  • 當第三突擊隊在1945年晚些時候被調往柏林西邊的拉特諾時,他們將希特勒等人的屍體也帶走了。並重新掩
    When the Third Shock Army was moved later in 1945 to Rathenow, west of Berlin, the bodies went with them and were reinterred.
  • 如今想起,我不禁感到驚奇,一個大老爺們把自己置於如此屈辱和壓力之下該需要多大勇氣,他究竟是怎樣做到的呀——沒有痛苦,也沒有怨。
    When I think of it now, I marvel at how much courage it must have taken for a grown man to subject himself to such indignity and stress. And at how he did it---without bitterness or complaint.
  • 瑪麗本來可以屈服於她生來的傢境,或者一直深陷於怨自己的父母與所屬的文化。
    Mary could have given in to the life she was born into,or remained mired in blaming her parents and culture for her circumstances.
  • 他不耐煩的等在伏處。
    he waited impatiently in the blind.
  • 你把他的屍體在哪裏了?
    Where did you bury his body?
  • 泥炭木,沼木久於泥炭沼澤之中的樹木
    Wood that has been preserved in a peat bog.
  • 有關脫水生活現象著名的例子是,掩在中國東北據說已有兩千年歷史的泥炭沼澤中的蓮子籽居然能發芽。
    A classic example of this phenomenon of anhydrobiosis is that the germination of lotus seeds found buried in a peat bog in the north-eastern China, where they reputedly had survived for more than 2000 years.
  • 現在大傢都要着重嚮前看,提出積極的建議,不要怨、責備。
    But now we should all look ahead, make positive suggestions and not get bogged down in complaining or assessing blame.
  • 將鑽或蠃栓置入頭孔
    To drive(a screw or bolt) into a countersink.
  • 很多人被在炸毀的建築物的瓦礫裏。
    Many people are entombed in the rubble of the bombe buildings.
  • 狗將骨頭埋起來。
    The dog buried the bone.
  • 她的屍骨已在那個公墓裏了。
    Her bones have been laid in that cemetery.
  • 他們老是怨真叫我厭煩透了。
    I'm bored to tears by their complaining all the time.
  • 他把滿腹悲傷在心裏。
    His sorrows were locked in his own bosom.
  • 朱麗葉走上前去,愛撫地將花束放到棺材上,花也在了墳墓裏。
    Juliet step forward and lovingly placed a bouquet upon the casket and it is closed in the grave.
  • 朱麗葉走上前去,愛撫地將花束放到棺材上,花也在了墳墓裏
    Juliet stepped forward and lovingly placed a bouquet upon the casket and it was closed in the grave
  • 她埋頭傢務。
    She buckled down to housework.
  • 她埋頭苦幹做新工作.
    She's really buckling down to her new job.
  • 剋羅剋說,地雷被進土中之後,它的化學物質很快會改變它周圍的土壤,從而導致細菌的集結。
    When a land mine is buried, Krock said, its chemical contents alter the soil very soon around it, resulting in a buildup of bacteria.
  • 發掘在地下的城市花了很長時間。
    The excavation of the bur city take a long time.
  • 雨後,同體滑坡掩了好幾幢房屋。
    After the rain, landslide bur several house.
  • 真理難掩埋。
    Truth cannot is bur.
  • 他們把財寶在地下。
    They bur their treasure under the grind.
  • 她在埋頭讀書。
    Her head is bur in the book she are read.
  • 她在埋頭讀書。
    Her head is bur in the book she is read.
  • 她把臉在玫瑰裏,吸入芳香。
    She bur her face in the roses, drinking in the fragrance.
  • 她最近葬了她的全部女友——我希望她能夠跟我老婆也交個朋友就好了。
    She have bur all her female friends; I wish she will make friend with my wife.
  • 按西班牙人的主張,豐乳肥臀的寡婦應該使之再婚,或予葬,不然就關進女修道院裏去。
    The spaniard have it that a buxom widow must is either marry, bur, or shut up in a convent.
  • 假如有人不時被活的話又怎麽樣?對每一個這樣的人,地上就有上百具活僵屍在走着呢。
    What if a man is bur alive from time to time? For every such person there are a hundred dead men walking the earth
  • 假如有人不時被活的話又怎麽樣?對每一個這樣的人,地上就有上百具活僵屍在走着呢。
    What if a man is bur alive from time to time? For every such person there is a hundred dead men walking the earth.
  • 他的遺體已運回英國葬.
    His body was brought back to England for burial.
  • 地下埋葬地
    An underground burial place.