  • 你能在那个书架上出地方再放一些书吗?
    Can you make room on that bookshelf for some more books?
  • 如果我们把那个旧壁炉填平,我们可以出墙放书架了。
    If we fill in that old fireplace, we'll have a wall free for bookshelves.
  • 我们听到河水奔而过大圆石的声音。
    We hear the sound of the river rush past boulder below.
  • 如果搞资产阶级自由化,就是再来一次折
    Bourgeois liberalization would plunge the country into turmoil once more.
  • “那么,就赶快举行婚礼呀,唐太斯先生。”格拉尔向那对年青人致意说。
    "So, then, the wedding is to take place immediately, M. Dantès," said Danglars, bowing to the young couple.
  • 当她纵身空然后又重重落地时,她兴高采烈,为自己成功的扑救而咯咯地笑得喘不过气来。
    She is exuberant as she flies, then tumbles, giggling breathlessly at her own successful effort.
  • 壶里的水在沸腾。
    The kettle is at the bubble.
  • 从液体中溢出气泡;冒泡
    To escape from a liquid as bubbles; bubble up.
  • 往上冒泡,尤指在加热的驱使下
    To bubble up, especially from the effect of heating.
  • 他的马开始跃,但他设法不摔落下来。
    His horse began to buck , but he managed to stay on.
  • 应该缩小领导机关,减少领导机关的层次,尽可能地把多余的工作人员出来派到下层去,使留在领导机关的工作人员必须亲自处理实际工作,防止领导机关官僚化的危险。
    The number of staff and of organizational levels of leading bodies should be reduced. The leading bodies should send as many of their surplus working personnel as possible to lower bodies and let the remaining personnel handle practical work themselves, so as to guard against the danger of bureaucratism.
  • 跳跃以活泼的姿态跳跃或跃;蹦跳
    To bound or prance about in a sprightly manner; caper.
  • 浑厚的铜管声和清脆的铙钹声;奔浑厚的瀑布声如激情般萦绕于怀-沃兹沃斯。
    sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal; the sounding cataract haunted me like a passion- Wordsworth.
  • 使空出,出,搬出使不再拥有或占有;放弃
    To cease to occupy or hold; give up.
  • 水在摄氏一百度沸
    Water boils at100 degrees centigrade.
  • 体育馆一片沸,欢呼阵阵。
    The stadium is bursting with loud cheers.
  • 那天,在我们等待出发信号时,查比在原地跳,全神贯注,明显表现出要奔跑的强烈愿望。
    As we waited for the start signal that day,Chubby was prancing in place,alert and obviously eager to be running.
  • 风暴中波涛翻;愤怒得胃疼
    Waves churning in the storm; so angry it made my stomach churn.
  • 如空军,可出一些机场,一是搞军民合用,一是搞民用,支援国家发展民航事业。
    For instance, the air force can spare some airports for civilian or both military and civilian use to help the state develop civil aviation.
  • --让、开放军事设施。
    -- Turning military facilities over to the public or converting them to civilian use.
  • 海军的港口,有的可以合用,有的可以出来搞民用,以增大国家港口的吞吐能力。
    The navy can designate some of its ports for both military and civilian use and others for civilian use only, to help increase the handling capacity of the nation's ports.
  • 部落的血缘关系由他们共同的图来识别。
    a clan identified by their kinship to a common totemic object.
  • 的水通过中心管子上升并且通过地面上的咖啡豆的篮子过滤下来的咖啡壶。
    a coffeepot in which boiling water ascends through a central tube and filters back down through a basket of ground coffee beans.
  • ‘不要侵犯我的财产。’邻居杀气地吼道。
    `Don't trespass onto my property,' the neighbor shouted combatively.
  • 然而,为了保持软件兼容性,当代芯片,如intel的奔ⅲ和amd的athlon芯片,仍然必然与80年代设计的所有讨厌的cisc指令一起工作,即使当初的优势——节省存储器——现已不太重要了。
    Nonetheless, to maintain software compatibility, modern chips such as Intel's PentiumⅢ and Advanced Micro Devices Inc.'s Athlon must still work with all troublesome CISC instructions that were designed in the 1980s, even though their original advantage -- memory conservation -- isn't as important.
  • 这次我们提出减少兼职过多、权力过分集中的现象,目的之一,也是为了给中青年同志出台阶。
    It is to make room for the young and middle-aged cadres that we have proposed reducing concurrent posts and eliminating over-concentration of power.
  • 浓缩通过沸或蒸发来浓缩或使浓缩;浓缩
    To undergo thickening or cause to thicken, as by boiling or evaporation; condense.
  • 气体通过沸的液体被压缩然后流回防止它蒸干的容器。
    vapor over a boiling liquid is condensed and flows back into the vessel to prevent its contents from boiling dry.
  • 隆公司成立后不久,他在北京领导成立了大型联合企业博奥生物芯片公司,公司目前的业务囊括了从生物芯片到牙科器械的各个领域。
    Soon after founding Aviva, he led in the formation of a conglomerate in Beijing, Capital Biochip, that now encompasses everything from biochips to dental equipment.
  • 洪水的鬼斧神工造就了大陆上独一无二的地形。
    The surging waters carved landforms unlike anything else on the continent.
  • 水力发电的通过转变奔的水的能量产生电
    Generating electricity by conversion of the energy of running water.
  • 根据“绿洲生态,灌溉农业”的特点,新疆展开了大规模的农田水利建设,全面启动塔里木河综合治理工程,先后四次从博斯湖向下游调水10.5亿立方米。
    On the basis of “oasis ecology and irrigated farmland,” Xinjiang has carried out large-scale farm water conservancy construction. The multi-purpose project to harness the Tarim River has, on four occasions, diverted 1.05 billion cu m of water from Bosten Lake to the lower reaches of the river.