Chinese English Sentence:
  • 聪明不是挂在嘴上。
    He is a wise man who speaks little.
  • 诡计多端的人狡诈、诡诈或明的人
    A crafty, sly, or clever person.
  • 明才智,不如运气。
    An ounce of luck is better than a pound of wisdom.
  • 只会用功不玩耍,明孩子也变傻。
    All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
  • 她真聪明。
    She is so smart.
  • 哎呀!多明的孩子!
    My! What a smart boy!
  • 她既漂亮又聪明。
    She is both pretty and smart.
  • 人们穿着实验衣时,看起来好像都很明。
    People always look smart in lab coat.
  • 因为他们的儿子们和女儿们都很明。
    Because their sons and daughters are all smart.
  • 他很明能干,精通本行。
    He was very smart and knew his business.
  • 她们慧,清楚知识就是力量。
    They are smart, knowing that knowledge is power.
  • 作家朱迪斯·韦厄斯特曾写道:“当你觉得他像罗伯特·雷德福一样仪表堂堂,像索尔仁尼琴一样心地纯洁,像伍迪·艾伦一样言谈风趣,像吉米·康纳斯一样身体矫健,像阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦一样头脑明你就被爱冲昏了头脑。
    Author Judith Viorst once wrote, “Infatuation is when you think he’s as gorgeous as Robert Redford, as pure as Solzhenitsyn, as funny as Woody Allen, as athletic as Jimmy Connors, and as smart as Albert Einstein.
  • 埃米莉生在伦敦长在伦敦,虽已年逾古稀,但实在令人惊讶的是,她仍精力充沛,耳目明。
    Emily is a Londoner born and bred and, for a woman some years past the allotted span, of a truly remarkable vigour and alertness.
  • 在你的视窗电脑功能的帮助下,机灵鬼alex比一般的电动玩具要明得多,它会讲故事、玩游戏,还能听懂孩子们在回答它的问题时会用到的约3万个单词。这一切都是通过接插在你的计算机上的一无线发射基座(通信范围约200英尺)来完成的。
    With the power of your Windows PC at its disposal, Smart Alex is a lot more intelligent than your average electronic toy. It reads stories, plays games, and recognizes 30,000 words preschoolers say in response to its questions -- all by communicating wirelessly (as far as 200 feet away) with a base statin plugged into your PC.
  • 明又勤奋的alien是个好例子。在去年为期两周,有关亚洲经济危机的紧凑课程里,表现得充满干劲的他无疑是年轻人的模范。
    Take Alien. Undoubtedly bright and hardworking, he was - in the intensive two-week course on the Asian Economic Crisis I taught late last year - a model of youthful drive.
  • 她充满着年轻人的热烈幻想,虽然漂亮,她还只是一个正在发育阶段的美人胎子。不过从她的身段已经可以看出将来发育成熟时的美妙体态了。她的眼睛里透着天生的明。她是一个典型的美国中产阶级少女--她们家已是移民的第三代了。
    Warm with the fancies of youth, pretty with the insipid prettiness of the formative period, possessed of a figure promising eventual shapeliness and an eye alight with certain native intelligence, she was a fair example of the middle American class--two generations removed from the emigrant.
  • 艾伦是个自作明的人,对什么事都非常敏感。
    Allen is a wiseacre who hears the grass grow.
  • 她很明,可谓才智超人.
    Her intelligence seems almost superhuman.
  • 一位伟大的学者未必一定是极明的人。
    A great scholar is not always a very wise man.
  • 他对他的儿子期望很大,觉得在当地的中学不能充分发挥他的明才智。
    He was ambitious for his sons and felt that they were not being fully stretched.
  • 他妻子比他明而有风趣, 显得他黯然失色.
    He is eclipsed by his wife, who is much cleverer and more amusing than he is.
  • 帕梅拉·弗德,是一位20多岁的女孩儿,有着一张天使般慧的脸。
    Pamela Ford was in her twenties, with the face of an intelligent angel.
  • 更昂贵、明、慷慨、惊慌、担心
    More expensive, intelligent, generous, frightened, anxiously
  • 他比任何人都聪明。
    He's cleverer than anybody else.
  • 他非常明,确是我收到的最好的一个徒弟,不论什么我只要做给他看一遍或对他说一遍,他就会了。
    He's as smart as paint, and the best apprentice I ever had- I never had to show or tell him anything more than once.
  • 他是一个很明的学生。
    He is a very apt student.
  • 他是个明却很调皮的孩子。
    He is a clever boy but apt to get into mischief.
  • 他是个聪明的学生。
    He is an apt pupil.
  • 善于辞令的明地或恰当的选择词语或表达的
    Chosen or expressed with aptness or propriety.
  • 原产于阿拉伯的勇猛、优雅并明的骑马。
    a spirited graceful and intelligent riding horse native to Arabia.
  • 有的人明,有的人不明。
    Some are wise, some are otherwise.
  • 你以为我会付款未免太自作明了吧?
    Rather previous in assuming I am going to pay?