  • zhōng guó dōng fāng háng kōng gōng men de zuì hǎo
    China Eastern Airlines provides the best service.
  • lán tiān háng kōng gōng dìng zuò néng fǒu wéi nín xiào láo
    Bluesky airlines, Reservations. May I help you?
  • chuán shì háng kōngyòu shénme shì
    Transky Airlines. May I help you?
  • zhōu háng kōngyòu shénme shì
    Oasis Airlines. May I help you?
  • zhè shì běi háng kōng gōng de dēng shǒu bàn chù
    Is this the Northwest Airlines check-in?
  • háng kōng gōng néng wéi nín
    Intercontinental airlines, may I help you?
  • zhè shì běi háng kōng gōng de dēng shǒu bàn chù
    Be this the northwest airlines check-in?
  • zhōng guó chéng zhǔn bèi běn háng kōng gōng
    Chinese passengers prepare to sue Japan Airlines
  • xiē háng kōng gōng yíng yùn cuò
    The airlines were doing pretty well.
  • gǎn xiè nín guāng ruì shì mín háng
    Thank you for calling Swiss Airlines.
  • lián háng kōngnín hǎo
    Hello. This is United Airlines.
  • zhè shì měi guó háng kōng gōng 302 bān
    That's american airlines flight 302.
  • ruì shì háng kōng gōng guó háng bān dìng piào chù
    Swiss Airlines, International Reservations.
  • quán qiú háng kōng gōng dìng zuò zhōng xīn
    Reservation Centre, Global Airlines.
  • zǎo 'ānměi guó háng kōng gōng
    Good morning, American Airlines.
  • zhè shì měi guó háng kōng gōng dìng piào chù
    American Airlines, Reservations Office.
  • měi guó háng kōng gōng guó nèi háng bān dìng chù
    American Airlines, Domestic Reservations.
  • zhù yào háng kōng gōng de rùn shòu dào rán liào zhǎng jià de yǐng xiǎng
    Profit of major airlines has been affected by the rise in fuel price.
  • de xiōng shì háng kōng gōng de jià shǐ yuán fēi cháng 'ài de gōng zuò
    My brother is a pilot with the airlines. He loves his job very much.
  • gěi nín dìng xīng liù shàng 9 diǎn 30 fēn měi guó háng kōng gōng 144 bān de piào
    I can book you on american airlines flight144 at9:30 Saturday.
  • shì běi háng kōng gōng de 104 hào bān
    It's flight No.104, northwest orient airlines.
  • zhè néng shì wéi jiǎn dān de jué dìngzhū shàng xué shí dài huò zhě yán chí yīcháng qiú sài shì néng shì wéi zhòng yào de jué dìngzhū fēi de kōng zhōng háng xiàn zhuǎn dào de chǎngxiàng zhè yàng de jué dìng měi tiān dōuyào yòu hěn duōwèile bāng zhù jué dìng zhě xiàng yuán gōng guò huò jiāng lái de xìn
    It might be a simple decision to take a rain coat when going to school or to delay the start of a football match, or it might be a more important one to divert an airliner to a fog-free airport. Millions of decisions like these are made every day, and to help decision-makers the weathermen can provide information about the past or the future.
  • zài jiē shòu fǎng wèn shí jiāng lián shàng yuè shì fēi chéng gōng de qīng dòng mín háng zuò 1957 nián shè men yòu cuò guò huì shuō,“ men zhǐ néng wàng xià jiè zhèng zhè jiè gèng zhù qīng dòng ”。
    In an interview, he compared the flight of the hydrogen-powered Soviet airliner last month to the launching of Sputnick in 1957. "Once again we've missed the boat," he said, "and we can only hope that the next administration will be more interested in hydrogen than this one has been."
  • qián lián bāng háng kōng shì diào chá mén rén yuē hàn · hàn shuōzhōng yāng qíng bào guān yuán céng zhǐ shì yǐn mán 1986 nián 11 yuè 18 jià běn mín háng zài 'ā jiā zhōu 'ān léi jìn zāo míng fēi xíng de zhēn xiāng
    John Callahan,a former FAA division chief of accidents and investigations,said he was directed by CIA officers to cover up a Nov.18,1986,incident involving a UFO and a Japanese airliner near Anchorage,Alaska.
  • jià shǐ zuò jiāng jià shǐ yuán chéng kāi de kōng jiān zài zhí shēng xíng mín háng huò yùn shū shàng
    The space set apart for the pilot and crew, as in a helicopter, large airliner, or transport aircraft.
  • háng kōng gōng yīn wéi méi yòu jiē dào díquè rènsuǒ de piào xiāo liǎo
    The airline cancelled Peter's ticket as they didn't receive his confirmation.
  • bān yóu háng kōng gōng yùn yíng de yòng lái yùn sòng chéng de fēi
    An airplane operated by an airline and adapted for carrying passengers.
  • zhù xiàn de fēn zhīyóu zhǐ háng xiàn
    a branch off of a main transportation line (especially an airline).
  • háng bān shí biǎo xiàng háng kōng gōng miǎn fèi suǒ
    The timetable is obtainable post - free from the airline office.
  • háng kōng gōng duì fēi de wǎn diǎn méi yòu shuō míng rèn yuán yīn
    The airline give no reason for the plane's late arrival.
  • shì luó háng kōng gōng dìng piào chù
    Li Is that the booking-office of the Romanian Airline company?
  • lián háng kōng gōng yòu jià yīn 747 zài shàng 8 diǎn 45 fēn fēi
    United airline have get a boeing 747 leave at 8: 45 a. m.