事故调查部门负责人约翰·卡拉汉说,中央情报局官员曾指示他隐瞒1986年11月18日一架日本民客机在阿拉斯加州安克雷奇附近遭遇一不明飞行物的真相。
    John Callahan,a former FAA division chief of accidents and investigations,said he was directed by CIA officers to cover up a Nov.18,1986,incident involving a UFO and a Japanese airliner near Anchorage,Alaska.
  • 驾驶座将驾驶员与乘客隔开的空间,如在直升机、大型民机或运输机上
    The space set apart for the pilot and crew, as in a helicopter, large airliner, or transport aircraft.
  • 空公司因为没有接到彼得的确认,所以把他的机票取消了。
    The airline cancelled Peter's ticket as they didn't receive his confirmation.
  • 客机,班机由空公司运营的用来运送乘客的飞机
    An airplane operated by an airline and adapted for carrying passengers.
  • 主线的一个分支,尤其指线。
    a branch off of a main transportation line (especially an airline).
  • 班时刻表可以向空公司免费索取。
    The timetable is obtainable post - free from the airline office.
  • 空公司对于飞机的晚点没有说明任何原因。
    The airline give no reason for the plane's late arrival.
  • 是罗马尼亚空工司定票处吗?
    Li Is that the booking-office of the Romanian Airline company?
  • 联合空公司有一架波音747在上8点45分起飞。
    United airline have get a boeing 747 leave at 8: 45 a. m.