  • 他以玫瑰花和心糖扮演了一个殷勤的求婚者
    He played the attentive suitor, complete with roses and bonbons.
  • 这给她留下了深刻的印象:以前向她献殷勤的男人中没有一个掏得出这么一个皮
    It impressed her deeply. Such a purse had never been carried by any one attentive to her.
  • 好在厨房里杂着锅铲煎炒的声音,听的也不大清楚。
    Fortunately the din of the various cooking utensils and the noise created by the frying in the wok made those words not very audible.
  • 天体的方位角是指包括它的垂直面与子午线平面之间的角。
    the azimuth of a celestial body is the angle between the vertical plane containing it and the plane of the meridian.
  • 有咸肉片、番茄和莴苣的三明治。
    sandwich filled with slices of bacon and tomato with lettuce.
  • 把牛头在栅栏里挤奶。
    Bail a cow up for milking.
  • 风车形状的面包卷,撒上桂皮和糖,烘焙前上果酱。
    pinwheel-shaped rolls spread with cinnamon and sugar and filled with e.g. jam before baking.
  • 有香蕉果肉的湿面包。
    moist bread containing banana pulp.
  • 那件克让铁丝网给戳破了。
    The jacket was torn to shreds by the barbed wire.
  • 这件克衫这么便宜,真划得来。
    This jacket is a real bargain at such a low price.
  • 投手彼得见跑垒员不在垒上就猛然把球投给一垒手,一垒手跑垒员杀在二垒前。
    Peter, the pitcher, saw that the base runner was not on base, so he surprised him by throwing the ball to the first baseman, who ran him down before he reached second base.
  • 我用两只粘着面糊的手指起听筒,当听出是bates太太的声音时,我茫然不知所措。
    I picked up the reciver between two sticky fingers and was dismayed when I recognized the voice of Mrs Bates.
  • 我用两只粘着面糊的手指起听筒,当听出是bates太太的声音时,我茫然不知所措。
    Nothing could have been more annoying. I picked up the reciver between two sticky fingers and was dismayed when I recognized the voice of Mrs Bates.
  • 各种山毛榉木料,用于造地板、容器、板和工具手柄。
    wood of any of various beech trees; used for flooring and containers and plywood and tool handles.
  • 有熟的碎牛肉的肉饼。
    a patty of ground cooked beef.
  • “就是他,”金发女人说,“是他偷了我的皮。”
    “That’s him,” the blonde girl says, “He lifted my billfold.
  • 子,钱包用来装钱和纸张的口袋大小的子或盒子;钱
    A pocket-sized folder or case used to hold money and papers; a billfold.
  • 子口袋大小的平的折叠小包,常以皮革制成,用来装纸钱、卡片或像片等;钱包
    A flat pocket-sized folding case, usually made of leather, for holding paper money, cards, or photographs; a billfold.
  • 拿起心面包片一口咬下去
    Take a sandwich and bite into it
  • 把船固定在缆柱,系索拴,或板上。
    fasten a boat to a bitt, pin, or cleat.
  • 你有一件黑夹克吗?
    Do you have a black jacket?
  • 黑色的皮克;像煤一样黑;肥沃的黑土地。
    black leather jackets; as black as coal; rich black soil.
  • 那本字典有空白纸。
    The dictionary is interleaved with sheets of blank paper.
  • 这只皮是一名妇女的,鼓鼓囊囊地装着钞票和像“萨克”、“佩克与佩克”、“洛德与泰勒”这种公司的信用卡。皮的主人是那个穿皮毛镶边外套的金发女人——他早先看到在和那个作贼的黑发女人交谈的金发女人。
    The wallet is a woman’s, fat with money and credit cards from places like Sak’s and Peck & Peck and Lord & Taylor, and it belongs to the blonde in the fur-trimmed coat—the blonde he has earlier seen in conversation with the criminal brunette.
  • 工人穿的宽松的克或上衣。
    a loose jacket or blouse worn by workmen.
  • 同时,它的兄弟部队八路军各部,决不坐视它陷于击,必能采取相当步骤,予以必要的援助,这是我可以率直地告诉他们的。
    Meanwhile, the units of its brother army, the Eighth Route Army, will not sit by and watch it suffer these pincer attacks, but will certainly take steps to give the necessary assistance -- this I can say bluntly.
  • 一种喧闹的喜剧,杂着追逐、碰撞和恶作剧。
    a boisterous comedy with chases and collisions and practical jokes.
  • 板牙铰手一种用来持切削螺钉、螺柱、钢管或拉杆上螺纹的螺丝模的装置
    An apparatus for holding the dies that cut threads on screws, bolts, pipes, or rods.
  • 桅肩加强板,板船桅杆上用来支撑桅顶纵桁的托座
    A bracket on the mast of a ship to support the trestletrees.
  • (犹太烹调术)有鸡蛋、酵母发酵的一块白色面包;常在焙烤之前,铺成织物状,表面涂上鸡蛋使之光滑。
    (Jewish cookery) a loaf of white bread containing eggs and leavened with yeast; often formed into braided loaves and glazed with eggs before baking.
  • 成龙前来接见记者时还没有卸装--长长的辫子垂至臀部,身穿一件棕色方格克和棕色护腿皮套裤,脖子上系着皱皱巴巴的头巾--一个便携式加热器尾随其后。
    When Chan arrived to meet the press, still in wardrobe-long, braided hair down to his behind, a brown plaid jacket, brown chaps and wrinkly kerchief tied around his neck---a portable heater arrived with him.
  • 加上领子或袖口而制成一件克衫
    Finished the jacket by braiding the collar and cuffs.