Chinese English Sentence:
  • 相反,它们用爪子击打鲸鱼的鼻孔,撕扯它的呼吸道,直至鼻孔被撕烂,白鲸窒息或被迫不断浮出水面换气。这样熊捕猎起来就容易得了。
    Instead they pound at a whale's blowhole with their claws, shredding the airway until it becomes so damaged that the beluga either asphyxiates or is forced to continually surface for air,which makes it easier prey for the bears.
  • 声音在水中传导很快;广播传导声音;许金属传导热量。
    Sound carries well over water; The airwaves carry the sound; Many metals conduct heat.
  • 鹧鸪种欧亚或非洲鸟的任一种鹧鸪,与鹌鹑和松鸡有关并与之相似
    Any of various Eurasian or African birds of the genus Francolinus, related to and resembling the quails and partridges.
  • 移民是件好事,这在大数人看来只不过是一种奇特的美国信念。“移民”是80年前来到美国的勇敢的祖辈和曾祖辈;
    That immigration is "good" is a quaint American belief that, to most people, seems no more than quaint "Immigrants" were the doughty grandparents and great-grandparents who came to America eighty years ago;
  • 待我们吃完糖果或水果,她总要将我们送到屋前的门廊,叮嘱我们要谢母亲给她送食品,要我们对父母亲转达一些稀奇古怪的老式祝愿,然后就转身回到屋里,随手关上门,使那里再次成为神秘世界。
    When we had finished our sweetmeats or fruit she would accompany us to the stoep, bidding us thank our mother for her gift and sending quaint, old-fashioned messages to her and the Father. Then she would turn and enter the house, closing the door behind, so that it became once more a place of mystery.
  • 地震使好工厂停业。
    The earth quake shut many factories down.
  • 超过7.0级的地震可以破坏很的建筑物。
    A quake greater than 7.0 may destroy many buildings.
  • 由许金属的蜂房状东西组成的通过它热水能够循环的机械装置。
    a mechanism consisting of a metal honeycomb through which hot fluids circulate; heat is transferred from the fluid through the honeycomb to the airstream that is created either by the motion of the vehicle or by a fan.
  • 震动的沼泽;颤抖的孩子要求更;白杨树颤抖的叶子;发抖的膝盖;她的脚像是在摇晃;装饰灯上颤抖的水晶发出闪烁的光;颤抖的手。
    a quaking bog; the quaking child asked for more; quivering leaves of a poplar tree; with shaking knees; seemed shaky on her feet; sparkling light from the shivering crystals of the chandelier; trembling hands.
  • 宗教教徒聚会的地方(指不信奉英国国教的教徒(如贵格会会员))。
    a building for religious assembly (especially Nonconformists (e.g. Quakers)).
  • 但如果要实现五角大楼所希望的覆盖全球的昼夜雷达监测,则需要在低地球轨道设置至少20颗高性能卫星群。这种全球性的昼夜雷达监测,将使飞行员无须冒生命危险,也不会侵犯别国领空。
    But for the global, around-the-clock radar coverage that the Pentagon wants--a system that would not risk pilots’lives or intrude in foreign airspace--a constellation of two dozen or more high-powered satellites in low Earth orbit would be needed.
  • (俚;指一个数字或总数)不不少。
    (informal; of a number or sum) without exaggeration or qualification.
  • 目前,数无线局域网工作在日益拥挤的2.4ghz频率上,在此频率上,它们要与微波炉、无绳电话和其他消费类电子产品发出的信号争夺空间。
    Most wireless LANs currently operate at the increasingly crowded 2.4 GHz frequency, where they compete for airspace with signals from microwave ovens, cordless telephones and other consumer electronic products.
  • 这种不合逻辑的定罪,反映出所谓死刑可以慑止凶杀的论点是么脆弱。
    That illogical qualification shows how flimsy is the argument that capital punishment is a deterrent to murder.
  • 一项附带许限制的买卖
    An offer with a number of qualifications.
  • 他们很人都晕飞机。
    Many of them suffered from airsickness.
  • 我们需要更合格的教员。
    We need more qualified teachers.
  • 这个工作有许合格的申请者。
    many qualified applicants for the job.
  • 她自己为人也好,平日间待人接物,都很和蔼,没有一些儿气,她家里有许祖上的遗产,呼奴使婢,坐着穿吃,真的什么都不用忧虑,只有一件缺憾,就是她嫁了几年,还不曾生个儿子,总觉得美中不足,虽然旁人没因此就轻视了她。
    She herself treated others very well. In all her dealings with everyone, she was friendly and completely without airs. Her family had a great deal of inherited wealth, with servants and maids at their beck and call; no one had to work for a living. Truly no one had to worry about anything. There was only one thing of great regret; that is, after several years of marriage, she had not been able to beget a son. She had therefore felt something missed in the midst of plenty, although no one thought any less of her on account of this.
  • 我们需要更合格的科学工作者。
    We need more qualified science worker.
  • 操作入口站点(operatorsite)可以定义更的搜索修饰符,但同时所有的操作入口站点和兼容的实现必须完整支持在前面定义的这些修饰符及其行为。
    Operator Sites may define more search qualifier values than these – but all Operator Sites and fully compatible software must support these qualifiers and behaviors.
  • 我们党内有这样两种人。一种人老是拿共产党员的牌子和革命少年的资格去压别人,硬要党外人士服从自己,说话态度生硬,架子摆得很大,以为这就是“领导”。
    Within our Party there are two kinds of people: one kind use their Party membership and seniority in the revolution to intimidate other people, insisting that people outside the Party obey them. They speak rudely to others and put on airs, regarding this as "exercising leadership".
  • 在cobol语言中的一个字或一个标点符号,它把数据名或程序段名和其限定词建立联系,连接两个或更的串行操作数,或构成一个条件表达式。
    In COBOL, a word or a punctuation character that associates a data name or paragraph name with its qualifier, links two or more operands in a series, or forms a conditional expression.
  • 然而即在《旧约》之中,如谛听大卫底琴音,就一定可以听见与欢颂一般的哀歌;并且圣灵的画笔在形容约伯底苦难上比在形容所罗门底幸福上致力得了。
    Yet, even in the Old Testament, if you listen to David's harp, you shall hear as many hearselike airs,as carols: and the pencil of the Holy Ghost hath laboured more, in describing the afflictions of Job, than the felicities of Solomon.
  • 参阅附录中的搜索修饰符部分以及各个findapi消息以获得更信息。
    See the Search Qualifiers appendix and the documentation for the individual find API messages for more information.
  • 个修饰符在一个给定的findxx消息中联合使用时,优先级顺序用于决定对结果的恰当的排序方法。
    The precedence order is used to determine the proper ordering of results when multiple search qualifiers are combined in a given find_xx message.
  • 但是,进了城,执了政,做官的条件是具备的,这就最容易沾染官气。事实上,我们许同志确实已经沾染了不少官气。
    Now that we have entered the cities and come to power, we are in a position to become officeholders, and it would be all too easy for us to take on bureaucratic airs.
  • 那个富婆因为架子大,已经失去了很朋友。
    The rich woman has lost many friends because of her airs and graces.
  • 去年10月底,印尼个城镇同时举办第一届汉语水平考试(hsk)竟有1200人参加;
    Last october, in a pleasant surprise, the first-ever Chinese language qualifying test, or the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi, which was held simultaneously in some Indonesian cities, attracted about 1,200 participants.
  • 机场税要多少?
    How much is airport tax?
  • 实际情况是他用新西兰护照旅行,而且心安理得地享用他的经纪人送给他的美名"世界人",因为他的事业带他到过世界上的许国家。
    In reality he travels on a New Zealand passport and has no qualms about his agent describing him as "a man of the world" ...his career has taken him to scores of countries around the globe.
  • 故此世人可见,一些较老谋深算的政界人物在位高权重时常常向人家诉苦,说自己活得累;
    Wherefore you shall observe, that the more deep and sober sort of politic persons, in their greataess, are ever bemoaning themselves, what a life they lead, chanting a quanta patimur!