  • 牙痛已经使我整整一周不得安了。
    The tooth ache has been nagging at me for a whole week.
  • 牙痛已经使我整整一周不得安了。
    The ache tooth have is nagging at me for a whole week.
  • 牙痛已经使我整整一周不得安了。
    The ache tooth has been nagging at me for a whole week.
  • 在萨马拉时,列继续学习马恩著作。
    While in Samara, Lenin continued to study the works of Marx and Engels.
  • 在家里,孩子上床后,独自细细地品位一下家里的静。
    Savor the stillness in your home after the kids are finally in bed.
  • 马特豪恩峰位于意大利与瑞士交界处的奔阿尔卑斯山脉,海拔4,481。1米(14,692英尺)。首次测量在1865年
    A mountain,4, 481.1 m(14, 692 ft) high, in the Pennine Alps on the Italian-Swiss border. It was first scaled in1865.
  • 美国媒体一向对别的事情喜欢鸡蛋里挑骨头,但对自诩“聪明的武器”却三枚居然都那么准地“误击”,连最起码的怀疑精神都告失去,不使人啧啧称奇。
    The American media has always love nitpicking where other things are concerned, but as to how three "intelligent weapons" could have hit a target "by mistake" and with such accuracy, the most basic media scepticism was not to be found. This is indeed an eye-opener.
  • 美国媒体一向对别的事情喜欢鸡蛋里挑骨头,但对自诩“聪明的武器”却三枚居然都那么准地“误击”,连最起码的怀疑精神都告失去,不使人啧啧称奇。
    The merican media has always love nitpicking where other things are concerned, but as to how three "intelligent weapons" could have hit a target "by mistake" and with such accuracy, the most basic media scepticism was not to be found. This is indeed an eye-opener.
  • 由克里姆林宫支持编写的人物传记《弗拉基米尔·普京:生活的故事》近日面世。该书是对生活中的普京总统的真实写照。这本《弗拉基米尔·普京:生活的故事》仅仅是普京三部曲中的第一部,体裁是传统的苏联传记写法(当初布尔什维克领袖列的传记也是运用的这种体裁)。
    It is a scrupulously unbiased snapshot of Vladimir Putin if you believe the author of the first volume of a Kremlin-backed trilogy on Putin's life, written in the unmistakable style the Soviets once reserved for Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin.
  • “乔治,”他太太喊他,“从棚子里拿点煤来,煤桶里没有啦。”“倒霉鬼不得安,”他一边嘟嚷着说,一边把报纸放下站起身来。
    "George," said his wife, "we want some more coal in from the shed. The scuttle's empty." "There's no peace for the wicked," he murmured, laying the newspaper aside and rising to his feet.
  • 生长于非洲西部和热带美洲的沿海的微咸水域;因其是丹酸的来源,在当地占有重要地位。
    shrub to moderately large tree that grows in brackish water along the seacoasts of western Africa and tropical America; locally important as a source of tannin.
  • 科托努贝北部几内亚湾附近城市。贝最大城市。是海港和商业中心。人口215,000
    A city of southern Benin on the Gulf of Guinea. The largest city in the country, it is a seaport and commercial center. Population,215, 000.
  • 在最近由《联合早报》主催的一项文学座谈中,参与座谈的几位本地华文作家觉得,高行健获奖为华文带来光彩,或能提升华文的地位,因此高行健获奖在新加坡所引起的震撼,与其说是来自文学的,毋说有更大的成分是来自对华语华文的情感与认同。
    At a recent literary seminar organised by Lianhe Zaobao, participating local writers expressed the feeling that Gao's achievement is an accolade to the Chinese language and this may help boost its status here. The impact of Gao's award on Singapore appears to be less on Chinese literature, but more to do with our affection for, and identification with, the Chinese language and Mandarin.
  • 斯蒂芬·费尔斯对吉姆·汤普森的小说《骗子》引人入胜、精彩纷呈的改编几乎赢得了评论界一致的好评。其中大部分是冲着主角安吉利卡·胡思顿、约翰·库萨克和安妮特·贝的表演。
    Stephen Frears's gripping[1], stylish adaptation of Jim Thompson's novel of the same name, The Grifters met with almost unanimous critical acclaim, much of which was aimed at the performances of Anjelica Huston, John Cusack, and Bening as the film's protagonists.
  • 恬静的平静而安;未被打扰的
    Calm and serene; unruffled.
  • 平静的和无麻烦的;静的
    Calm and untroubled; serene.
  • 这是个宁静的夜晚。
    It's a serene night.
  • 恬静的宜人和静的;田园式的
    Charmingly simple and serene; idyllic.
  • 那是一个静、明媚的早晨。
    It was a beautiful morning, calm and serene.
  • 这儿又这么安静止--如此地平静安
    It's so quiet here-- so peaceful and serene.
  • 回首以往,我们渐渐认识到,是这些众多的生日使我们宽厚仁爱,更增智慧,年龄的增长使心境愈趋静。祝生日快乐!
    Looking back across the years, we come to realize that it takes many birthdays to make us kind and wise. Growing older only means the spirit grows serene. Happy birthday!
  • 阿尔法瞥了女孩一眼,立刻就被她吸引住了:一头金色的披肩长发,深蓝色的眼睛犹如静的大海,一条猩红色的连衣裙,把她的身材衬托得魅力四射。
    α glanced the girl and was immediately attracted: She had long straight blonde hair,which reached her shoulders; her eyes were deep blue,just like the serene sea; she wore a scarlet dress,which showed her figure to most advantage.
  • 不管奥斯卡金像奖评委们怎么看《卧虎藏龙》,美国公众可是投了它的票,而且毫无疑问,我们被这部饶有兴味的史诗大片迷得神魂颠倒了。这部影片情感深切、浪漫传奇、活力充沛而又静平和,它还主张男女平等。
    Regardless of what the Academy members have in mind for Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon,the votes have come in from the American public and there is no question that we are head over heels in love with this soulful and romantic,energetic yet serene,feminist and gusty master epic.
  • 有一派哲学在别的方面都不如他派,可是有一位诗人为这派哲学增光不少。这位诗人曾说:“站在岸上看船舶在海上簸荡是一件乐事;站在一座堡垒底窗前看下面的战争和它底种种经过最一件乐事;但是没有一件乐事能与站在真理底高峰(一座高出一切的山陵,在那里的空气永远是澄清而静的)目睹下面谷中的错误、漂泊、迷雾和风雨相比拟的”;只要看的人对这种光景永存恻隐而不要自满,那末以上的话可算是说得好极了。
    The poet, that beautified the sect,that was otherwise inferior to the rest, saith yet excellently well: 'It is a pleasure to stand upon the shore, and to see ships tossed upon the sea: a pleasure to stand in the window of a castle, and to see a battle, and the adventures thereof, below:but no pleasure is comparable, to the standing, upon the vantage ground of truth:'(a hill not to be commanded, and where the air is always clear and serene;) 'and to see the errors, and wanderings, and mists, and tempests, in the vale below:' so always,that this prospect, be with pity, and not with swelling, or pride.
  • 我有种感觉,他在等待,非常静、充满耐心。
    I had the feeling that he was waiting, too--serenely patient.
  • 平静安静的性质或状态;
    The quality or state of being tranquil; serenity.
  • 我们不知道究竟哪一样最使人肃然起敬,是他面色的惨白呢,还是他神宇的静。
    They did not know which was most worthy of admiration, his pallor or his serenity.
  • 这种内心深处的静可能是我们抵御日常困扰的最佳能力。
    This source of inner serenity may be our best defense against the hassles that barrage us every day.
  • 人得到的任何事物,包括知识、自信、内心的安、思考的正途等,都不是天上掉下来的。
    Nothing is given to man automatically, neither knowledge, nor self-confidence, nor inner serenity , nor the nght way to use his mind.
  • 接着上帝带他到山上一个湖沼边去,指给他看水的光辉,石头的静,和湖沼中的美丽的反影,给他听大风吹过松树的声音,可是那个人说,他还是不感到兴奋。
    Next God took him to a mountain lake and showed him the light of the water, the sound of winds whistling through a pine forest, the serenity of the rocks and the beautiful reflections in the lake, and the man said that still he could not get excited over it.
  • 这样做,照列的话说,就是一个郑重的党的标志。
    According to Lenin's standard, this is an indicator of a party's seriousness.
  • 冈及永新西部、遂川北部(以上均目前割据地)出产最多的木材和茶油,仍然运不出去。
    Timber, tea and oil, which are all produced abundantly in Ningkang, western Yunghsin and northern Suichuan (all within our areas at present), cannot be sent out.