  • “我对记者不满意”,我的一位朋友说,“并非因为他们在完成任务的过程中表现得差劲,而是因为在事情都完结了以后他们然不能恢复其做为人的本性。”
    "My complaint journalists," a friend of mine once said,"is not that they behave badly in the course of duty, but their inability to recoil into a human being when it's over."
  • 但人们作出这种建议基本上是出于恐惧。”
    But people make that recommendation primarily out of fear."
  • 新订的收费架构,在减少不当使用和滥用公共医疗服务的情况之余,然会是市民大众可以负担的,而当局亦会提供安全网,确保贫穷的市民可以继续得到适当的医疗服务。
    While it would reduce the inappropriate and misuse of public medical services, the revamped fees structure will remain affordable to the general public and a safety net will be in place to ensure that the poor and the needy will continue to receive adequate medical treatment.
  • 倘若在复议之後,该议院议员的三分之二然同意通过该法案,该院即应将该法案连同异议书送交另一院,由其同样予以复议,若此另一院亦以三分之二的多数通过,该法案即成为法律。
    If after such Reconsideration two thirds of that House shall agree to pass the Bill, it shall be sent, together with the Objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two thirds of that House, it shall become a Law.
  • 专家们已经证实重建的铸造室能够用于生产射程大大超过150公里的导弹的引擎。
    The experts have confirmed that the reconstituted casting chambers could still be used to produce motors for missiles capable of ranges significantly greater than 150 kilometres.
  • 真遗憾,甚至在我们这个富裕的社会里,慈善事业也然得乞求资金。
    It’s a shame that even in our affluent society, charities have to cry out for funds.
  • 尽管如此,要使我国跻身文明国家之列,不少方面有待努力。我国的经济成功声名远扬,生活之富裕也超过许多工业化国家而令人羡慕,但不幸国民的行为并未相应地优雅起来。
    Despite the nation's resounding economic success and the resultant enviable affluence which surpasses the living standards of many industrialised countries, such a feat is, unfortunately, not matched by a corresponding improvement in the social graces of its citizens.
  • 香港虽然大部分属市区范围,但市民有很多机会参与户外康乐活动。
    Despite Hong Kong's dense urban environment, opportunities for outdoor recreation are not lacking.
  • 饥饿和战争使人类遭受痛苦。
    Famine and war still afflict mankind.
  • 他动手术後在恢复中.
    He is still recuperating from his operation.
  • 同时,全球各地的金融市场,却经常出现波动,对於那些在经济体系和制度未发展成熟的新兴国家来说,会带来破坏性的影响。
    At the same time, the recurrent volatility of the global financial markets can impact with devastating force in emerging countries whose economies and whose institutions are not totally developed.
  • 全国学生补助金管理人员联合会的研究负责人肯尼思·雷德说,只有“真正不幸的人”才旧要支付全额学费。
    Only " the real unlucky" pay full price any more, says Kenneth Redd, director of research at the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators.
  • 杀人犯手上血迹斑斑。
    The murderer's hands still reek with blood.
  • 女杀手的双手在洗干净后看起来然像是沾满了鲜血。
    The murderess's hands seemed to be reeking with blood after they had been washed clean.
  •  然而,当说一个人是东方人恐怕不再是个好主意时,该词在指物的很多短语中然是标准用法,比如,东方地毯通常是指从土耳其或中亚进口的地毯,它们的价格极贵(通常是数千美元),受到极高的赞誉。
    Nevertheless, while it may no longer be a good idea to refer to a person as an Oriental, it is still the standard usage in many phrases referring to things. For example, the term "Oriental carpet" refers to a type of carpet typically imported from Turkey or Central Asia. These carpets are extremely expensive (often costing thousands of dollars) and are highly prized.
  • 有趣的是,正当两地人民接触日益频繁,彼此在精神和思想的沟通上,虽然觉亲切,但少了往日的那股激情。
    Yet it is of interest that, while the two peoples are increasingly close in contacts and still affectionate to each other, the passion of the past years is dying out between them.
  • 当该键值作为一个存取标识然有效的时候,或者它在是有效的时候,发布者把该uuidkey键值所引用的信息删除了。
    While the key was once valid as an accessor, and is still possibly valid, the publisher has removed the information referenced by the uuid_key passed.
  • 这便意味着台湾当局不会将“两国论”入宪,不存在公投建国的可能性,两岸有可能建构一种“特殊关系”。
    Hence, the DPP government is unlikely to include the “two-states theory” in the Constitution, nor is it likely to call for a referendum on creating a new nation.It is still possible for both sides to develop a “special relationship”.
  • 若不整修军舰将继续服役。
    warships will remain in service when not refitting.
  • 近几年,国有企业改革取得了很大进展,但是任务然相当艰巨,必须继续下大气力推进。
    We made great progress in the reform of state-owned enterprises over the past few years, but we still face many difficult problems, and we must continue to work hard and deepen the reforms.
  • 他是个经过改造的罪犯,然而有可能故态复萌。
    He's a reformed criminal who may yet backslide.
  • 我极力反对,但她置之不理一意孤行。
    I protested, but she carried on regardless.
  • 在世界和地区范围内存在一些不安定因素。
    However, there still exist some factors of instability both globally and regionally:
  • 在世界和地区范围内存在一些不安定因素。霸权主义和强权政治然是威胁世界和平与稳定的主要根源;
    However, there still exist some factors of instability both globally and regionally: Hegemonism and power politics remain the main source of threats to world peace and stability;
  • 已经没用却然存在的规则
    A regulation that has outlived its usefulness.
  • 预料我国资深银行监管人员将宣布,挽救储贷业的工作需800亿元才能维持到下一年,同时亦需要整顿对挽救工作的管理。
    The savings and loan rescue effort will need another $80 billion to keep going into next year, the nation's senior banking regulator is expected to announce, while also calling for an overhaul of the way the rescue is managed.
  • 乔治对他的孩子们管教很严,但他们似乎然时常陷入麻烦。
    George keeps a tight rein on his children, but they still seem to get into trouble regularly.
  • 每逢一代达赖喇嘛、班禅额尔德尼和西藏各大转世活佛的转世灵童觅到时,即将灵童姓名缮写在签上,纳入中央颁发的金瓶,由驻藏大臣会集有关大活佛,掣签确定(金瓶和签现在保存在拉萨)。
    When the reincarnate boy has been found, his name will be written on a lot, which shall be put into a gold urn bestowed by the central government. The high commissioners will bring together appropriate high-ranking Living buddhas to determine the authenticity of the reincarnate boy by drawing lots from the gold urn.(Both the gold urn and lots are still preserved in Lhasa.)
  • 每逢一代达赖喇嘛、班禅额尔德尼和西藏各大转世活佛的转世灵童觅到时,即将灵童姓名缮写在签上,纳入中央颁发的金瓶,由驻藏大臣会集有关大活佛,掣签确定(金瓶和签现在保存在拉萨)。
    When the reincarnate boy has been found, his name will be written on a lot, which shall be put into a gold urn bestowed by the central government. The high commissioners will bring together appropriate high-ranking Living buddhas to determine the authenticity of the reincarnate boy by drawing lots from the gold urn. (Both the gold urn and lots are still preserved in Lhasa.)
  • 每逢一代达赖喇嘛、班禅额尔德尼和西藏各大转世活佛的转世灵童觅到时,即将灵童姓名缮写在签上,纳入中央颁发的金瓶,由驻藏大臣会集有关大活佛,掣签确定(金瓶和签现在保存在拉萨)。
    When the reincarnate boy has been found, his name will be written on a lot, which shall be put into a gold urn bestowed by the central government. The high commissioners will bring together appropriate high-ranking Living buddhas to determine the authenticity of the reincarnate boy by drawing lots from the gold urn. (Both the gold urn and the lot are still preserved in Lhasa.)
  • 尽管如此,中央政府然希望达赖悬崖勒马,回心转意。
    Nevertheless, the central government still hopes that the Dalai Lama would rein in at the brink of the precipice and change his mind.
  • 在新的国际安全环境中,世界多数国家在注重运用政治、经济和外交等手段解决争端的同时,把军事手段以及加强军事力量作为维护自身安全和国家利益的重要途径。
    In the new international security environment, while stressing the settlement of disputes through political, economic and diplomatic means, most countries still regard military means and the reinforcement of military strength as important ways to safeguard their own security and national interests.