  • 在试验田里大家(包媒体)允许试验者出错,给他建议、给他时间,而这个时间一定是一个试验周期的时间,看官千万不要一语定性,加以否定,造成试验者承受巨大的舆论压力,因为开辟试验田就是以找出不足,加以改进为目的的。
    In such fields, the general public -- mass media included -- agree that experimenters be allowed to make mistakes. The latter will be given options and allowed time to try them out, which is long enough for at least one test interval.People will not jump rashly to the conclusion that something must be wrong out there, and the experimenters will not be under pressure. Such experimental fields are meant to find out where shortcomings are and what can be done as a remedy.
  • 在试验田里大家(包媒体)允许试验者出错,给他选择、给他时间,而这个时间一定是一个试验周期的时间,看官千万不要一语定性,加以否定,造成试验者承受巨大的舆论压力,因为开辟试验田就是以找出不足,加以改进为目的的。
    In such fields, the general public -- mass media included -- agree that experimenters be allowed to make mistakes. The latter will be given options and allowed time to try them out, which is long enough for at least one test interval. People will not jump rashly to the conclusion that something must be wrong out there, and the experimenters will not be under pressure. Such experimental fields are meant to find out where shortcomings are and what can be done as a remedy.
  • 悬钩子属植物一种悬钩子属的多刺灌木,包黑莓和山莓
    A prickly shrub of the genus Rubus, including the blackberry and the raspberry.
  • 惩教署会先行把犯人分类,然后送往惩教机构服刑。进行分类时所考虑的因素,包犯人是否初犯及他们对社会的威胁程度等。
    Prisoners are assigned to institutions according to their security rating,which takes into account, among other things, the risk they pose to the community and whether they are first-time offenders.
  • 战时的艰苦包食物配给和燃料短缺。
    Wartime austerities included food rationing and shortage of fuel.
  • 一九九七年,当局用了许多时间详细规划该项工程计划,包重新分配葵涌及青衣的泊位经营权。
    Much of 1997 was spent in the detailed planning of the project, which includes overall rationalisation of the berths at Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi.
  • 委员会自年初首次开会以来,已经初步分析过在未来三十年可能影响香港的一些全球性、区域性和源自中国大陆的发展趋势,其中包贸易和投资全球化的影响、科技发展新动向、全球人口老化问题、环境保护的课题,以及中国和日本这两大亚洲经济体系的经济改革路向。
    In my first Policy Address, I announced the formation of the Commission on Strategic Development. Since the Commission s first meeting early this year, we have analysed a number of major trends and driving forces which may affect Hong Kong in the next 30 years - worldwide, regionally and in China - including the impact of globalisation on trade and investment; technological development; the effect of an ageing population throughout the world; issues regarding the natural environment; and the impact of economic reform in Asia s two most important economies - China and Japan.
  • 而且,这将给鸦科鸟类(包乌鸦、渡鸦、松鸦和喜鹊)原有的知识添加了新内容。
    And it would add another footnote to the legacy of the family Corvidae, which includes crows, ravens, jays and magpies.
  • 石英由硅石组成的一种非常坚硬的矿物质,sio2,广布世界各地,存在于许多不同种类的岩石中,包沙岩和花岗岩。石英种类包玛瑙、玉髓、黑矽石、燧石、蛋白石及水晶
    A very hard mineral composed of silica, SiO2, found worldwide in many different types of rocks, including sandstone and granite. Varieties of quartz include agate, chalcedony, chert, flint, opal, and rock crystal.
  • 不包在语言学领域内。
    not included within the realm of language.
  • 为了许多目的,所有这些人,包磨坊主和面包师傅在内,应归类于耕作者和收割者之列。
    For many purposes all these persons, the miller and baker inclusive, must be placed in the same class with ploughmen and reapers.
  • 立法会通常于星期三下午在立法会大楼会议厅举行会议,处理立法会事务,包省览向立法会提交的附属法例、其他文件和报告,向政府提出质询,提交并审议法案和拟议的决议案,以及就有关公共利益的事项进行议案辩论。
    The Legislative Council normally meets on Wednesday afternoons in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building to conduct business which includes the tabling of subsidiary legislation and other papers and reports for the council's consideration; asking of questions for replies by the Government; the introduction and consideration of bills and proposed resolutions; and debates on motions concerning matters of public interest.
  • 立法会通常於星期三下午在立法会大楼会议厅举行会议,处理立法会事务,包省览向立法会提交的附属法例、其他文件和报告,向政府提出质询,提交并审议法案和决议案,以及就有关公众利益的事项进行议案辩论。
    The Legislative Council normally meets on Wednesday afternoons in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building to conduct business which includes tabling of subsidiary legislation and other papers and reports for the council's consideration; questions for replies by the Government; the introduction and consideration of bills and resolutions; and debates on motions relating to matters of public interest.
  • 我们要求三几年内调整、安排好各级领导班子(包党支部)的一、二、三把手。
    We are asking that the replacement or reappointment of the top three comrades in leading groups at all levels (including Party branches) be completed within about three years.
  • 船尾构架铁船中最靠近船尾的横向组成部分,包在船尾柱附近的甲板、肋骨和横梁上
    The aftermost transverse structural member in a steel ship, including the floor, frame, and beam assembly at the sternpost.
  • 为后继操作准备数据,编辑可以包重新组织数据或增加数据、删除不需要的数据、格式控制、代码转换以及使用诸如消零那样的规格化处理。
    To prepare data for a later operation. Editing may include the rearrangement or the addition of data, the deletion of unwanted data, format control, code conversion, and the application of standard processes such as zero suppression.
  • 人民防空动员包群众防护动员、人防专业队伍动员、人防工程物资技术保障动员、人防预警保障动员等,主要任务是动员社会力量进行防空设施建设,组建和训练防空专业队伍,开展人民防空宣传教育,组织人员疏散隐蔽,配合防空作战,消除空袭后果。
    Mobilization for civil air defense includes mobilization of civilians and people with special civil air defense skills, material and technical support for civilair defense projects, and civil air defense early-warning systems. Its main task is to mobilize social forces in construction of air defense projects, establish and train specialized air defense service, conduct civil air defense publicity and education, organize evacuations and sheltering, assist in air defense operations, and deal with the aftermath of air raids.
  • 十年内乱的消极后果和历史遗留的种种因素,新形势下出现的新的复杂问题,在人们的思想上引起各种反映,包一部分模糊和错误的认识。
    The aftermath of the ten years of domestic turmoil, the difficulties left over from the past and the complicated problems that have arisen under the new circumstances have affected people's thinking and have resulted in some confusion and misunderstanding.
  • 一种处理过程,用于确定数据是否不精确、不完整或不合理。注:数据证实可包格式检验、完整性检验、检验键测试、合理性检验和范围检验。
    A process used to determine if data are inaccurate, incomplete, or unreasonable. Note: Data validation may include format checks, completeness checks, check key tests, reasonableness checks and limit checks.
  • 我想这包几点原因。
    I think there are several reasons.
  • 同月,我们也宣布了冻结卖地,同时推出了一系列专为纾解市民困难而设的措施,包退还差饷和设立协助中小型企业的信贷保证基金。
    We announced in the same month a moratorium on the land sales programme, together with a series of measures specifically aimed at alleviating economic hardship. These included a rate rebate and the setting up of a fund to assist small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • 为了纾解民困,以及为经济复苏提供必要条件,特区政府今年内已经作出了多项税务宽减以及推出了一系列专为纾缓市民困难的措施,包退还差饷和设立协助中小型企业的信贷保证基金。
    The Government has put forward a number of measures aimed at easing pressure on the public and creating the conditions necessary for economic revival. These included substantial tax cut, rate rebate and the setting up of a fund to assist small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • 库希特语族亚非语族的一个分支,使用于索马里、埃塞俄比亚以及肯尼亚北部地区,包有贝贾语、奥罗英语和索马里语
    A branch of the Afro-Asiatic language family spoken in Somalia, Ethiopia, and northern Kenya and including Beja, Orono, and Somali.
  • 乍得语非洲中西部所讲的亚非语系的一个分支,包最著名的豪萨语支
    A branch of the Afro-Asiatic language family, spoken in west-central Africa and including Hausa as its best-known member.
  • 这8座位于西西里岛东南部的城镇,包卡塔尼亚、莫迪卡和拉古萨在内,均系1693年那场导致9.3万名居民丧生的大地震后重建。
    These eight towns in southeastern Sicily including Catania,Modica and Ragusa were rebuilt after a 1693 earthquake which killed 93,000 people.
  • 让我们来概一下要点。
    Let's recapitulate the main ideas.
  • 这里概了程序特征的详细列表。
    Here to recapitulate is a detailed list of the program characteristics.
  • 我们虽然想尽可能简单,却还是逐一列举了这么多建筑物。随着我们逐渐勾画出旧巴黎的总形象时,如果这一长串列举并没有在看官心目中把旧巴黎的形象弄得支离破碎的话,那么,现在便可以用三言两语予以概了。
    Now, if the enumeration of so many edifices, summary as we have endeavored to make it, has not shattered in the reader's mind the general image of old Paris, as we have constructed it, we will recapitulate it in a few words.
  • (演讲时)致结束语,总结以一个正式的概结束演讲
    To conclude a speech with a formal recapitulation.
  • 抵押贷款中规定了特定的担保品可作为抵押,可作为抵押的担保品包各种资产,如不动产、钱单、应收款项、厂房和设备、信托收据、可转让的提单、股票、债券以及其他形式的资产等。
    Secured loans involve the pledge of specific collateral, which may consist of a variety of assets such as real estate, warehouse receipts, accounts receivable, plants and equipment, trust receipts, negotiable bills of lading, stocks, bonds, and other form of property.
  • 在海上航行着的一些最大的船只。
    Include some of the largest vessels afloat.
  • 我们从伊拉克过去承认的事实中了解到,它已不仅成功地将炭菌病毒制武器化了,而且将包肉毒菌毒素、黄曲霉毒素和蓖麻毒素等生物制剂武器化了。
    We know from Iraq's past admissions that it has successfully weaponized not only anthrax, but also other biological agents, including botulinum toxin, aflatoxin and ricin.