  • 跟香港不同,还可以保留军队。
    And Taiwan is different from Hong Kong, it may also retain its army.
  • 每一任新政府都想“即刻表现”,可是正因为如此,肯尼迪误入猪,艾克[艾森豪威尔]批准“毁灭性报复”政策,约翰逊深陷越南,里根一开始就谴责苏联为“邪恶帝国。”
    Every new administration wants "to hit the ground running," but this was what Kennedy did when he stumbled into the Bay of Pigs, what Ike did when he approved the doctrine of "massive retaliation," what Johnson did when he plunged deeper into Vietnam, and what Reagan did when he started off condemning the Soviet "evil empire."
  • 问题与中国的统一
    The Taiwan Question and Reunification of China
  •  一九八三年六月二十六日,邓小平进一步发挥了关於实现台与大陆和平统一的构想,指出,问题的核心是祖国统一。
    On 26 June 1983 Deng Xiaoping further enunciated the concept of peaceful reunification, stressing that the crucial point was national reunification.
  • 统一后,台将成为特别行政区。
    After reunification, Taiwan will become a special administrative region.
  • 前途系于祖国统一。
    The future of Taiwan lies in the reunification of the motherland.
  • 中国大陆和台和平统一的设想
  • 解决台问题,完成祖国统一大业提上具体日程
  • 中国政府解决台问题的基本方针是“和平统一、一国两制”。
    Its basic position on this question is: peaceful reunification; one country, two systems.
  • 他们不了解,台的居民为什么不赞成马上统一呢?
    But they don't understand why people in Taiwan are not in favour of immediate reunification.
  • 第二件事,是台归回祖国,实现祖国统一。
    Second, we must work for the return of Taiwan to the motherland, for China's reunification.
  • 的前途只有一条,就是走向与祖国大陆的统一,而决不能走向分裂。
    The only future for Taiwan is reunification with the China mainland, and certainly not separation.
  • 能用一千几百万人口的台的现行制度来统一十亿人口的大陆吗?
    Is it possible to reunify the country by subjecting the mainland, with its one billion people, to the current system in Taiwan, with its population of a dozen million or so?
  • 我们提出的大陆与台统一的方式是合情合理的。
    The plan we have proposed for reunifying the mainland with Taiwan is fair and reasonable.
  • 我们还有一个台问题没有解决,仍然面临着完成国家统一的任务。
    Since the Taiwan issue remains unsolved, we still confront the task of reunifying the country.
  • 迈:台有什么必要同大陆统一?
    Wallace: What's in it for Taiwan to be reunified with the mainland?
  • 完成统一祖国的大业是包括台同胞在内的全中国人民的神圣职责。
    It is the lofty duty of the entire Chinese people, including our compatriots in Taiwan, to accomplish the great task of reunifying the motherland.
  • 第三点理由是,我们采劝一国两制”的方式解决统一问题。大陆搞社会主义,台搞它的资本主义。
    Third, in reunifying the country we shall adopt the formula of "one country, two systems", that is to say, the mainland will retain the socialist system while Taiwan will retain the capitalist system.
  • 所以,在国际事务中反对霸权主义,台归回祖国、实现祖国统一,归根到底,都要求我们的经济建设搞好。
    Therefore, in the final analysis, the two tasks of opposing hegemonism and reunifying the country by achieving the return of Taiwan to the motherland both require that we do well in our economic development.
  • 也只有在中华人民共和国成立以后,才真正实现了全国(除台外)的统一。
    It is also since the founding of the People's Republic that the country (excepting Taiwan) has been truly reunified.
  • 一旦台同大陆统一了,哪怕它实行的制度等等一切都不变,但是形势就稳定了。
    Once Taiwan and the mainland are reunified, even if everything in Taiwan, including its current system, remains the same, its situation will be stable.
  • 第二条,台不实现同大陆的统一,台作为中国领土的地位是没有保障的,不知道哪一天会被别人拿去。
    Second, unless Taiwan is reunified with the mainland, its status as a part of China's territory would remain uncertain, and it might someday be seized by another country.
  • 美国记者华莱士曾向我提出一个问题,大陆现在的经济发展水平大大低于台,为什么台要同大陆统一?
    Mike Wallace, an American journalist, once asked me why Taiwan should want to be reunified with the mainland, since the economic level on the mainland was so much lower.
  • 虽然海峡两岸尚未统一,但是台是中国领土一部分的地位从未改变,由此,中国拥有对台的主权也从未改变。
    Although the two sides of the Straits have not been reunified, Taiwan's status as a part of Chinese territory has never changed, neither, therefore, has China's sovereignty over Taiwan ever changed.
  • 其次,只要台不同大陆统一,台作为中国领土的地位是没有保障的,不知道哪一天又被别人拿去了。
    Second, so long as Taiwan is not reunified with the mainland, its status as part of Chinese territory will not be secure. No one knows when Taiwan might be taken away again.
  • 同胞、港澳同胞和国外侨胞心向祖国,爱国主义觉悟不断提高,他们在实现统一祖国大业、支援祖国现代化建设和加强国际反霸斗争方面,日益发挥着重要的积极作用。
    The thoughts of our compatriots in Taiwan, Xianggang (Hong Kong) and Aomen (Macao) and of Chinese nationals overseas turn with longing to the motherland, and their sense of patriotism has grown constantly stronger.They are playing an increasingly important and positive part in the effort to achieve the great goal of reunifying our motherland, in supporting the country's modernization and in strengthening the international struggle against hegemonism.
  • 有些人主张用第二次世界大战后德国被分裂为两个国家后又重新统一的所谓“两德模式”来处理两岸关系。
    Some people in Taiwan have suggested that cross-Straits relations should be dealt with according to the "two German states formula," since Germany was divided into two states after World War II, and was later reunified.
  • 有些人主张用第二次世界大战后德国被分裂为两个国家后又重新统一的所谓“两德模式”来处理两岸关系。
    Some people in Taiwan have suggested that cross-Straits relations should be dealt with according to the "two German states formula," since Germany was divided into two states after the Second World War, and was later reunified.
  • 在海峡两岸实现统一后,台同胞更能够与全国各族人民一道充分共享中华人民共和国在国际上的尊严与荣誉。
    When both sides of the Taiwan Straits are reunified, Taiwan compatriots will, together with people of all ethnic groups in the country, have more possibilities to fully enjoy the dignity and honour of the PRC in the world.
  • 所以我说,按照“一国两制”的方针解决统一问题后,对香港、澳门、台的政策五十年不变,五十年之后还会不变。
    That is why I say that after the motherland is reunified under the "one country, two systems" formula, our policy towards Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan will not change for 50 years and that it will remain unchanged even beyond that period.
  • 另一方面不能不看到,美国确也有人至今仍不愿看到中国的统一,制造种种藉口,施加种种影响,阻挠台问题的解决。
    On the other hand, one cannot fail to note that there are people in the U.S. who still do not want to see a reunified China. They have cooked up various pretexts and exerted influence to obstruct the settlement of the Taiwan question.
  • 虽然海峡两岸尚未统一,但是台是中国领土一部分的地位从未改变,由此,中国拥有对台的主权也从未改变。
    Although the two sides of the Straits remain to be reunified, the long-term existence of this abnormal situation has not imbued Taiwan with a status and rights in international law, nor can it change the legal status of Taiwan as a part of China.