  •  美國佬在說到亞洲人時必須采取的小心態度,與說到哈拉沙漠以南非洲人後裔的美國人時所需要的精心考慮相比,那簡直算不了什麽,因為說到後者時就像走過地雷陣。
    The care Yankees must take in referring to Asians is as nothing compared with the delicacy required to get through the minefield of terms for Americans of sub-Saharan African ancestry.
  • 包括大多數在非洲次哈拉地區所說語言的一種語係;這個語係的多數語言是音調語、但是有幾個重要例外(例如:斯瓦希裏語或者福拉語)。
    the family of languages that includes most of the languages spoken in sub-Saharan Africa; the majority of them are tonal languages but there are important exceptions (e.g., Swahili or Fula).
  • 黑人人類一個主要種族的成員,傳統上按身體特徵來區分,比如膚色棕色漸黑色,常有緊密的捲發,尤指非洲哈拉以南地區的人
    A member of a major human racial division traditionally distinguished by physical characteristics such as brown to black pigmentation and often tightly curled hair, especially one of various peoples of sub-Saharan Africa.
  • 在非洲南哈拉沙漠地區,有2450萬人患有愛滋病,南亞和東南亞地區有560萬人患病,拉美地區有130萬人患病,北美有90萬人患病,在西歐有52萬人患病。
    24.5 million people are living with the disease in sub-Saharan Africa, 5.6 million in South/Southeast Asia, 1.3 million in Latin America, 900,000 in North America and 520,000 in Western Europe.
  • 黑人的有關或與人類的一個主要種族相關的,這一種族傳統上按身體特徵來劃分,如棕到黑色的皮膚、常有緊密的捲發,包括非洲哈拉以南地區的各土著民族。科學上已不再使用
    Of, relating to, or being a major human racial classification traditionally distinguished by physical characteristics such as brown to black pigmentation and often tightly curled hair and including peoples indigenous to sub-Saharan Africa. No longer in scientific use.
  • 迦納中世紀的一非洲王國。位於現在的塞內加爾東部,馬裏西南部和毛裏塔尼亞南部地區。可能於公元建立並繁榮起來。其原因為,它橫跨了穿哈拉大沙漠旅行隊的路綫。該王國在11世紀後衰落
    A medieval African kingdom in what is now eastern Senegal, southwest Mali, and southern Mauritania. It was founded probably in the6th century a.d. and prospered because of its location astride the trans-Saharan caravan routes. The kingdom declined after the11th century.
  • 支持在緊急基礎上建立全球艾滋病病毒/艾滋病和保健基金,為緊急應付對艾滋病疫情發展和預防、護理、支持和治療提供經費,同時為各國政府與艾滋病病毒/艾滋病作鬥爭提供資金援助,重點放在受感染最嚴重的國傢,尤其是非洲哈拉沙漠以南的國傢、加勒比海國傢和受艾滋病威脅最大的國傢。
    Support the establishment on an urgent basis of a global HIV/AIDS and health fund to finance an urgent and expanded response to the epidemic based on an integrated approach to prevention,care,support and treatment and to assist governments inter alia in their efforts to combat HIV/AIDS with due priority on the most affected countries,notably in sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean and to those countries most at risk.
  • “我沒說你們謊,我是說要分清真相。”
    "I did not say you were lying. I said to tell the truth."
  • 他們把幹冰嚮雲彩。
    They salted clouds with dry ice.
  • 我沒有謊的習慣。或:我不習慣說謊。
    I am not accustomed to lying.
  • 有奧斯蒂亞剋人和摩耶德人的混合血統的人。
    one of the people of mixed Ostyak and Samoyed origin in Siberia.
  • 先知書希伯萊聖經三個部的第二部,包括約書亞記,士師記,母耳記,國王記,以記,耶利米書,以西結書和卡二先知書
    The second of the three divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures, comprising the books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the Twelve.
  • 中的核心典禮彌中始於序言和《聖哉經》之後,結束於主禱經之前的一個部分
    The part of the Mass beginning after the Preface and Sanctus and ending just before the Lord's Prayer.
  • 麯彌的某些程序的背景音樂(伴奏),尤指啓應祈禱樂、求憐經樂、榮歸主頌樂信經樂、聖哉經樂、散那頌樂、本尼迪頌樂和阿格尼迪頌樂的頌歌樂
    A musical setting of certain parts of the Mass, especially the Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Benedictus, and Agnus Dei.
  • 他指責證人撒謊.
    He sailed into the witness, accusing him of lying.
  • 1859年在拿破侖領導下的佛朗哥丁島武裝戰勝了弗朗西斯·約瑟夫領導下的奧地利人。
    a battle in 1859 in which the Franco-Sardinian forces under Napoleon III defeated the Austrians under Francis Joseph.
  • 1859年在法國與拿破侖三世和奧地利的弗朗西斯·約瑟夫皇帝領導的丁人之間的一場非决定性戰役。
    an indecisive battle in 1859 between the French and Sardinians under Emperor Napoleon III and the Austrians under Emperor Francis Joseph I.
  • 聖約翰說過,如果你說愛上帝卻不愛你的鄰人那你就是一個謊者。
    St. John says that you are a liar if you say you love God and you don't love your neighbor.
  • 噴粉機用來篩或粉狀物質的器具
    A device for sifting or scattering a powdered substance.
  • 那孩子突然發起牛脾氣來,把玩具得滿屋都是。
    The child flew into a rage and began scattering its toys about.
  • 嚮各個方向播東西的機械裝置。
    a mechanical device for scattering something (seed or fertilizer or sand etc.) in all directions.
  • 那女孩腿就跑,他在後面窮追不捨,真像電影中的場面——周圍的人紛紛避開。那女孩飛快地左拐右轉,避免發生碰撞。他的喘息聲使他想起了自己的年紀——後來聽到一個女人的喊叫聲從背後傳來:
    The girl runs, he bolts after her.It is like a scene in a movie—bystanders scattering, the girl zigzagging to avoid collisions, the sound of his own breathing reminding him how old he is—until he hears a woman’s voice behind him:
  • 一種有手柄和金屬扁刃的小的手工具;用來挖掘抹灰膏或類似材料。
    a small hand tool with a handle and flat metal blade; used for scooping or spreading plaster or similar materials.
  • 誠實的人看不起狡詐和謊的人。
    Honest boys scorn sneaks and liars.
  • 麥格勒寫有聖經以帖記的聖經書捲,傳統上在猶太教的會堂裏念此捲以慶祝普珥節
    The scroll containing the biblical narrative of the Book of Esther, traditionally read in synagogues to celebrate the festival of Purim.
  • 謊了並且沒有遲疑過。
    He lied and did not even scruple about it.
  • 側嚮窗戶坐着——納尼爾·霍索恩。
    seated sidelong to the window- Nathaniel Hawthorne.
  • 德肋因無私獻身於加爾各答的窮人而深受全世界的尊敬。
    Teresa is held in high esteem throughout the world for her selfless dedication to the poor people of Calcutta.
  • 正如1897年電子的發現是20世紀裏的驚人的事件一樣,1953年詹姆斯·沃森突發奇想,對弗朗西斯·剋裏剋說出了四種核酸如何能配對形成dna(脫氧核糖核酸)分子能自復製的密碼--這一事件為21世紀播下了種子。
    Just as the discovery of the electron in 1897 was a seminal event for the 20th century,the seeds for the 21st century were spawned in 1953,when James Watson blurted out to Francis Crick how four nucleic acids could pair to form the self? copying code of a DNA molecule.
  • 希伯來人,猶太人北方閃米特民族的一員或後裔,自稱是亞伯拉罕、以剋和雅各的後代;古以色列人;猶太人
    A member or descendant of a northern Semitic people, claiming descent from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; an Israelite; a Jew.
  • 我們把傳單嚮四面八方。
    We sent the leaflets flying.
  • 妻子們在自己的權利得到法律認可之前進行了長期、緩慢而細緻的工作,把解脫奴役的種子播出去。
    Slowly, subtly and long before their rights were legally recognised, wives were sowing the seeds of their release from servitude.