  • 用于驱赶虫的烟熏味的火。
    a smoky fire to drive away insects.
  • 塔以前在阿尔巴比亚使用的一种硬币,价值相当于一列克的百分之一
    A coin formerly used in Albania and worth one one-hundredth of a lek.
  • 夏延语夏延人所用的语音,属阿耳冈语族
    The Algonquian language of the Cheyenne.
  • 伊利诺语伊利诺人使用的阿尔冈
    The Algonquian language of the Illinois.
  • 基卡普语基卡普人属阿尔冈语组的语言
    The Algonquian language of the Kickapoo.
  • 福克斯人说的阿尔冈语。
    the Algonquian language of the Fox people.
  • 马萨诸塞人说的阿尔冈语。
    the Algonquian language of the Massachuset people.
  • 米克马克人说的阿尔冈语。
    the Algonquian language of the Micmac people.
  • 波瓦坦人说的阿尔冈语。
    the Algonquian language of the Powhatan people.
  • 夏延人说的阿尔冈语。
    the Algonquian language spoken by the Cheyenne people.
  • 克里人说的阿尔冈语。
    the Algonquian language spoken by the Cree people.
  • 德拉瓦人说的阿尔冈语。
    the Algonquian language spoken by the Delaware people.
  • 莫希干人说的阿尔冈语。
    the Algonquian language spoken by the Mohican people.
  • 奥杰布瓦人说的阿尔冈语。
    the Algonquian language spoken by the Ojibwa people.
  • 伊利诺伊和迈阿密人所说的阿尔冈语。
    the Algonquian language of the Illinois and Miami peoples.
  • 阿尔冈人传统上使用阿尔贡金语的一个部族的成员
    A member of a people traditionally speaking an Algonquian language.
  • 黑足人所说的任何阿尔冈语。
    any of the Algonquian languages spoken by the Blackfoot people.
  • 一种东阿贝那基方言佩诺布斯科特语(指其使用的阿尔冈语)
    The Algonquian language of the Penobscot, a dialect of Eastern Abenaki.
  • 阿尔贡金语阿尔冈民族所讲的奥吉布瓦语的任意一种变体
    Any of the varieties of the Ojibwa language spoken by the peoples called Algonquin.
  • 这棵枯树上爬满了虫。
    The dead tree is alive with insects.
  • 美国昆虫学会
    Entomological Society of America,ESA
  • 喙,齿舌某些虫或软体动物等无脊椎动物所具有的舌状器官或身体部位
    An analogous organ or part in invertebrate animals, as in certain insects or mollusks.
  • 有覆盖物的具有在外皮下成形的下一进化形式的骨骼的,如某些虫的蛹
    Having the anatomy of the next developmental form outlined beneath the integument, as in certain insect pupae.
  • 渔夫的诱饵;挂在鱼钩上象一个虫。
    (angling) fisherman's lure; a fishhook decorated to look like an insect.
  • 虻尤指虻科的一种搔扰或咬食牲畜及其它动物的
    Any of various flies, especially of the family Tabanidae, that bite or annoy livestock and other animals.
  • 热带地区游走的蚂蚁,主要捕食其它虫。
    tropical nomadic ant that preys mainly on other insects.
  • 类似蚂蚁的浅色软体群居虫,以木材为食。
    whitish soft-bodied ant-like social insect that feeds on wood.
  • 蚁狮或其它几种虫的幼虫。
    the larva of an ant lion or of any of several other insects.
  • 脉翅目脉翅目的食肉虫,如蚁狮或鱼蛉,有四个网状翅脉的翅膀和适于咀嚼的口器
    A carnivorous insect of the order Neuroptera, such as the ant lion or dobsonfly, having four net-veined wings and mouthparts adapted for chewing.
  • 小头,骨状突一小块球状突出物或头状部分,如一根骨头的突起或一个虫的触角的顶端
    A small knob or head-shaped part, such as a protuberance of a bone or the tip of an insect's antenna.
  • 白天活动的虫,身体细长,触角有球形突起物,翅膀宽而色彩艳丽。
    diurnal insect typically having a slender body with knobbed antennae and broad colorful wings.
  • 典型的晨昏或夜间活动的虫,身体短胖,触角柔软如发。
    typically crepuscular or nocturnal insect having a stout body and feathery or hairlike antennae.