  • 自一九三年十月联系汇率制度实施以来,发钞银行在发行及赎回银行纸币时,须按1美元兑7.8港元的固定汇率以美元结算。
    Since the inception of the linked exchange rate system in October 1983, the issuance and redemption of bank notes, through the note-issuing banks, are required to be made against US dollars at the fixed exchange rate of $7.80 to US$1.
  • 整体重建计划自一九年展开以来,已重建的旧型屋大厦有394幢,约130500个家庭的居住环境得以改善。
    Since the launching of the CRP in 1988, 394 housing blocks in older estates have been redeveloped, improving the living conditions of some 130500 households.
  • 自一九年房屋委员会推行整体重建计划以来,已重建的屋区大厦有515幢,约173300个家庭的居住环境得以改善。
    Since the launching of the HKHA's Comprehensive Redevelopment Programme in 1988, 515 housing blocks have been redeveloped to improve the living conditions of some 173 300 households.
  • 新法例于一九九年四月实施,订明在不分割份数地段上拥有九成或以上业权的业主可向土地审裁处申请令单出售整个地段。
    The new legislation says an owner (or owners) of 90 per cent or more of the undivided shares of a lot which justifies redevelopment can apply to the Lands Tribunal for an order to sell the whole lot.
  • 为鼓励受整体重建计划影响的租户和平房区清拆户自置居所,房屋委员会于一九九年九月推行重建置业计划,让合资格的申请人在购买居屋或私人参建居屋单位时,可在六年内获发按揭还款补助金,总额最高可达162,000元。
    The Mortgage Subsidy Scheme was implemented in September 1998 to promote home ownership among tenants affected by the HKHA's Comprehensive Redevelopment Programme and households affected by Cottage Area clearance exercises. Under the scheme, eligible applicants buying HOS or PSPS flats are given a mortgage subsidy of up to $162,000 over a period of six years.
  • 〔21〕一九二年湘赣边界土地法中曾经有这样的规定。
    [21] Confiscation and redistribution of all the land was a provision in the Land Law promulgated in the Hunan-Kiangsi border area in 1928.
  • 第十条 防治江河洪水,应当蓄泄兼施,充分发挥河道行洪能力和水库、洼淀、湖泊调蓄洪水的功能,加强河道防护,因地制宜地采取定期清淤疏浚等措施,保持行洪畅通。
    Article l8 For the prevention and control of flood in rivers, attention should be paid to flood storage as well as to flood discharge. The smooth drainage of floodwater should be ensured by giving full play to flood drainage capacity of river courses and flood redistribution and storage functions of reservoirs, depressions and lakes, intensifying the protect ion of river courses and taking measures to remove and dredge silt at regular intervals in line with local conditions.
  • 目前,个民主党派中央主席、全国工商联主席和其他13位民主党派、无党派及各界党外人士共有22人分别担任了全国人大常委会副委员长或全国政协副主席;
    Now the chairmen of the central committees of the eight democratic parties, the chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce and 13 other people from the democratic parties, personages without party affiliation and non-Party personages from all walks of life, totaling 22, serve as vice-chairmen of the NPC Standing Committee or vice-chairmen of the CPPCC National Committee.
  • (十一)抗日统一战线政权的选举政策,应是凡满十岁的赞成抗日和民主的中国人,不分阶级、民族、男女、信仰、党派、文化程度,均有选举权和被选举权。
    11. The united front policy on suffrage should be that every Chinese who reaches the age of eighteen and is in favour of resistance and democracy should enjoy the right to elect and to be elected, irrespective of class, nationality, sex, creed, party affiliation or educational level.
  • 抗日统一战线政权的选举政策,应该是凡满十岁的赞成抗日和民主的中国人,不分阶级、民族、党派、男女、信仰和文化程度,均有选举权和被选举权。
    On the question of suffrage, the policy is that every Chinese who reaches the age of eighteen and is in favour of resistance and democracy should have the right to elect and to be elected, irrespective of class, nationality, party affiliation, sex, creed or educational level.
  • 应尽可能地吸收那些同情我们的国民党军官和无党派军官参加路军新四军,加强我军的军事建设。
    In order to help the building up of our army, no effort should be spared to draw those officers who are sympathetic to us into the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies, whether they are members of the Kuomintang or are without party affiliation.
  • 低音大号音栓风琴里的簧管音栓,有个音高
    A reed stop in an organ, having eight-foot pitch.
  • 倍低音管双簧管系管乐器中音高最低的也是最大的乐器,比低音管的音高低一个
    The largest and lowest pitched of the double-reed wind instruments, sounding an octave below the bassoon.
  • 双簧管带有一个圆锥形孔和双簧管吹口的细小的木管乐器,具有三个度音域和穿透力强而尖利的声音
    A slender woodwind instrument with a conical bore and a double reed mouthpiece, having a range of three octaves and a penetrating, poignant sound.
  • 一种个人的苏格兰舞蹈。
    a Scottish reel for eight dancers.
  • 经过差不多一年的讨论,到一九七年底我们召开了十一届三中全会,批评了“两个凡是”,提出了“解放思想,开动脑筋”的口号,提倡理论联系实际,一切从实际出发,肯定了实践是检验真理的唯一标准,重新确立了实事求是的思想路线。
    After about one year of debate, at the end of 1978 we convened the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee. At that session we criticized the idea of the "two whatevers" and put forward instead the slogan "We must emancipate our minds and use our heads." We declared that we had to integrate theory with practice and proceed from reality in everything we did, affirmed that practice was the sole criterion for judging truth and reestablished the ideological line of seeking truth from facts.
  • 指教育的中间阶段,常位于六、七年级到、九年级之间。
    referring to an intermediate stage of education usually centering on grades 6 or 7 through 8 or 9.
  • 第三十条 炼制石油、生产合成氨、煤气和燃煤焦化、有色金属冶炼过程中排放含有硫化物气体的,应当配备脱硫装置或者采取其他脱硫措施。
    Article 38 Units that discharge sulphide-bearing gas in the process of refining petroleum, producing synthetic ammonia or coal gas, cooking fuel coal and smelting non-ferrous metal shall be equipped with desulphurizing installations or shall adopt other measures for desulphurization.
  • 欧里庇得斯古希腊戏剧家,他与索弗克斯和艾希鲁斯并称为最伟大的古典悲剧作家。他写了九十多部悲剧作品,但仅有包括美狄亚,希波吕托斯和特洛伊妇女在内的十部作品完整地流传下来
    Greek dramatist who ranks with Sophocles and Aeschylus as the greatest classical tragedians. He wrote more than90 tragedies, although only18, including Medea, Hippolytus, and The Trojan Women, survive in complete form.
  • 素有“百里秦川文武盛地”之称的关中平原,是国家航天、航空、兵器、机械、电子、仪器、仪表、农业等方面的重要科研基地,特别在电子信息、空间技术、光机电一体化、生物工程、新材料和高效节能等高新技术领域的专业优势比较明显。
    The middle plain of Shaanxi entitled with "a prosperous birthplace of civil and military officials of Shaanxi occupying the zones of 4 hundreds of kilometers", is a key scientific and research base in the fields including national aerospace, aviation, weapons, mechanics, electronics, instrument and meter, and farming,etc, in particular, professions take obvious advantages for the high and new technological fields of electronics information, space technology, mechanic-electrical as the whole, biochemical engineering, new material and resources economizing with high efficiency,etc.
  • 英侨于是撤离广州,往澳门暂居,但因澳门总督声言不能负责保障他们的安全,所以在一三九年夏季,英侨全部退居香港港内的船舶上。
    The British community retired to Macau and, when warned by the Portuguese Governor that he could not be responsible for their safety, took refuge on board ships in Hong Kong harbour in the summer of 1839.
  • 第六十条 对已经非法入境的固体废物,由省级以上人民政府环境保护行政主管部门依法向海关提出处理意见,海关应当依照本法第六十六条的规定作出处罚决定;
    Article 68 With regard to illegally imported solid waste, the competent administrative department of environmental protection of the people's government at or above the provincial level shall, according to law, put forward suggestions to the Customs regarding its disposition, the Customs shall make a decision on punishment in accordance with the provisions of Article 66 of this Law.
  • 九四年,孙中山在美国檀香山组织了一个资产阶级性质的革命小团体,叫做兴中会。
    In 1894, Dr. Sun Yat-sen formed a small bourgeois revolutionary organization in Honolulu called the Hsing Chung Hui (Society for China's Regeneration).
  • 湘赣边界的割据和月失败
  • 章专利登记和专利公报
    Chapter VIII Patent Registration and Patent Gazette
  • 令人遗憾的是,美国一再违反自己在“一七公报”中对中国作出的庄严承诺,不断向台湾出售先进的武器和军事装备。
    Regrettably, the U.S. has repeatedly contravened its solemn undertakings to China made in the August 17 Communique and continued its sale of advanced arms and military equipment to Taiwan.
  • 令人遗憾的是,美国一再违反自己在“?一七公报”中对中国作出的庄严承诺,不断向台湾出售先进的武器和军事装备。
    Regrettably, the United States has repeatedly contravened its solemn understandings with China made in the August 17 Communique and continued its sale of advanced arms and military equipment to Taiwan.
  • 空翻下杠在双杠、吊环或其他器械上进行的空中体育运动,尤指一百十度腾空下杠的动作
    An aerial gymnastic move performed on the parallel bars, rings, or other apparatus, especially a flying dismount with a somersault.
  • 鉴于过渡公元二千年对金融服务业和社会整体经济的影响深远,政府在一九九年三月成立督导委员会,协调政府、金融监管机构和业界解决电脑公元二千年数位问题的工作,尽量确保整体金融服务业能做好准备,迈向公元二千年。
    Given the importance of the Year 2000 issue and the significant impact it might have on the financial services sector and the economy as a whole, the Government set up a steering committee in March 1998 to co-ordinate the efforts of the Government, financial regulators and the industry in ensuring as far as possible that the financial services sector as a whole was ready in time for the millennium date change.
  • 数十年来,香港高等教育有长足发展,目前接受教资会资助的院校已增至所,相当于全日制学生的人数在二零零零至零一学年增至68798名(见上文“高等教育”的章节)。
    After decades of development in higher education, eight institutions are now under the UGC's aegis and the number of full-time equivalent students increased to 68798 in the 2000-01 academic year (see Higher Education above).
  • 条 从事可能引起水土流失的生产建设活动的单位和个人,必须采取措施保护水土资源,并负责治理因生产建设活动造成的水土流失。
    Article 8 Units and individuals engaged in production and construction activities which may cause soil erosion must adopt measures, and construction activities which may cause soil erosion must adopt measures to protect the water and soil resources, and shall be responsible to take rehabilitative measures against the soil erosion resulted from their production and construction activities.
  • 一九九六年,香港教育学院成为接受教资会资助的院校,并由一九九至九九学年起开设教育学位及研究院课程。
    It came under the aegis of the UGC in 1996. Starting from the 1998-99 academic year, it also offers degree and postgraduate programmes in education.