  • 卢尔德法国西南部比利牛斯山脚下的一个城镇,以罗马天主教的圣地而闻名。这个圣地传统是1858年圣母玛利亚现在圣伯纳前的地方。人口17,425
    A town of southwest France at the foot of the Pyrenees. It is noted for its Roman Catholic shrine marking the site where the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared to Saint Bernadette in1858. Population,17, 425.
  • 吡哆醇吡啶的衍生物,c18h11no3,尤其现于谷类,酵母,肝脏和鳞中,作为氨基酸合成作用中的辅酶
    A pyridine derivative, C18H11NO3, occurring especially in cereals, yeast, liver, and fish and serving as a coenzyme in amino acid synthesis.
  • 嘧啶类由嘧啶衍生来或在结构上与嘧啶有关的一种基本混合物尤指核酸组成的尿嘧啶,胞嘧啶和胸腺嘧啶
    Any of several basic compounds derived from or structurally related to pyrimidine, especially the nucleic acid constituents uracil, cytosine, and thymine.
  • 他以揭露董事们利用私权职权营私舞弊的行为证明他的论点,不过那是付极在代价而得到的胜利,因为后来他们很快就裁减了他。
    He proved his point by exposing malpractices by the directors, but it was a Pyrrhic victory because they made him redundant immediately afterwards.
  • 因此,看起来政治家们取得了胜利。我惟一的想法是,他们为此付了惨重的代价,未免得不偿失。世界上其他任何一个国家的政治家之间的分歧都没有这里的政治家之间的分歧那么大,那么公开。
    So it looks as it the politicians have won. My only point is that it has been a Pyrrhic victory. In no country in the world are politicians held in greater or more open division than they are here.
  • 碳水化合物和糖经过一系列反应分解为丙酮酸或乳酸并释放三磷酸腺甙作为供应肌体的能量。
    a metabolic process that breaks down carbohydrates and sugars through a series of reactions to either pyruvic acid or lactic acid and release energy for the body in the form of ATP.
  • 店主笑了,吹了一声口哨,从窝里来一只母狗,它沿着小店的过道跑过来,后面跟着5个小毛球。
    The store owner smiled and whistled and out of the kennel came Lady, who ran down the aisle of his store followed by five teeny tiny balls of fur.
  • 她缓慢地推开玻璃门,步履蹒跚地走到离她最近的货架之间,迈每一步似乎都在忍受着疼痛。
    Walking as if each step were painful, she slowly pushed open the glass door and hobbled down the nearest aisle.
  • 嘎嘎声如鹅或鸭等发急促、低沉含混的声音或嘎嘎声
    To make rapid, low muttering or quacking sounds, as a goose or duck.
  • 从船尾桅杆伸支撑船头四方形的船帆的圆材。
    a spar rising aft from a mast to support the head of a quadrilateral fore-and-aft sail.
  • 在其近旁,可以分辨圣日耳曼集市场的四边形围墙,时至今日,依然是个市场;
    Close beside it one descried the quadrilateral enclosure of the fair of Saint-Germain, where the market is situated to-day;
  • 迪伯还向机舱的过道扔了一枚手榴弹,当场炸伤15人。
    Deeb also tossed a grenade down the aisle, wounding 15 people.
  • 这么一点进口,就能实现翻两番呀?
    How can we quadruple the GNP with such meagre imports and exports?
  • 喜剧让观众们连续两个星期乐得前仰后合。
    This comedy has had them rolling in the aisles for two weeks.
  • 可以很清楚分辨那三座被查理五世合并为这座行宫的大厦,尽管它们由几道带有彩色玻璃窗和小圆柱的长廊与行宫主体建筑巧妙地紧紧连结在一起。这三座大厦是小缪斯府邸、圣莫尔神父府邸和埃唐普伯爵府邸。小缪斯府邸,屋顶边缘装饰着花边形栏杆,神采优雅;
    One could there distinguish, very well, though cleverly united with the principal building by long galleries, decked with painted glass and slender columns, the three Hotels which Charles V. had amalgamated with his palace: the Hotel du Petit-Muce, with the airy balustrade, which formed a graceful border to its roof;
  • 四周抛跳是否会现在自由滑比赛中将取决于短节目比赛的结果和他们在自由滑抽签中的最后结果。
    Whether the quadruple Sal chow throw will show up in the free program will depend on what happens in the short program and what draw they get for the free program.
  • 十二大提的奋斗目标,是二十年翻两番。二十年是从一九八一年算起,到本世纪末。
    The objective set at the Twelfth National Congress is to quadruple the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output in 20 years, starting from 1981, that is, by the end of the century.
  • 他应该给我们提些劝告,但他所想来的一切是不切实际的。
    He was supposed to give us advice, but all he came up with were airy-fairy ideas.
  • 党的十二大提,到二○○○年,我国的工农业年总产值,要比一九八○年翻两番。
    The Party's Twelfth National Congress set a goal of quadrupling the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output between 1980 and the year 2000.
  • 贸易总是一进一的,如果达到翻两番,中国容纳资金、商品的能力就大了。
    Foreign trade involves both import and export. With a quadrupled volume of foreign trade China would be able to absorb more foreign capital and products.
  • 这几年一直摆在我们脑子里的问题是,我们提的到本世纪末翻两番的目标能不能实现,会不会落空?
    The question that has been on our minds during recent years is whether we shall be able to achieve our objective of quadrupling the annual gross value of industrial and agricultural output by the end of the century.
  • 我看,到本世纪末我们肯定会超过翻两番的目标,到那个时候我们经济力量强了,就可以拿比较多的钱来更新装备。
    I am certain that by the end of the century we can surpass the goal of quadrupling the GNP. At that time, when we are strong economically, we shall be able to spend more money on updating equipment.
  •  中华人民共和国诞生以后,当时的美国政府本来可以从中国内战的泥潭中拔来,但是它没有这样做,而是对新中国采取了孤立、遏制的政策,并且在朝鲜战争爆发后武装干涉纯属中国内政的海峡两岸关系。
    At the time of the founding of the People's Republic of China the then U.S. administration could have pulled itself from the quagmire of China's civil war. But it failed to do so. Instead, it adopted a policy of isolation and containment of New China. When the Korean War broke out, it started armed intervention in the inter-Taiwan Straits relations which were entirely China's internal affairs.
  • 相反,它们用爪子击打鲸鱼的鼻孔,撕扯它的呼吸道,直至鼻孔被撕烂,白鲸窒息或被迫不断浮水面换气。这样熊捕猎起来就容易得多了。
    Instead they pound at a whale's blowhole with their claws, shredding the airway until it becomes so damaged that the beluga either asphyxiates or is forced to continually surface for air,which makes it easier prey for the bears.
  • 这一部分是因为有四亿美元的销售收入,另外一个很重要的因素便是gao专卖店推的有关“跟我一起跳摇摆舞”活动的电视广播宣传效果,以及老海军服饰(oldnavyproducts)奇特的引人瞩目的广告形象卡丽o道乐凡。1998年的收入提高了45%,税收达到了88亿美元。
    Thanks in part to nearly $400 million worth of marketing, much of it spent saturating television airwaves with the Gap stores' "jump and jive" campaign and the Old Navy division's odd but attention-grabbing ads featuring Carrie Donovan, 1998 earnings soared 45 percent to $775 million on revenue of $8.8 billion.
  • 面对他生气的样子,她的眼睛露惧色。
    Her eyes quailed before his angry looks.
  • 在她的怒容前,他的眼睛里显畏惧的神情。
    His eyes quailed before her angry looks.
  • 这种动物的头部末端以奇特的鸭嘴形状结束,因此也得了一个俗名——比尔·贝蒂;现了一个奇异、可怕的景象——沃尔特·斯科特爵士;奇特的幽默感。
    the head terminating in the quaint duck bill which gives the animal its vernacular name- Bill Beatty; came forth a quaint and fearful sight- Sir Walter Scott; a quaint sense of humor.
  • 奇异怪诞的在形式、概念或形象上显奇异的或奇怪的
    Quaint or strange in form, conception, or appearance.
  • 在机场上标一块与大黄蜂号飞行甲板一样大小的地方,他们从这样一块有限的面积上一次又一次地练习起飞。
    An area the size of the Hornet's flight deck was marked off on an airstrip and they practiced taking off time after time from this restricted space.
  • 震动的沼泽;颤抖的孩子要求更多;白杨树颤抖的叶子;发抖的膝盖;她的脚像是在摇晃;装饰灯上颤抖的水晶发闪烁的光;颤抖的手。
    a quaking bog; the quaking child asked for more; quivering leaves of a poplar tree; with shaking knees; seemed shaky on her feet; sparkling light from the shivering crystals of the chandelier; trembling hands.
  • 为了能在纳工作,你需持有数学合格证。
    To work at the cash desk, you need a basic qualification in maths.