  • 把最後一個字劃掉,他不再是一成員了。
    Scrub out the last name; he's not a member any more.
  • 蓋世太保納粹政體下的德國國內秘密警察,以其用以對付那些被懷疑為犯下叛國罪或其忠實可疑的人的恐怖方法而聞
    The German internal security police as organized under the Nazi regime, known for its terrorist methods directed against those suspected of treason or questionable loyalty.
  • 飛機和直升機命名
    nomenclature of aircraft and helicopter
  • 那時奎爾一傢人暫時湊合着住在候診室裏,他們的遭遇引起了一位護士的同情。這護士叫勞拉·丹尼斯,在詹姆斯患心肌梗塞後一直護理他。
    While the Quills camped out in a waiting room, the family caught the attention and sympathy of a nurse named Laura Danis who had been caring for James since the heart attack.
  • 阿的平商標稱,用於預防瘧疾的阿的平氫氯化物製劑
    A trademark used for an antimalarial preparation of quinacrine hydrochloride.
  • 他是個典型的學者加運動員型的男孩,在1996年的美國奧林匹剋遊泳選拔賽中獲得第五,1997年以3.75的平均積分點畢業於洛斯加托斯市中學。
    He was the quintessential scholar?athlete, finishing fifth in the 1996 U.S. Olympic swimming trials and graduating from Los Gatos High with a 3.75 GPA in '97.
  • 舒伯特最有的室內樂中有人們喜愛的鋼琴五重奏《鱒魚》,這是他在很難得的一個假日寫成的;
    Among Schubert's best-known chamber music is the delightful Trout Quintet for Piano and strings written on one of his few holidays;
  • 它將成為這支五人組合的稱號,直到他們發現已另有樂隊使用同樣的字而需最終改叫"西部生活"為止。
    This was to be the quintet's name until they discovered another band already using the name and a final change to Westlife was called for.
  • 他想的不僅是當一內閣大巨,而且是當首相!
    It isn't just a seat in the Cabinet at which he's aiming, but the Prime Ministership itself!
  • 被消防局控以吸用可卡因的女性消防隊員……已經决定不幹了。
    A female firefighter…facing departmental charges of cocaine use has decided to call it quits.
  • 在監獄蹲了兩年,他像唐吉訶德一樣拒絶通過出賣自己的同事來為自己洗脫罪
    sent to jail for two years, he has quixotically refused to clear himself by betraying his colleagues.
  • 於十月舉辦的擇業常識問答比賽,共有162251學生參加。
    A total of 162 251 students took part in the Careers Quiz '99 organised in October.
  • 英國警察總是彬彬有禮,樂於助人。那警官聽着我要找的朋友的敘述,滿臉狐疑地看着我。
    With the unfailing courtesy and genuine helpfulness of the British policeman, an officer listened to my story of looking for a friend. He eyed me a bit quizzically.
  • 如全國三分之二的州各有一或多衆議員出席,即構成選舉總統的法定人數,當選總統者需獲全部州的過半數票。
    a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice.
  • 如全國三分之二的州各有一或多衆議員出席,即構成選舉總統的法定人數;當選總統者需獲全部州的過半數票。
    A quorum for this Purpose shall consist of a Member or Members from two thirds of the States, and a Majority of all the States shall be necessary to a Choice.
  • 這計劃初步設有500個額。
    An initial quota of 500 was set.
  • 這所大學獲準的招生額已被削減。
    The quota of students the university is allowed to accept has been reduced.
  • 一九九八年七月,貸款額由一九九八/九九年度原先的6000個增至12000個。
    In July 1998, the initial quota of 6000 for 1998-99 was expanded to 12000.
  • 二零零一至零二年度的貸款額最初衹有4500個,全供緑表申請人使用。
    A quota of 4 500 loans was initially set for 2001-02 to cater solely for Green Form applicants.
  • 從1997年起將每年接收大學生分配戶口指標擴大至1萬,基本滿足了科技企業用人需要。
    Since 1997, Shenzhen has increased the annual permanent residence quota for university graduates to 10,000 to meet the need of hi-tech companies.
  • 如果您們要來,請指找我平野和子,我將樂意盡力協助您們。
    If you do visit, be sure to ask for me by name, ka-zu-ko Hi-ra-no, and I will be glad to help you any way I can.
  • 申請入學時,你衹需成為一合格的申請者,但是當你申請資助(助教、助研或研究生資助)時,你就得表明你有能力做這項工作。
    When you are applying for admission, you only need to be a quality applicant.But when you are applying for an assistantship (a TA,RA,or GA), you need to show that you have the skills to do the job.
  • 為3萬低視力兒童配戴助視器,使他們提高了視力;
    Over 30,000 children with poor sight had received eyesight-aiding devices to improve their vision.
  • 他被一個捏造的教唆別人犯罪的罪,推上了審判臺。
    He was brought to trial on a trumped-up charge of aiding and abetting.
  • 這次的反對意見不是來自不滿的人和扇動不滿情緒的人,而是來自很有望的人。
    The objections on this occasion came, not from malcontents and rabble-rousers, but from men of standing in the locality.
  • 底波拉舊約中的一法官和先知,曾幫助以色列人戰勝迦南人
    In the Old Testament, a judge and prophet who aided the Israelites in their victory over the Canaanites.
  • 賽馬委員會從第三場比賽單中勾掉了兩匹馬的字。
    The racing commission scratched two horses flora the third race.
  • 賽馬會的程序單;列出比賽和馬匹的字。
    a program for a race meeting; lists the races and the names of the horses.
  • 她已被取消了遊泳比賽,因為她在訓練中沒有得到次。
    She has been eliminated from the swimming race because she did not win any of the practice races.
  • 那是一場激動人心的賽馬。約翰因為那次勝利而在賽馬界中出了
    It was a sensational race. John's made his mark in the racing world with this one victory.
  • 此外,政府又增加了969個日間幼兒園資助額。
    There was also an addition of 969 aided day nursery places for children.
  • 一九九九年九月,共有442000學童在721所官立及資助小學就讀。
    In September, 442 000 children were enrolled in 721 government and aided primary schools.