  • 可是那位經理卻是含糊其辭,概括籠統,不邊際的應付了一陣,很明顯的,他是不願意說。華特用盡了辦法,也無法使他多說,這次談話簡短枯燥,得不到一點要領。
    The president was vague, general, nebulous. He didn’t want to talk, and apparently nothing could persuade him to talk. The interview was brief and barren.
  • 往巴黎的火車然後在巴賽爾換車。
    Take a train for Pairs and change trains in Basel.
  • 將軍在戰場上起的帳篷裏指揮戰船。
    The general operated from a tent on the battlefield.
  • 她懇求搭他的車。
    She begged a lift in his car.
  • 他們請求我們的車。
    They begged a lift in our car.
  • "belong"習慣上與“to”配。
    "Belong" collocates with "to".
  • 往伯剋利的車在哪裏
    Where can I catch the bus for Berkeley?
  • (橋牌)要求自己的檔叫另一套牌的叫牌。
    (bridge) a bid that asks your partner to bid another suit.
  • 史密斯對他擋的叫牌不予回叫。
    Smith left his partner's bid in.
  • 他安步當車,從不乘街車,把午飯的錢也省了下來,那些錢積聚起來後,買了一部美國名人傳記——後來他做了一椿人們聞所未聞的事。
    He saved his carfares and went without lunch until he had enough money to buy an encyclopedia of American biography - and then he did an unheard-of thing.
  • 孩子在搭積木玩。
    The child entertained himself with his building blocks.
  • 小男孩正在搭積木。
    The little boy is piling up his building blocks.
  • 由於醫生幾乎不允許我做任何事情,很快厭倦就成為與擔憂形影不離的檔了。
    There was little I was allowed to do, and boredom quickly became as constant a companion as the fear.
  • 他一路車到達波士頓。
    He hitched all the way to Boston.
  • 你在北京動物園乘360路公共汽車到植物園。
    Take bus no.360 from Beijing Zoo to the Botanical Garden.
  • 箭上的凹口箭末端的v形凹口,用來弓弦
    The notch in the end of an arrow that fits on the bowstring.
  • 他們用箱子了一張臨時用方桌。
    They made a makeshift table from boxes.
  • 他讓馬繮在他那濺滿了泥漿的手臂上,站了一會兒,直到那車輪聲再也聽不見,夜已十分寂靜,纔轉身往山下走去。
    After standing with the bridle over his heavily-splashed arm, until the wheels of the mail were no longer within hearing and the night was quite still again, he turned to walk down the hill.
  • 古典傳統風格設計要素有:用紅木、櫻桃木或核桃木做的古式傢具,配以錦緞、絲綢和提花毯,要求把不同種鮮花配在一起(如玫瑰、唐菖蒲、康乃馨、百合等等)。
    Classic Traditional Design elements include classic furnishings and antiques made out of mahogany, cherry or walnut with elegant fabrics of brocade, silk and tapestry. And call for a mixture of flowers (roses, gladiola, carnations, and lilies to name a few).
  • 大廳正中,有一座鋪着金色錦緞的看臺,面對大門,背靠墻壁,並利用那間金燦燦臥房走廊上一個窗戶,開了一道特別的入口。這看臺是專為弗朗德勒使者們和其他大人物應邀來觀看聖跡劇而設的。
    In the centre of the Hall, opposite the great entrance, they had erected for the convenience of the Flemish envoys and other great personages invited to witness the performance of the Mystery, a raised platform covered with gold brocade and fixed against the wall, to which a special entrance had been contrived by utilizing a window into the passage from the Gilded Chamber.
  • 他或許不是一個好擋,但應該是一個願意並且能夠幫助你在事業上不斷取得進步的人。
    Not a best buddy, but someone who is willing and able to help you grow professionally.
  • 一個拙劣的工匠;將工作搞糟了;他企圖一個架子的想法是笨拙的。
    a bungling workman; did a clumsy job; his fumbling attempt to put up a shelf.
  • 搭乘8路車。
    Then take Bus No. 8.
  • 在這附近得到計程車嗎?
    Can I get a cab around here?
  • 你要計程車還是小型巴士?
    You take a taxi cab or limousine?
  • 計程車到博物館要花多少錢?
    How much does it cost to go to the museum by cab?
  • 想在高峰時間上計程車是很睏難的。
    It is very hard to catch a cab in the rush hour.
  • 喬治和特德用舊木料匆匆了一個小屋。
    George and Ted threw together a cabin out of old lumber.
  • 我想搭纜車去。
    I want to go by cable car.
  • 我能電纜車到那兒嗎?
    Can I go there by the cable car?
  • 昨晚你在咖啡館裏訕的那個漂亮女孩是誰?
    Who was that pretty girl you were chatting up in the cafe last night?
  • 紮營起帳篷或在帳篷中生活居住
    To set up camp or live in a camp.