  • 他們有人架子大了,變得喜歡訓人了。
    Some of them have assumed arrogant airs and become fond of telling people off.
  • 在其他一情況下,電子鼻被用來減少食品生産中化學分析的數量,尤其是在需要定性結果的時候。
    In other cases, electronic noses can be used to reduce the amount of analytical chemistry that is per- formed in food production especially when qualitative results will do.
  • 在某方面優於別人;擁有好的品質。
    the quality of excelling; possessing good qualities in high degree.
  • 性質由量子産生的物理理論。
    a physical theory that certain properties occur only in discrete amounts (quanta).
  • 故此世人可見,一較老謀深算的政界人物在位高權重時常常嚮人傢訴苦,說自己活得多苦多纍;
    Wherefore you shall observe, that the more deep and sober sort of politic persons, in their greataess, are ever bemoaning themselves, what a life they lead, chanting a quanta patimur!
  • (與物質名詞連用的量詞)在數量或程度上很小的;不多的、幾乎沒有的或至少有一的(與'a'連用)。
    (quantifier used with mass nouns) small in quantity or degree; not much or almost none or (with a) at least some.
  • 多基因一種非等位基因,每一個基因都有很小量的效果,這效果合在一起産生出很多種表現型變異
    Any of a group of nonallelic genes, each having a small quantitative effect, that together produce a wide range of phenotypic variation.
  • 協議並列明這産品的數量限製須於十年內分三個階段,即一九九五年一月一日、一九九八年一月一日、二零零二年一月一日起逐步撤銷。
    The ATC provides for phasing out of quantitative restrictions on these products in 10 years by three stages commencing on January 1, 1995, January 1, 1998, and January 1, 2002, respectively.
  • 量化分析使關於全球升溫的不確定爭論轉化成為一種非常精確的結論:可能性與預期損失相乘等於我們在減輕升溫現象方面的開支。
    These quantitative analyses transform the yes-no debate over global warming into an actuarial decision: probability times expected damage equals how much we should spend now on mitigation.
  • 世貿組織《紡織品及成衣協議》訂明,這數量限製須於十年內分四階段,即一九九五年一月、一九九八年一月、二零零二年一月及二零零五年一月起逐步撤銷。
    In accordance with the WTO Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC), these quantitative restrictions are being phased out in 10 years, in four stages from January of 1995, 1998, 2002 and 2005, respectively.
  • 日本的軍力、經濟力和政治組織力雖強,但這力量之量的方面不足。
    Japan's military, economic and political-organizational power is great but quantitatively inadequate.
  • 加法運算中,被加上一數或量的一個數或量。
    In an addition operation, a number or quantity to which numbers or quantities are added.
  • 可遵守的一項物理特性,能直接觀察或測量到,如重或溫度,而不象功或熵等這一類,這必須從所觀測到的各種不同的量推算出來
    A physical property, such as weight or temperature, that can be observed or measured directly, as distinguished from a quantity, such as work or entropy, that must be derived from observed quantities.
  • 把一個變量的取值範圍分成有限個不重疊的區間,這區間的大小不一定相等,並給每個區間指定一個屬於該區間內的值。例如,人的年齡在大部分情況下是用一年這個量[區間]來量化的。
    To divide the range of a variable into a finite number of non-overlapping intervals that are not necessarily of equal width, and to designate each interval by an assigned value within the interval, e.g., a person's age is for most purposes quantized with a quantum(interval) of one year.
  • 分子量誇剋粒子的一種量子屬性,誇剋粒子的存在說明了某特別粒子腐蝕模式的缺乏,這也是j粒子存在時間長的原因
    A quantum property of the charm quark whose conservation explains the absence of certain strange-particle decay modes and that accounts for the longevity of the J particle.
  • 原子潛艇“鸚鵡蠃”號的誕生不折不扣地使海底戰爭的範圍大為擴大……。有海軍將領們甚至稱之為“突破性的進展”,其重要性不亞於由帆船到蒸汽機的進步。
    The birth of the Nautilus literally added a new dimension to undersea warfare… some admirals to so far as to call it a "quantum jump" comparable to the shift from sail to steam.
  • 我覺得某航綫上的機組人員服務不是很好。
    I find that the staff on some airlines can be very unhelpful.
  • 有時,我覺得美國與我所見到的印第安蘇族社會和佛教社會不同。太多的指手畫腳的輿論專傢們將我們的社會撕扯成了一個四分五裂、爭論不休的希臘雅典式的社會,那個人的藝術成就被懷疑為攫取財富的企圖,或是政治宣傳的聲明。
    I sometimes think that America, unlike the Sioux or the Buddhist societies I've seen, is torn by too many opinion-makers that divide us into a quarrelsome Athenian society where individual artistic achievements are suspected as attempts to enrich ourselves, or as political propaganda statements.
  • 他要一泛美航空公司客戶檔的資料。
    He would like some information on the Pan- American Airlines account.
  • 狗正在搜尋獵物。
    The dogs are nosing after their quarry.
  • 航空公司營運不錯。
    The airlines were doing pretty well.
  • 事實上,中國購買這設備是為了用於與美國麥道公司商談的生産幹綫飛機項目,以及用於與麥道公司、波音公司商談的轉包生産飛機零部件項目。
    In fact, China purchased the equipment for use in the trunk airliner program in consultation with McDonnell Douglas and for the contracted plane parts program in consultation with both McDonnell Douglas and Boeing.
  • 我出去看他被套上絞索、挖出腸髒、大剁八塊,這都給施行了;比起任何一個處此情況下的人,他看來都要泰然自得。
    I went out to see him hanged, drawn, and quartered, which was done, he looked as cheerful as any man could do in that condition.
  • 您有一25分的硬幣嗎?
    Have you got some quarters?
  • 我們進去以後,首先宣佈了共同綱領的民族政策,同時我們軍隊的優良作風也在一具體問題上體現出來,例如執行三大紀律八項註意,尊重藏民的風俗習慣、宗教信仰,不住喇嘛寺等,這樣就贏得了藏族同胞的信任。
    After we entered Xikang, the first thing we did was announce the nationality policy stipulated in the Common Programme. At the same time our troops' fine conduct found expression in some concrete matters; for instance, through observing the Three Main Rules of Discipline and the Eight Points for Attention, respecting the Tibetan people's customs, habits and religious beliefs, quartering in no lamaseries, etc., they won the trust of our Tibetan compatriots.
  • 廠商還提供每季度甚至每個月更新的訂購服務。
    Some even offer a subscription service with quarterly or even monthly updates.
  • 從那時起,公司曾犯下了某錯誤,這是事實-筆記本電腦的設計在某點上脫離了常軌,使得戴爾取消了大多數生産綫,導致了公司在1993年一個季度的損失。
    Since then, the company has made mistakes, sure--the design of its notebook computers got so off track at one point that Dell canceled most of the line, leading to the company's only quarterly loss, in 1993.
  • 小組每季舉行一次會議,討論並推行方便營商的措施,例如削減繁瑣規則、取締過分規管、評估規管建議的影響、把某公營服務轉為私營,以及引進新服務或提升現有服務等。
    It meets quarterly to take forward 'helping business' initiatives in such areas as cutting government red tape, deregulation, impact assessment of regulatory proposals, transfer of public services to the private sector and introduction of new and improved services.
  • 於是自命名為"命運之子"的這支初出茅廬的四人樂隊即開始學習唱法,並在當地的一市民活動中演出。
    Dubbing themselves Destiny's Child,the fledgling11 quartet began studying voice and performing at civic events in the local area.
  • 不管航程多麽短, 這一班機上都有吃的.
    However short the journey is, you always get something to eat on this airline.
  • 讓男人們表達情感的推動力是我們被認定為有感情,不錯,我們確實有一,但隱而不露,若要表達出來就會破壞其真實性。
    The push for men to express their feelings presumes that we have feelings, and we do have a few, but they remain submerged, and the airing of them often violates their authenticity.
  • 臺兒莊勝利之後,有人主張徐州戰役應是“準决戰”,說過去的持久戰方針應該改變。
    After the Taierhchuang victory, some people maintained that the Hsuchow campaign should be fought as a "quasi-decisive campaign" and that the policy of protracted war should be changed.