  • 由于乌的遮盖而阴沉的状态。
    gloomy semidarkness caused by cloud cover.
  • 国际奥委会委员,截止到2001年6月为123人,分布于78个国家或地区。国际奥委会目前有11名执行委员,组成执委会,分别是:萨马兰奇(西班牙)、庞德(加拿大)、德弗兰茨(美国)、姆巴依(塞内加尔)、高斯珀(澳大利亚)、巴赫(德国)、猪谷千春(日本)、金龙(韩国)、霍德勒(瑞士)、罗格(比利时)、何振梁(中国)。
    According to the statistics in February 2000, there are 113 committee members from 78 countries and districts around the world and 11 of them formed the executive board.They are J.A. Samaranch (Spain), R.W.Pound(Canada), A.L.DeFrantz(theUS), S.E.Mbaye(Senegal), R.K.Gosper(Australia), T.Bach(Germany), Chiharu Igaya(Japan), S.E.UnYongKim(Korean), MeMarc Holder(Switzerland), C.J.Rogge(Belgium), He Zhengliang(China).
  • 旧大陆雀,如白玉鸟和金丝雀。
    Old World finches: e.g. canaries and serins.
  • 落日余晖微染那片层。
    The setting sun tinged the clouds.
  • 入其室,不闻忠犬唁唁之声。不见司阍势利之色,出其门,亦不看见不干净之石狮子,惟如憺漪子所:“譬如周,程,张,朱辈拱揖列席于虑羲氏之门,忽有曼倩子瞻,不衫不履,排闼而入,相与抵掌谐谑,门外汉或啧啧惊怪,而诸君子必相视莫逆也。”
    When one enters the door, he does not hear the barking of faithful dogs and he does not see the face of snobbish butlers and gatekeepers, and when he leaves, he doesn't see a pair of "unchaste stone lions" outside its gate. The situation is perfectly described by a writer of the seventeenth century: "It is as if Chou, Ch'eng, Chang and Chu are sitting together and bowing to each other in the Hall of Fuhsi, and suddenly there come Su Tungp'o and Tungfang Su who break into the room half naked and without shoes, and they begin to clap their hands and joke with one another. The onlookers will probably stare in amazement, but these gentlemen look at each other in silent understanding.
  • 云影投射于草地上。
    The clouds projected their shadows onto be grass.
  • 海上浮现岛屿散布般的影。
    The sea was islanded with the shadows of clouds.
  • 我在他的圣地出现,显然被他看作是羞于提及的莽撞事情。他默默地把烟管递到嘴里,胳臂交叉着,喷吐雾。
    My presence in his sanctum was evidently esteemed a piece of impudence too shameful for remark: he silently applied the tube to his lips, folded his arms, and puffed away.
  • 和降水粒子的微波吸收
    microwave absorption by clouds and precipitation particles
  • 薄白母片薄且透明的白母片
    Mica in thin, transparent sheets.
  • 谢天谢地,他们至少有电影,可以看见鸟儿在银幕上唱歌,看见树木在生长,在摇曳。土耳其、埃及、喜马拉雅山、安第斯山(andes)、暴风雨、船舶沉没、加冕典礼、蚂蚁、毛虫、麝鼠、蜥蜴和蝎的格斗,山丘、波浪、沙、,甚至于月亮——一切都在银幕上!
    Thank God they have at least the movies, where they can see birds singing on the screen, trees growing and swaying, Turkey, Egypt, the Himalayas, the Andes, storms, shipwrecks, coronation ceremonies, ants, caterpillars, muskrats, a fight between lizards and scorpions, hills, waves, sands, clouds, and even a moon all on the screen!
  • 我们在云层上飞行。
    We were flying above the clouds.
  • 充满或者有大量的
    filled or abounding with clouds.
  • 太阳透过雨发出有雨意的光.
    A watery sun shone through the rain clouds.
  • 层散开了,太阳又照耀着大地。
    The clouds parted, and the sun shone down.
  • 对一个德国出生的犹太人来说,这样青直上,又有实权又有盛名,即使是在一个霍雷肖·阿尔杰比比皆是的国家里,也是无与伦比的。
    For a German-born Jew,it was a unique rise to power and fame even in a country where Horatio Algers abound.
  • 已消散,露出了亮晶晶的星星。
    The clouds cleared away and the stars shone very brightly.
  • 她尖锐的叫声直刺天。
    Her shrieks pierced the air.
  • 研究发现,除了亚洲大城市中一些污染环境的工业之外,森林大火、植被清除和燃料燃烧对环境同样造成了严重的污染,因而也是这片亚洲褐形成的原因之一。
    "Biomass burning" from forest fires, vegetation clearing and fossil fuel was just as much to blame for the shrouding haze as dirty industries from Asia's great cities, the study found.
  • 后来,雨一下子凝聚在大地的上空。三天见不到一线亮光。整个地球就像金星平时那样完全被雾掩盖着。
    Then quite suddenly rain-clouds condensed over the whole globe. Within three days not a break was anywhere to be found. The earth was as completely cloud-shrouded as normally is the planet Venus.
  • 公元79年8月24日下午,西西里岛上的维苏威火山爆发了,喷出一大片炽热的灰。岩石像暴雨般地落到周围的地区。
    In the afternoon of August 24 AD 79 Mount Vesuvius on the island of Sicily erupted sending out a huge cloud of glowing ash and barraging the surrounding country with showers of rock.
  • 乌云表示有雨吗?
    Do dark clouds signify rain?
  • 朵朵乌云银镶边。
    Every cloud has its silver lining.
  • 朵朵乌云银镶边。
    Every cloud have its silver lining.
  • 预示着暴风雨即将来临。
    The clouds threatened a big storm.
  • 加州和俄勒冈州中型杉,树枝下垂。
    medium-sized spruce of California and Oregon having pendulous branches.
  • 他们的作文更是"惨不忍睹",篇幅短、内容空洞、错字连篇、词不达意、条理不清、段落不明,写的人不知所,看的人一头雾水。
    Their compositions would make the reader helplessly sad -- sketchy and hollow, full of miswritten characters and misused words, and poor in organization and paragraphing. The writer himself does not know what he is writing about, leaving the reader in a fog about what the written stuff means.
  • 像夜晚皎洁无而且繁星满天
    of cloudless climes and starry skies
  • 在天空无的帮助下飞行
    Sailed under favor of cloudless skies.
  • 他们壮志凌云。
    Their ambitions soared to the skies.
  • 他是时下的风人物。
    He is the man of the day.
  • 欧洲上空乌密布,战争即将爆发。
    Dark clouds were gathering in the skies over Europe War was soon to break out.