  • 她自己为人也好,平日间待人接物,都很和蔼,没有一些儿气,她里有许多祖上的遗产,呼奴使婢,坐着穿吃,真的什么都不用忧虑,只有一件缺憾,就是她嫁了几年,还不曾生个儿子,总觉得美中不足,虽然旁人没因此就轻视了她。
    She herself treated others very well. In all her dealings with everyone, she was friendly and completely without airs. Her family had a great deal of inherited wealth, with servants and maids at their beck and call; no one had to work for a living. Truly no one had to worry about anything. There was only one thing of great regret; that is, after several years of marriage, she had not been able to beget a son. She had therefore felt something missed in the midst of plenty, although no one thought any less of her on account of this.
  • 这样,就可以避免沾染官气,就可以避免脱离群众、脱离实际,就可以使我们的国坚持社会主义制度、并在将来发展到共产主义的道路上去,就可以使我们党坚持马克思列宁主义的原则。
    Only by so doing can we pay more attention to upholding the Party's fine traditions, avoid being tainted with bureaucratic airs, and keep from becoming divorced from the masses and reality. Only thus can China adhere to the socialist system and advance along the road to communism, and can our Party uphold Marxist-Leninist principles.
  • 曼丽的几位妹妹,本在房间那头和卢小姐们在一起,正在跟两三个军官跳舞跳得起劲,曼丽奏完了一支很长的协奏曲之后,她们便要求她再奏几支苏格兰和爱尔兰小调,她也高高兴兴地照办了,为的是要博得别人的夸奖和感激。
    and Mary, at the end of a long concerto, was glad to purchase praise and gratitude by Scotch and Irish airs, at the request of her younger sisters, who, with some of the Lucases and two or three officers, joined eagerly in dancing at one end of the room.
  • 目不识丁的浙江农女潘秀红放下面子与9岁女儿同进一个教室,同用一张书桌,以优异的成绩脱了盲,当选为全国“识字女状元”。
    Pan Xiuhong who was totally illiterate entered the same classroom with her nine-year-old daughter and shared a desk with her without any airs. She finally became literate with excellent result and has been selected as the national "Best women of Learning to Read and Write."
  • 有的同志以老资格自居,认为反正你不是共产党员,不让人有职有权,非要人服从自己不可。
    Some comrades take on airs as veterans, they refuse to delegate functions and powers to others and insist that others obey them just on account of the fact that other people are not Communist Party members.
  • 公司没有资格要求政府补助金。
    The company does not qualify for a government grant.
  • 庭年收入低于33,485美元的则可以吃到每份仅售40美分的低价午餐。
    Families that make $33,485 qualify for reduced-price lunches costing up to 40 cents.
  • 医疗补助计划美国的一项由国和联邦政府联合拨款方案,替负担不起自己医疗费用的人向医院和医生支付费用
    A program in the United States, jointly funded by the states and the federal government, that reimburses hospitals and physicians for providing care to qualifying people who cannot finance their own medical expenses.
  • 此外,我还看到,由於国未来的经济发展,将会要求经济增长的方式要从数量转为质量,先进的管理和彻底的市场研究和高科技的发展都是必须努力做到的事情。
    In addition, we have to note that the future economic development of our country demands a shift from the quantitative approach to a qualitative one. Efforts should be made to employ advanced management skills, conduct thorough market research and develop high technology.
  • 上流社会的人;一个上流社会的庭。
    people of quality; a quality family.
  • 他们的在机场附近。
    Their house is near the airport.
  • 对于我们当初开始生活的小,我既无眷念之情也无内心的不安。
    I had no emotional attachment to our little starter home and no qualms when I had left the house.
  • 实际情况是他用新西兰护照旅行,而且心安理得地享用他的经纪人送给他的美名"世界人",因为他的事业带他到过世界上的许多国
    In reality he travels on a New Zealand passport and has no qualms about his agent describing him as "a man of the world" ...his career has taken him to scores of countries around the globe.
  • 一边在耗巨资引入世界级大型艺术项目,一边却在轻易放弃艺术半个世纪的珍贵作品。
    On the one hand, we have pumped millions of dollars to attract world-class and grand-scale art performances, yet on the other hand, we have no qualms about letting go of some half-a-century old precious plants of an artist.
  • 在这里,逻辑发生问题了,因为“魔鬼”的来源须得解释一下,而当中世纪的神学继续用他们平常的学者的逻辑去研究这个问题时,他们陷入了进退两难的境地了。
    Here the logic halts, for the origin of the Devil had to be explained, and when the medieval theologians proceeded with their usual scholastic logic to deal with the problem, they got into a quandary.
  • 只有这旅店提供免费乘车去机场的服务。
    A free bus to the airport is a facility offered only by this hotel.
  • 故此世人可见,一些较老谋深算的政界人物在位高权重时常常向人诉苦,说自己活得多苦多累;
    Wherefore you shall observe, that the more deep and sober sort of politic persons, in their greataess, are ever bemoaning themselves, what a life they lead, chanting a quanta patimur!
  • [20]在洛杉矶以东约6o英里的一个干燥、多尘的城市——桑伯纳迪诺市里,一批体育专通过“旁门左道”使学校的体育课程成了典范,给孩子们的体格健康水平带来了可观的提高。
    [20] In San Bernardino, a dry, dusty city about 60 miles east of Los Angeles, a team of PE specialists used a side-door entrance to turn the school PE programme into a model that has produced quantifiable improvements in children's fitness levels.
  • 两名英国科学1月6日宣布他们发现了一个量化幸福的方程式,可以用具体的数值来描述情感的状态。
    A pair of British researchers said Monday they had worked out a simple equation to quantify happiness that could put an exact figure on the emotional state.
  • 不仅将扶贫到户作为一项重要措施,而且把解决贫困农户温饱的各项指标也量化到户。
    The state has also used the individual household as the basic unit in quantifying the various indices for solving the poor peasant households' problem of food and clothing.
  • 系统中使用的一种量,该量可以指定为一个数值,并使系统推出有关的实际物理量。对照assertion。参阅rule。
    In expert system, a quantity which may be assigned a numerical value and allows the system to reasonabout real physical quantities.
  • 普朗克,马克斯·卡尔·恩斯特·路德维希1858-1947德国物理学,因其在有关量子理论方面的发现而获1918年诺贝尔奖
    German physicist. He won a1918 Nobel Prize for discoveries in connection with quantum theory.
  • 博恩,马克斯1882-1970德裔物理学。因在量子力学方面的开拓性工作而获1954年诺贝尔奖
    German-born physicist. He shared a1954 Nobel Prize for his pioneering work in quantum mechanics.
  • 海森堡,维尔纳·卡尔1901-1976德国物理学,量子力学的奠基人。因其测不准原理而荣获1932年诺贝尔物理学奖
    German physicist and a founder of quantum mechanics. He won a1932 Nobel Prize for his uncertainty principle.
  • 通用公司周二宣布已经买下昆腾科技公司(一位于加州专门为使用燃料电池的汽车生产配件的公司)百分之二十的股份。
    General Motors said Tuesday it has purchased a 20 percent stake in Quantum Technologies, a California company specializing in producing components for fuel-cell cars.
  • 昆腾公司首席执行官塞德-侯塞因说,通用公司想成为"第一生产一百万辆使用燃料电池汽车并投放使用"的公司。
    GM wants to be "the first company to put one million fuel cell vehicles on the road," said Quantum chief executive Syed Hussain.
  • 比如说rogerpenrose,在批判人工智能的时候,他皈依了量子力学的信仰。哲学davidchalmers谈到意识是宇宙中的基本不同特征。
    I think Roger Penrose, for instance, has succumbed to the religion of quantum mechanics in his criticism of AI. And the philosopher David Chalmers has talked about consciousness being a fundamentally different quality in the Universe.
  • 弗里德曼,杰罗姆·以撒生于1930美国物理学。因研究证实了夸克的存在获1990年诺贝尔奖
    American physicist. He shared a1990 Nobel Prize for research that confirmed the existence of quarks.
  • 激(发核)子,重子微原子粒子族中的一员,包括核子和超子多重谱线,由三夸克组成,一般比介子要重,会发生很强烈的内部反应
    Any of a family of subatomic particles, including the nucleon and hyperon multiplets, that participate in strong interactions, are composed of three quarks, and are generally more massive than mesons.
  • 两狗打架,跛着回
    Quarrel dog come halting home.
  • 有时,我觉得美国与我所见到的印第安苏族社会和佛教社会不同。太多的指手画脚的舆论专们将我们的社会撕扯成了一个四分五裂、争论不休的希腊雅典式的社会,那些个人的艺术成就被怀疑为攫取财富的企图,或是政治宣传的声明。
    I sometimes think that America, unlike the Sioux or the Buddhist societies I've seen, is torn by too many opinion-makers that divide us into a quarrelsome Athenian society where individual artistic achievements are suspected as attempts to enrich ourselves, or as political propaganda statements.
  • 终于从上百份原始资料中发现了
    Finally quarried out the genealogy from hundreds of sources.