  • 休斯贝勒医院放射肿瘤科的主任布莱恩·巴特勒医生说:“以前我们使用的机器象机关枪。
    "Before, our machines were like shotguns," says Dr. Brian Butler, chief of radiation oncology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.
  • 詹姆斯梅森对尼尔的表演印象颇深,于是他游说在伦的制片商让这位年轻演员在《预兆:最后的较量》(1981年)中扮演角色。
    James Mason was so impressed with Neill's work he lobbied producers in London to showcase the young actor in The Omen: The Final Conflict (1981).
  • 如果这位美国服装设计师想藉着将约克郡主列入他大张旗鼓的“服装最劣”名人榜上而制造新闻的话,他在伦果然上了报。那里一家小报高喊:“神经病!”
    If this American designer hoped to get some ink by putting the Duchess of York on his blatant "worst-dressed list" of celebrities, he got it in London, where a tabloid shrieked:"What A Jerk!"
  • 乔叟的未完成杰作《坎特伯雷故事集》叙述一行32人从伦骑马去坎特伯雷大教堂贝克特大主教殉道处朝圣,路上各人讲一个故事。
    In his uncompleted masterpiece The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer described the pilgrimage undertaken by people on horseback to the shrine of Archbishop Beckett at the Canterbury Cathedrale, with each telling a story to pass the time.
  • 今早9点钟,位于休斯的航天地面指挥中心同我们的"哥伦比亚"号航天飞机失去了联系。
    At 9:00 a.m.this morning,Mission Control in Houston lost contact with our Space Shuttle Columbia.
  • 威斯敏斯特英格兰东南部大伦的一个市区,位于泰晤士河岸。它包括英国政府的主要官邸,尤其是沿着怀特霍尔街与唐宁街的官邸,以及如威斯敏斯特教堂和白金汉宫等有名的建筑物
    A borough of Greater London in southeast England on the Thames River. It includes the principal offices of the British government, especially along Whitehall and Downing streets, and such famous structures as Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace.
  • 上午游览伦塔和西敏寺,午餐后要在圣保罗教学停留一会,其他的时间都参观大英博物馆。
    You visit the Tower and Westminster Abbey in the morning. Right after lunch, the tour makes a stop at St. Paul's. Then the rest of the afternoon is spent at the museum.
  • 德里北爱尔兰西北部一自治社区,位于贝尔法斯特市西北。建在546年圣哥伦巴所造的一所男修道院的遗址上,为一港口和制造业中心。人口68,000
    A borough of northwest Northern Ireland northwest of Belfast. Built on the site of an abbey founded by Saint Columba in546, it is a port and manufacturing center. Population,68, 000.
  • 来看看伦敦的名胜.
    Come and see the sights of London.
  • 我想看看伦的风光。
    I'd like to see the sights of London.
  • 哈罗德百货公司的陈列品是伦一景.
    The displays in Harrods are one of the sights in London.
  • 哈罗德百货公司的陈列品是伦一景。
    The display in Harry is one of the sights in London.
  • 美国海军通讯兵杰克-坎贝尔和英国海军(英国皇家海军女子服务队成员women'sroyalnavalservice)女信号员斯蒂芬尼-巴斯滕第一次打交道还是在57年前。当时两人在苏格兰附近方圆4英里的海域内打着灯向彼此发出摩尔斯信号。上周三,两人最终在伦会面了。
    Fifty-seven years after U.S. Navy signalman Jack Campbell and British Wren signaler Stephanie Batstone first communicated by sending Morse code messages by lantern over a 4-mile stretch of the Scottish sea, the pair finally met face to face in London on Wednesday.
  • 沃特美国南达科他州东北部城市,在苏福尔斯西北偏北方向。是农业区的商业中心。人口17,592
    A city of northeast South Dakota north-northwest of Sioux Falls. It is a commercial center in an agricultural region. Population,17, 592.
  • 的出租车很容易停车,因为它们兜的范围很小。
    London taxis are easy to park because they turn on a sixpence.
  • 匆匆去伦敦几天
    Skip over to London for a few days
  • 王子斥责土地开发商破坏了伦市建物映在空中的轮廓线之美.
    The prince vituperated against the developers for ruining London's skyline.
  • 最高的房屋同纽约的摩天大厦比较起来,仍然很小。
    The tallest buildings in London are small in comparison with the skyscrapers of New York.
  • 他们星期五到达伦
    They reached London on Friday.
  • 文德人居住在萨克森和勃兰堡的斯拉夫人
    One of a Slavic people inhabiting Saxony and Brandenburg.
  • 这条路通向伦敦。
    This road leads to London.
  • 过去,在伦塔里的囚犯受到镣铐、寒冷和阴暗的折磨。
    In the Tower of London, prisoners used to languish in chains, cold, and darkness.
  • 我要再确认一下我从伦到东京的班机。
    I'd like to reconfirm my flight from London to Tokyo.
  • 我要预定两张从巴黎到伦的票。
    I'd like to book two tickets from Paris to London.
  • 我想要预定一个座位,十二点开往伦的火车。
    I'd like to reserve a seat at twelve to London.
  • 请你更改一下从伦到东京的班机日期好吗?
    Could you change my flight date from London to Tokyo?
  • 警探侦破伦黄赌毒团伙(如报刊标题).
    Detectives smash London vice ring, eg in a newspaper headline.
  • 在伦、东京、纽约和其他一些城市,如遇到一种称为逆温的天气,烟雾在城市上空一罩就是几天。
    In London, Tokyo, New York and other cites, a weather condition called a temperature inversion allows smog to hang over the city for several days at a time.
  • 我一生下来就开始哭泣,而每一天都表明我哭泣的原因。(美国小说家 杰克·伦)
    I wept when I was born, and every day shows why.(Jack London, American novelist)
  • 我写作只是为了增加自身的美。(美国作家 杰克·伦)
    Humor has been well defined as thinking in fun while feeling in earnest. (Mark Twain, American novelist)
  • 这时巴菲特尽管并不起眼,但已是一个小获成功的商人。他对上大学并不感兴趣,不过后来还是在父亲的促下去了宾西法尼亚大学的沃顿学院。
    Already a successful albeit small-time businessman, Buffett wasn't keen on going to college but ended up at Wharton at the University of Pennsylvania--his father encouraged him to go.
  • 埃米莉生在伦长在伦,虽已年逾古稀,但实在令人惊讶的是,她仍精力充沛,耳聪目明。
    Emily is a Londoner born and bred and, for a woman some years past the allotted span, of a truly remarkable vigour and alertness.