Chinese English Sentence:
  • 政府为盲、聋、智儿童兴办了特殊教育学校和特殊教育班。
    The Chinese government has set up special-education schools and classes for blind, deaf and mentally retarded children.
  • 协助政府发展特殊教育,已办盲人学校1所、聋哑人学校4所、智儿童学校6所;
    set up one school for the blind, four schools for deaf-mutes and six schools for mentally retarded children;
  • 在特殊教育学校(班)学习的盲、聋、智学生每年增长30%。
    The number of blind, deaf and mentally retarded pupils attending these special schools and classes increased by 30 percent every year.
  • 低能,智低能、智的状态或情况;中度或严重智力障碍
    The state or condition of being an imbecile; moderate or severe mental retardation.
  • 到1996年底,全国已建特殊义务教育学校1426所,在校的盲、聋、智学生32.11万人。
    By the end of 1996, the country had built 1,426 compulsory special education schools, with an enrollment of some 321, 100 blind, deaf and retarded students.
  • 全国盲、聋、智儿童的平均入学率已达60%,在经济发达地区达到80%。
    In 1995 the national average school enrollment rate of blind, deaf and mentally retarded children reached 60 percent; in the economically developed areas enrollment reached 80 percent.
  • 该计划旨在协助儿童和智人士准备上法庭,并提供一位"支援者"陪伴儿童或智人士作供。
    The programme aims to facilitate court preparations of children and mentally retarded witnesses and to provide a 'support person' to accompany child and mentally handicapped victims when giving evidence.
  • 到1994年底,全国已建残疾人特殊教育学校1241所、特殊教育班5301个,在校的盲、聋、智学生21万人。
    By the end of 1994 China had set up 1,241 special-education schools and 5,301 special-education classes for the disabled, and the number of blind, deaf and mentally retarded students had reached 210,000.
  • 近三年来,各类特殊教育学校每年增长20%,普通学校附设特殊教育班每年增长一倍,在特殊教育学校(班)学习的盲、聋、智学生每年增长30%。
    In the past three years various kinds of special education schools have increased annually by 20 percent, and the special classes in ordinary schools have doubled. The number of blind, deaf and mentally retarded pupils attending these special schools and classes increased by 30 percent every year.
  • 此外,全国各地区还兴办了孤儿学校、康复中心、智儿童培训班、残疾儿童康复站、社区康复站等为社区孤儿、残疾人服务的组织近万个,社会个人或组织还兴办社会福利机构上百家。
    Moreover, there are a total of nearly ten thousand organizations serving orphans and disabled persons in communities throughout China, such as schools for orphans, rehabilitation centers, training classes for mentally retarded children, rehabilitation stations for disabled children and community rehabilitation stations, as well as about a hundred social welfare institutions established by individuals or organizations.
  • 他们很脆,因为他们最容易被裁;
    They are most vulnerable because they are a favorite target for retrenchment.
  •  40多的男性雇员的脆性,主要表现在3个“最”:最容易被裁、最难找工作,以及经济负担最大。
    Men aged 40 and above are most vulnerable because they are a favourite target for retrenchment.
  • 他在面临危险时退却是很懦的。
    It is cowardly of him to retrograde in face of danger.
  • 他在面临危险时退却这是很懦的。
    It was cowardly of him to retrograde in face of danger.
  • (一七)加上日本是小国,地孝物少、人少、兵少,中国是大国,地大、物博、人多、兵多这一个条件,于是在强对比之外,就还有小国、退步、寡助和大国、进步、多助的对比,这就是中国决不会亡的根据。
    17. There is the additional factor that while Japan is a small country with a small territory, few resources, a small population and a limited number of soldiers, China is a big country with vast territory, rich resources, a large population and plenty of soldiers, so that, besides the contrast between strength and weakness, there is the contrast between a small country, retrogression and meagre support and a big country, progress and abundant support. This is the reason why China will never be subjugated.
  • 不改变缺省的口令、重复使用口令、错误配置不记名的文件传输协议、不适当的文件和目录保护以及运行脆的网络协议或服务都是网络管理员常犯的错误。
    Failing to change default passwords, reusable passwords, mis-configured anonymous File Transfer Protocol, inappropriate file and directory protections, and running vulnerable network protocols or services are among the mistakes network administrators make.
  • 他们的最大点在讨论过程中暴露出来了。
    Their greatest weakness revealed itself during the discussion.
  • 约在十一个月前,部分亚洲国家在经济结构上的点,触发了一场震动全球的金融危机。
    Some 11 months ago, structural weaknesses of some Asian nations triggered a financial crisis that reverberated around the world.
  • 六个月前,部分亚洲国家在经济结构上的点触发了一场震动全球的金融风暴。
    Six months ago, these structural weaknesses of selected Asian nations triggered a financial crisis that reverberated around the world.
  • 约在十一个月前,部分亚洲国家在经济结构上的点,触发了一场震动全球的金融危机。
    Some eleven months ago, structural weaknesses of some Asian nations triggered a financial crisis that reverberated around the world.
  • 约十个月前,部分亚洲国家在经济结构上的点,触发了一场震动全球的金融危机。
    Some ten months ago, structural weaknesses of some Asian nations triggered a financial crisis that reverberated around the world.
  • 为理解力较的观众重写
    To rewrite for a less intelligent audience.
  • 音乐作品中强音的暂时变化或移动;典型的出现在一个音从拍开始而持续到后面的强拍,或一个音在节拍后开始并持续到次拍时。
    a musical rhythm accenting a weak beat.
  • 不单是来自讲英语环境的年轻一代华文程度低落,连来自华文背景的新一代也出现明显华文表达能力体质衰的情形,华社对这样的现象忧心忡忡是可以理解的。
    Not only is the command of Chinese among young people from English-speaking environment deplorable, but those from Chinese-speaking homes also have difficulties expressing themselves adequately. The worry of the Chinese community is not unfounded.
  • 财富多,体变弱。
    When riches increase, the body decrease.
  • 他们可以搬出元朝灭宋、清朝灭明的历史证据,证明小而强的国家能够灭亡大而的国家,而且是落后的灭亡进步的。
    They can adduce historical instances, such as the destruction of the Sung Dynasty by the Yuan and the destruction of the Ming Dynasty by the Ching, to prove that a small but strong country can vanquish a large but weak one and, moreover, that a backward country can vanquish an advanced one.
  • 拉丁语的持续性遇到本国语言的竞争而注定衰
    The vitality of Latin was doomed to wane before the rivalry of the vernacular tongue.
  • 两个关键性的内阁成员罗杰斯和莱尔德的软无能,又加重了基辛格原有的职权和负担。
    What added to the inherent power of his position and his burdens was the weakness of two key Cabinet members,Rogers and Laird.
  • 一种迅速让人虚无力的病毒。
    an acutely debilitating virus.
  • 智的智力远在常态之下的
    Well below par in mental acumen.
  • 他们正在为较的那个足球队喝彩打气。
    They are rooting for the weaker football team.
  • 我觉得身体非常虚
    I feel absolutely rotten.