Chinese English Sentence:
  • 有产的有作为收入的主要来源的土地或证券的
    Owning land or securities as a principal source of revenue.
  • 护者,追随者积极的护者或追随者,如一场运动或一种哲学
    An active adherent, as of a movement or philosophy.
  • 犹太人在宗教或文化方面秉持犹太主义的护者
    An adherent of Judaism as a religion or culture.
  • 洛氏阳性人群所有的血液抗原;如果洛氏阴性人群接受洛氏阳性人群的输血就会导致溶血和贫血。
    a blood group antigen possessed by Rh-positive people; if an Rh-negative person receives a blood transfusion from an Rh-positive person it can result in hemolysis and anemia.
  • 自然论这样运动或其护者的原则和方法
    The principles and methods of such a movement or of its adherents.
  • 严格护宗派教义;宗派主义
    Strict adherence to a denomination; sectarianism.
  • 护共同信仰习惯性的参加教会的人群。
    a group of people who adhere to a common faith and habitually attend a given church.
  • 第五,我们必须护当地政府制定的各项政策。
    fifthly, we must adhere to the rules set by the local government.
  • 丙则比以前要少有一万镑,而没有人会比以前富有。
    C, however, is 10,000 l. poorer than formerly; and nobody is richer.
  • 财富有价值物质有物或资源的丰富;财富
    An abundance of valuable material possessions or resources; riches.
  • 里克:我们将永远有巴黎。
    Rick: We'll always have Paris.
  • 在已经有的基础上另加的东西。
    something added to what you have already.
  • 他在阿尔卑斯山和意大利的里维埃拉有多处豪宅和度假村,来往的有贵族、商人、政客和像美国前国务卿亨利·基辛格这样的世界名流。
    He owned several palaces and retreats in the Alps and on the Italian Riviera,and mixed with aristocracy as well as businessmen,politicians and such world figures as former U.S.state secretary Henry Kissinger.
  • 挤的公共汽车、繁忙的道路、住满人的旅馆
    Crowded buses, roads, hotels
  • 路上好拥挤。
    The roads are really packed.
  • 马路上真是拥挤。
    The roads are so crowded.
  • 那些有几家关键且有实力的大用户(他们运行多媒体或类似应用软件)并计划更换网卡的公司应该评价一下25兆位/秒的atm(即atm25)。
    Companies that have several key power users -- those running multimedia applications and the like -- and that are planning a change from network adapter cards should evaluate 25M bit/sec ATM (ATM25).
  • 通过安装一个以太网交换机,用户就能有10兆位/秒专用带宽的工作站,而无须更换网卡。
    By installing an Ethernet switch, users can provide stations with dedicated 10M bit/sec bandwidth without changing network adapter cards.
  • 我们必须确保香港有训练有素、适应力强、兼备多种技能的人才,以配合经济发展和增强香港整体竞争力。
    We must review our manpower and training policies carefully so as to ensure that Hong Kong has a well-trained, adaptable and versatile workforce which can meet the needs of the economy and contribute to our overall competitiveness.
  • 香港特别行政区政府的方针,是确保本港有干劲十足、勤奋上进、适应力强且水准不断提升的工作人口,以提高本港经济的竞争力。
    The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government aims to ensure that there is a dynamic, well-motivated, adaptable and continuously upgraded workforce contributing to Hong Kong's economic competitiveness.
  • 香港特别行政区政府的方针,是确保本港有干劲十足、勤奋上进、适应力强且具备熟练技能的工作人口,以提高本港经济的竞争力。
    The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government aims to ensure that there is a dynamic, well-motivated, adaptable and skilful workforce contributing to Hong Kong's economic competitiveness.
  • 受雇查寻诺克斯的下落,查理的天使们将目光瞄准了他的竞争对手罗杰·科温,他有世界上最大的卫星电信网络--红星系统。
    Hired to track down Knox,Charlie's Angels set their sights on his rival,Roger Corwin,who owns Red Star Systems,the world's largest telecommunications satellite network.
  • 他拥有大量的财产。
    He is rolling in property.
  • 她会放弃她的玩世不恭而抱浪漫吗?
    Will she abandon her cynicism and embrace romance?
  • 而我室友说,她非常高兴能有面对门的那张床,因为门一开便豁然而亮。
    My roommate then told me that she was very pleased to have the bed facing the door, because it was bright when the door was open.
  • 她躲开老板猥亵的抱;她的美丽优雅引发了他好色的本性;色情文学;荒淫的念头;小伙子的好色的公鸡。
    eluding the lubricious embraces of her employer; her sensuous grace roused his lustful nature; prurient literature; prurient thoughts; a salacious rooster of a little man.
  • (尤其用于思想或原则)根深蒂固的;牢固固定或有的。
    (used especially of ideas or principles) deeply rooted; firmly fixed or held.
  • 根茎有柔软灰色茸毛的骨碎补蕨科植物。
    either of two ferns of the genus Davallia having a soft gray hairy rootstock.
  • 秘密报道;有他们的秘密支援者。
    a sub-rosa report; has their under-the-table backing.
  • 这个女演员有一大批崇拜者。
    The actress had a legion of fans.
  • 有一张漂亮且单色的面孔,脸颊和嘴唇(以及眼睛,如果颜色不太红的话)的色彩可保持浓淡一致。
    For a so-chic, monochromatic look, wear the same shade on cheeks and lips (and eyes, if it's not too rosy).
  • 卢梭充满遗憾地回顾了人类的原始起源,认为人类起源时所有的尊严、仁慈和活力在错综复杂的社会中丧失殆尽了。
    Rousseau looked back with regret to the primitive origins of humankind, seeing in our simple beginnings a dignity, grace and vitality lost in sophisticated society.