  • zài shì yàn tián jiā ( bāo kuò méi ) yǔn shì yàn zhě chū cuògěi jiàn gěi shí jiānér zhè shí jiān dìng shì shì yàn zhōu de shí jiānkàn guān qiān wàn yào dìng xìngjiā fǒu dìngzào chéng shì yàn zhě chéng shòu de lùn yīn wéi kāipì shì yàn tián jiù shì zhǎo chū jiā gǎi jìn wéi de de
    In such fields, the general public -- mass media included -- agree that experimenters be allowed to make mistakes. The latter will be given options and allowed time to try them out, which is long enough for at least one test interval.People will not jump rashly to the conclusion that something must be wrong out there, and the experimenters will not be under pressure. Such experimental fields are meant to find out where shortcomings are and what can be done as a remedy.
  • zài shì yàn tián jiābāo kuò méi yǔn shì yàn zhě chū cuògěi xuǎn gěi shí jiānér zhè shí jiān dìng shì shì yàn zhōu de shí jiānkàn guān qiān wàn yào dìng xìngjiā fǒu dìngzào chéng shì yàn zhě chéng shòu de lùn yīn wéi kāipì shì yàn tián jiù shì zhǎo chū jiā gǎi jìn wéi de de
    In such fields, the general public -- mass media included -- agree that experimenters be allowed to make mistakes. The latter will be given options and allowed time to try them out, which is long enough for at least one test interval. People will not jump rashly to the conclusion that something must be wrong out there, and the experimenters will not be under pressure. Such experimental fields are meant to find out where shortcomings are and what can be done as a remedy.
  • xuán gōu shǔ zhí zhǒng xuán gōu shǔ de duō guàn bāo kuò hēi méi shān méi
    A prickly shrub of the genus Rubus, including the blackberry and the raspberry.
  • chéng jiào shǔ huì xiān xíng fàn rén fēn lèirán hòu sòng wǎng chéng jiào gòu xíngjìn xíng fēn lèi shí suǒ kǎo de yīn bāo kuò fàn rén shì fǒu chū fàn men duì shè huì de wēi xié chéng děng
    Prisoners are assigned to institutions according to their security rating,which takes into account, among other things, the risk they pose to the community and whether they are first-time offenders.
  • zhàn shí de jiān bāo kuò shí pèijǐ rán liào duǎn quē
    Wartime austerities included food rationing and shortage of fuel.
  • jiǔ jiǔ niándāng yòng liǎo duō shí jiān xiáng guī huá gāi xiàng gōng chéng jìhuàbāo kuò chóngxīn fēn pèi kuí yǒng qīng de wèi jīng yíng quán
    Much of 1997 was spent in the detailed planning of the project, which includes overall rationalisation of the berths at Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi.
  • wěi yuán huì nián chū shǒu kāi huì lái jīng chū fēn guò zài wèi lái sān shí nián néng yǐng xiǎng xiāng gǎng de xiē quán qiú xìng xìng yuán zhōng guó de zhǎn shì zhōng bāo kuò mào tóu quán qiú huà de yǐng xiǎng zhǎn xīn dòng xiàngquán qiú rén kǒu lǎo huà wèn huán jìng bǎo de zhōng guó běn zhè liǎng zhōu jīng de jīng gǎi xiàng
    In my first Policy Address, I announced the formation of the Commission on Strategic Development. Since the Commission s first meeting early this year, we have analysed a number of major trends and driving forces which may affect Hong Kong in the next 30 years - worldwide, regionally and in China - including the impact of globalisation on trade and investment; technological development; the effect of an ageing population throughout the world; issues regarding the natural environment; and the impact of economic reform in Asia s two most important economies - China and Japan.
  • ér qiězhè jiāng gěi niǎo lèi ( bāo kuò sōng què ) yuán yòu de zhī shí tiān jiā liǎo xīn nèi róng
    And it would add another footnote to the legacy of the family Corvidae, which includes crows, ravens, jays and magpies.
  • shí yīng yóu guī shí chéng de zhǒng fēi cháng jiān yìng de kuàng zhì, sio2, guǎng shì jiè cún zài duō tóng zhǒng lèi de yán shí zhōngbāo kuò shā yán huā gǎng yánshí yīng zhǒng lèi bāo kuò nǎo suǐhēi shísuì shídàn bái shí shuǐ jīng
    A very hard mineral composed of silica, SiO2, found worldwide in many different types of rocks, including sandstone and granite. Varieties of quartz include agate, chalcedony, chert, flint, opal, and rock crystal.
  • bāo kuò zài yán xué lǐng nèi
    not included within the realm of language.
  • wèile duō mùdìsuǒ yòu zhè xiē rénbāo kuò mófáng zhù huómiàn bāo shī zài nèiyìng guī lèi gēng zuò zhě shōu zhě zhī liè
    For many purposes all these persons, the miller and baker inclusive, must be placed in the same class with ploughmen and reapers.
  • huì tōng cháng xīng sān xià zài huì lóu huì tīng xíng huì chǔlǐ huì shì bāo kuò shěng lǎn xiàng huì jiāo de shǔ wén jiàn bào gàoxiàng zhèng chū zhì xún jiāo bìng shěn 'àn de jué 'àn jiù yòu guān gōng gòng de shì xiàng jìn xíng 'àn biàn lùn
    The Legislative Council normally meets on Wednesday afternoons in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building to conduct business which includes the tabling of subsidiary legislation and other papers and reports for the council's consideration; asking of questions for replies by the Government; the introduction and consideration of bills and proposed resolutions; and debates on motions concerning matters of public interest.
  • huì tōng cháng xīng sān xià zài huì lóu huì tīng xíng huì chǔlǐ huì shì bāo kuò shěng lǎn xiàng huì jiāo de shǔ wén jiàn bào gàoxiàng zhèng chū zhì xún jiāo bìng shěn 'àn jué 'àn jiù yòu guān gōng zhòng de shì xiàng jìn xíng 'àn biàn lùn
    The Legislative Council normally meets on Wednesday afternoons in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building to conduct business which includes tabling of subsidiary legislation and other papers and reports for the council's consideration; questions for replies by the Government; the introduction and consideration of bills and resolutions; and debates on motions relating to matters of public interest.
  • men yào qiú sān nián nèi tiáozhěngān pái hǎo lǐng dǎo bān bāo kuò dǎng zhī de èrsān shǒu
    We are asking that the replacement or reappointment of the top three comrades in leading groups at all levels (including Party branches) be completed within about three years.
  • chuán wěi gòu jià tiě chuán zhōng zuì kào jìn chuán wěi de héng xiàng chéng fēnbāo kuò zài chuán wěi zhù jìn de jiá bǎn héng liáng shàng
    The aftermost transverse structural member in a steel ship, including the floor, frame, and beam assembly at the sternpost.
  • wéi hòu cāo zuò zhǔn bèi shù biān ji bāo kuò chóngxīn zhì shù huò zēng jiā shù shān chú yào de shù shì kòng zhìdài zhuǎn huàn shǐ yòng zhū xiāo líng yàng de guī huà chǔlǐ
    To prepare data for a later operation. Editing may include the rearrangement or the addition of data, the deletion of unwanted data, format control, code conversion, and the application of standard processes such as zero suppression.
  • rén mín fáng kōng dòng yuán bāo kuò qún zhòng fáng dòng yuánrén fáng zhuān duì dòng yuánrén fáng gōng chéng shù bǎo zhàng dòng yuánrén fáng jǐng bǎo zhàng dòng yuán děngzhù yào rèn shì dòng yuán shè huì liàng jìn xíng fáng kōng shè shī jiàn shè jiàn xùn liàn fáng kōng zhuān duì kāi zhǎn rén mín fáng kōng xuān chuán jiào zhì rén yuán shū sàn yǐn pèi fáng kōng zuò zhànxiāo chú kōng hòu guǒ
    Mobilization for civil air defense includes mobilization of civilians and people with special civil air defense skills, material and technical support for civilair defense projects, and civil air defense early-warning systems. Its main task is to mobilize social forces in construction of air defense projects, establish and train specialized air defense service, conduct civil air defense publicity and education, organize evacuations and sheltering, assist in air defense operations, and deal with the aftermath of air raids.
  • shí nián nèi luàn de xiāo hòu guǒ shǐ liú de zhǒng zhǒng yīn xīn xíng shì xià chū xiàn de xīn de wèn zài rén men de xiǎng shàng yǐn zhǒng fǎn yìngbāo kuò fēn cuò de rèn shí
    The aftermath of the ten years of domestic turmoil, the difficulties left over from the past and the complicated problems that have arisen under the new circumstances have affected people's thinking and have resulted in some confusion and misunderstanding.
  • zhǒng chǔlǐ guò chéngyòng què dìng shù shì fǒu jīng què wán zhěng huò zhùshù zhèng shí bāo kuò shì jiǎn yànwán zhěng xìng jiǎn yànjiǎn yàn jiàn shì xìng jiǎn yàn fàn wéi jiǎn yàn
    A process used to determine if data are inaccurate, incomplete, or unreasonable. Note: Data validation may include format checks, completeness checks, check key tests, reasonableness checks and limit checks.
  • xiǎng zhè bāo kuò diǎn yuán yīn
    I think there are several reasons.
  • tóng yuè men xuān liǎo dòng jié mài tóng shí tuī chū liǎo liè zhuān wéi shū jiě shì mín kùn nán 'ér shè de cuò shībāo kuò tuì hái chā xiǎng shè xié zhù zhōng xiǎo xíng de xìn dài bǎo zhèng jīn
    We announced in the same month a moratorium on the land sales programme, together with a series of measures specifically aimed at alleviating economic hardship. These included a rate rebate and the setting up of a fund to assist small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • wèile shū jiě mín kùn wéi jīng gōng yào tiáo jiàn zhèng jīn nián nèi jīng zuò chū liǎo duō xiàng shuì kuān jiǎn tuī chū liǎo liè zhuān wéi shū huǎn shì mín kùn nán de cuò shībāo kuò tuì hái chā xiǎng shè xié zhù zhōng xiǎo xíng de xìn dài bǎo zhèng jīn
    The Government has put forward a number of measures aimed at easing pressure on the public and creating the conditions necessary for economic revival. These included substantial tax cut, rate rebate and the setting up of a fund to assist small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • fēi de fēn zhīshǐ yòng suǒ āi sài 'é kěn běi bāo kuò yòu bèi jiǎ ào luó yīng suǒ
    A branch of the Afro-Asiatic language family spoken in Somalia, Ethiopia, and northern Kenya and including Beja, Orono, and Somali.
  • zhà fēi zhōu zhōng suǒ jiǎng de fēi de fēn zhībāo kuò zuì zhù míng de háo zhī
    A branch of the Afro-Asiatic language family, spoken in west-central Africa and including Hausa as its best-known member.
  • zhè 8 zuò wèi dǎo dōng nán de chéng zhènbāo kuò zài nèijūn 1693 nián chǎng dǎo zhì 9.3 wàn míng mín sàng shēng de zhèn hòu zhòng jiàn
    These eight towns in southeastern Sicily including Catania,Modica and Ragusa were rebuilt after a 1693 earthquake which killed 93,000 people.
  • ràng men lái gài kuò xià yào diǎn
    Let's recapitulate the main ideas.
  • zhè gài kuò liǎo chéng zhēng de xiáng liè biǎo
    Here to recapitulate is a detailed list of the program characteristics.
  • men suī rán xiǎng jìn néng jiǎn dānquè hái shì zhú liè liǎo zhè me duō jiàn zhù suí zhe men zhú jiàn gòu huà chū jiù de zǒng xíng xiàng shí guǒ zhè cháng chuàn liè bìng méi yòu zài kàn guān xīn zhōng jiù de xíng xiàng nòng zhī suì de huà mexiàn zài biàn yòng sān yán liǎng gài kuò liǎo
    Now, if the enumeration of so many edifices, summary as we have endeavored to make it, has not shattered in the reader's mind the general image of old Paris, as we have constructed it, we will recapitulate it in a few words.
  • yǎn jiǎng shízhì jié shù zǒng jié zhèng shì de gài kuò jié shù yǎn jiǎng
    To conclude a speech with a formal recapitulation.
  • dài kuǎn zhōng guī dìng liǎo dìng de dān bǎo pǐn zuò wéi zuò wéi de dān bǎo pǐn bāo kuò zhǒng chǎn dòng chǎnqián dānyìng shōu kuǎn xiàngchǎng fáng shè bèixìn tuō shōu zhuǎn ràng de dān piàozhài quàn xíng shì de chǎn děng
    Secured loans involve the pledge of specific collateral, which may consist of a variety of assets such as real estate, warehouse receipts, accounts receivable, plants and equipment, trust receipts, negotiable bills of lading, stocks, bonds, and other form of property.
  • bāo kuò zài hǎi shàng háng xíng zhe de xiē zuì de chuán zhǐ
    Include some of the largest vessels afloat.
  • men cóng guò chéng rèn de shì shí zhōng liǎo jiě dào jǐn chéng gōng jiāng tàn jūn bìng zhì huà liǎoér qiě jiāng bāo kuò ròu jūn huáng méi děng shēng zhì huà liǎo
    We know from Iraq's past admissions that it has successfully weaponized not only anthrax, but also other biological agents, including botulinum toxin, aflatoxin and ricin.