  • 人种族主义者企图用武力压服印第安人。
    The white racists tried to keep down the Indians by force.
  • 啊哈,你明我的意思了。
    Aha? You catch my drift.
  • 整整一晚我辗转反侧,绞尽脑汁,想弄明是什么原因竟能促成这个年轻人自杀。
    All night I have been tossing and turning racking my brains to think what could have possessed the young the young man to kill himself.
  • 啊,好啦,一样米养百样人嘛。
    Ah, well, it takes all kinds!
  • 热带美洲一年生杂草,有辐射状边花的色头状花序;暂生于美国南部。
    tropical American annual weed with small radiate heads of white flowers; adventive in southern United States.
  • 紫菀属植物一种菊科紫菀属的植物,有带、粉、或蓝紫色伞形放射状头状花序,花盘一般为黄色
    Any of various plants of the genus Aster in the composite family, having radiate flower heads with white, pink, or violet rays and a usually yellow disk.
  • 一种色不可溶粉末,不透射线,用作一种色素。
    a white insoluble radiopaque powder used as a pigment.
  • 只要你看范·埃克的电影,你就会明其实你并不需要有什么表演经验。"
    Anyway when you watch Rob Van Eyck's films you realize that you don't need acting experience," said 27-year-old student Raf Linmans.
  • 为了寻找更多的刺激,这里是那些极限运动的最佳去处,从水河漂流和驾驶快艇到蹦极跳和高空飞降。
    For more adrenaline highs there's an unbeatable choice of good value activities, from white water rafting and jet boat rides to bungee-jumping and skydiving.
  • 故事讲的是一个乡下姑娘手起家由穷致富的经历。
    The story is about a young girl from the country who goes from rag to riches.
  • 故事讲的是一个乡下姑娘手起家由穷致富的经历。
    The story is about a young girl from the country who went from rag to riches.
  • 但是我们的干部,还有许多人不明党在目前时期的政策应当和土地革命时期的政策有重大的区别。
    But many of our cadres fail to realize that the Party's present policy must be very different from its policy during the Agrarian Revolution.
  • 右边空不整齐的文章;牧群赶得不整齐。
    text set with ragged right margins; herded the class into a ragged line.
  • 与粒性血球缺乏症这样一种血液紊乱相关的。
    relating to the blood disorder of agranulocytosis.
  • 她的经历可谓手起家。
    Hers was a rags-to-riches story.
  • 再说到赫斯脱先生,他就坐在伊丽莎身旁,他天生一副懒骨头,活在世上就是为了吃、喝、玩牌,他听到伊丽莎宁可吃一碟普通的菜而不喜欢吃烩肉,便和她谈不上劲了。
    and as for Mr. Hurst, by whom Elizabeth sat, he was an indolent man, who lived only to eat, drink, and play at cards, who, when he found her prefer a plain dish to a ragout, had nothing to say to her.
  • 植物顶部有许多小花;紫苑;雏菊;蒲公英;毛茛;万寿菊;莴苣;豚草属;向日葵;蓟;鱼尾菊。
    plants with heads composed of many florets: aster; daisy; dandelion; goldenrod; marigold; lettuces; ragweed; sunflower; thistle; zinnia.
  • 他们使听众明他们所抱怨的是哪些事情。
    They made their listeners aware of the very things they were railing against.
  • 他的后面,有一支庞大的穿着异常洁服装的歌唱队。
    Behind him, there was a large choir dressed in whiter than white raiment.
  • 约翰·安德鲁博士的目光避开梅格德雷那冰山闪耀的光,向达姆德弗山望去。那座山像一堵黑色的石墙一直向上延展到怪石嶙峋的山顶。在最远处的山顶上,风卷着积雪宛如蔚蓝天幕上的一条链。
    Dr. John Andrews looked across the Magdelena Glacier, aglitter with sparkling needles of light,to the Dame de Fer,which rose in a wall of black rock to a craggy summit, from the uttermost point of which a plume of windblown snow made a white stain on the blue sky.
  • 她苍的面孔显示出她所感受到的激动。
    Her pale face witnessed the agitation she felt.
  • 他苍的脸色表明他很激动。
    His pale looks witnessed his agitation.
  • 士兵们升起了一面旗。
    The soldiers raised a white flag.
  • 麝香葡萄用来产葡萄酒或葡萄干的各种色甜葡萄
    Any of various sweet white grapes used for making wine or raisins.
  • 用红葡萄、兰地烈性酒、葡萄干及橘子皮和糖混合而成的斯堪的纳维亚人的一种鸡尾酒。
    Scandinavian punch made of claret and aquavit with spices and raisins and orange peel and sugar.
  • 瑞典潘趣酒一种高度混合饮料,由红酒、兰地和雪碧酒搀合制成,并含有杏仁、葡萄干和桔皮调味料
    A hot punch made of red wine, brandy, and sherry flavored with almonds, raisins, and orange peel.
  • 甜馅由切得很碎的苹果、葡萄干、香料、肉,有时加朗姆酒或兰地合成的混合物,尤用作馅饼的馅
    A mixture, as of finely chopped apples, raisins, spices, meat, and sometimes rum or brandy, used especially as a pie filling.
  • 美国宫老龄问题会议
    White House Conferences on Aging
  • 北美北部的一种兰花,有淡褐绿色的花,唇瓣具有红色和色的脉,好像公牛的头。
    orchid of northern North America having a brownish-green flower and red-and-white lip suggestive of a ram's head.
  • 一位年长的罗密欧步出车来,头发花,面色苍苍,毫无魅力。
    An aging Romeo stepped out of the car, grey, pale and gone to seed.
  • 但在我们的闲谈背后,有我们自己的目的,而且如果你也偶尔地介入我们的谈话,你就会明
    But we have reason behind our rambling and if you'd only join in occasionally you'd understand.
  • 我们一直明,假如不更换领导班子、不加强控制贪婪无度的恶行,就永远无法实现和平。
    It remains understandable that, without change in leadership and tightened control on unprecedented rampaging greed, no peaceful settlement can be ever be attained.