Chinese English Sentence:
  • 通过沉思,推理或思来做出决定。
    decide by pondering, reasoning, or reflecting.
  • 我们必须虑正反两方面的理由。
    We must consider the reasons pro and con.
  • 对《克斯报告》结论和寓意的技术性的再评估
  • 这是有根据的,不只是为了安定香港的人心,而是虑到香港的繁荣和稳定同中国的发展战略有着密切的关联。
    There is a reason for that. Not only do we need to reassure the people of Hong Kong, but we also have to take into consideration the close relation between the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and the strategy for the development of China.
  • 非洲地理考察
    geographical exploration in Africa
  • 非洲旧石器时代考古
    Africa in the Palaeolithic
  • 经思将军拿定主意,乘夜色夺回失去的阵地。
    The general resolved on an approach by night to recapture the lost ground.
  • 他保留正本(原始的)收据以便参
    He keeps the original receipt for reference.
  • 例如,爱乐交响乐团从五六家支持它的公司中收到80万英镑,英国的古组织也得到了一家大保险公司的慷慨资助。
    The Phiharmonnia Orchestra, for instance, receives £ 800, 000 from its five or six company backers, and British archaeological groups receive generous help from one giant insurance company.
  • 虑到上述因素,1992年和1993年美方对华贸易逆差分别高估了约80亿美元和96亿美元,即平均高估70%左右。
    Considering the aforementioned factors, the US trade deficit against China was over-estimated by 8 billion US dollars in 1992 and 9.6 billion US dollars in 1993, and that represents an average over-estimation rate of about 70%.
  • 他反复思最近发生的事。
    He ruminated over/about/on recent events.
  • 这种善观风色和善择时机的聪明是不容易的,惟有虚心研究,勤于察和思索的人们可以获得。
    This wisdom in sensing changes and choosing the right moment to act is not easily acquired; it can be gained only by those who study with a receptive mind and investigate and ponder diligently.
  • 性转化的结果,导致思的频率升高,以致于创造性的想像力很容易接收到点子。
    The result of sex transmutation, is the increase of the rate of vibration of thoughts to such a pitch that the Creative Imagination becomes highly receptive to ideas, which it picks up from the ether.
  • 1、阿富汗贾米清真寺的宣礼塔和古遗址。
    1.Minaret and archaeological remains of Jam,Afghanistan.
  • 国家派遣林业技术人员对雅鲁藏布江流域部分地区进行察,并在拉萨市西郊七一农场开展育苗造林试验,为在西藏开展大规模植树造林、改善生态奠定基础。
    The State sent forestry specialists to explore parts of the Yarlungzangbo River Valley, and carried out experiments in the cultivation of tree saplings and afforestation at the July 1 Farm in the western suburbs of Lhasa, which laid the foundation for large-scale afforestation and ecological improvement in Tibet.
  • 我们将把这一棘手的问题再提交委员会虑。
    We will recommit the difficult question to the committee.
  • 她思的方法跟我一致。
    her way of thinking is reconcilable with mine.
  • 将此信息复制到下列空格内,作为工作或重新设置时的参备份。
    Copy this information into the space provided below as a backup reference for service or reconfiguration.
  • 请你再考虑一下。
    Would you please reconsider it?
  • 徐:希望你能重机关报虑。
    I hope you will reconsider it.
  • 难道你不应该再虑一下你的决定吗?
    Won't you reconsider your decision?
  • 他们向政府请求再次虑它的决定。
    They petitioned the Government to reconsider its decision.
  • 我恳求你费心重新虑一下我的请求。
    I beg of you to kindly reconsider my request.
  • 我恳求你费心重新虑一下我的请求。
    I beg(of) you to kindly reconsider my request.
  • 如果有什么不妥,他们会重新虑这件事的。
    If anything fell out amiss, they would reconsider it.
  • 你肯定不会重新虑这个决定吗?
    Are you quite sure you won't reconsider the decision?
  • 您肯定不重新虑这个建议了吗?
    Are you quite sure you won't reconsider the proposal?
  • 他要是你,他会重新虑我的建议。
    If he were you, he would reconsider my proposal.
  • 你是否可以重新虑一下要退出俱乐部的决定?
    Won't you reconsider your decision to leave the club?
  • 您肯定不重新虑这个建议了吗?
    Are you quite sure you will not reconsider the proposal?
  • 您肯定不重新虑着个建议了吗?
    Be you quite sure you will not reconsider the proposal?
  • 最初我凭直觉加以拒绝,但後来又重新虑了。
    My first instinct is to refuse, but later I reconsider.