  • 可是,国会中的民主党人士感到处于领导真空(群龙无首),强调由于布什不闻不问令经济一撅不振,以便增加他们自己的政治筹码。
    But congressional Democrats, sensing a leadership void, have made political hay by contending the economy is in the doldrums because Bush refuses to do anything about it.
  • 她担心在康狄格学院一年已使她的话美国化了。
    She was afraid that a year in a Connecticut college had Yankeefy her speech.
  • 成功之秘诀为目标之有恒。英语谚语
    The secret of success is constancy of purpose.English Prover
  • 他们在保持或改善健康、体力和工作能力,或抚养下一代生产性劳动者方面的消费,是生产性消费。
    What they consume in keeping up or improving their health, strength, and capacities of work, or in rearing other productive Labourers to succeed them, is productive consumption.
  • 逃避职责可鄙之事。
    Evasion of one's duty is contemptible.
  • 由于受感染的肉产品所引起。
    contracted from meat or milk products from infected domestic animals.
  • 而帝国主义和中华民族的矛盾,是各种矛盾中的最主要的矛盾。
    But the contradiction between imperialism and the Chinese nation is the principal one.
  • 所谓“修禊”,中国古代的风俗,每年农历3月3日,古人会结群,同到郊野有池水的地方,在那儿野宴、采兰,表示除去一切不祥污秽(其实阳历1960年4月2日举办南大周时,正是阴历3月7日)。
    It was an ancient tradition in China for people to go for an outing by the water, during the 3rd day of the 3rd lunar calendar month, where they would enjoy themselves at a picnic, pluck orchids, and to rid themselves of any bad luck. (The day of Nantah's first convocation ceremony 2nd April 1960 fell on the 7th day of the 3rd lunar calendar month).
  • 父母疼爱儿女固人之常情,况乎库姬又挺讨人喜欢,只是她父亲对她也溺爱太堪了。
    It’s natural for parents to love their children, and Cookie’s nice enough, but her father dotes on her beyond all measure.
  • 到康尔上学,对于疾病我还是抱"等等再说"的态度。
    I came to Cornell University with the same “ wait and see” attitude.
  • 二、地球村的出现——交通工具的发展和电子传媒的出现,信息传递加速,国际间相互影响力扩大,人与人、国与国的距离大大缩小,价值观与文化交流加速至难以隔绝,相对的是人类社会之间的理性沟通却未相应增加和提升。
    2.The appearance of a global village. The development of the modes of transportation and the emergence of the electronic media resulted in more rapid transmission of information. As the ability to mutually influence one another becomes greater in the world, the distances between people and between nations are becoming shorter. Exchanges in value and cultural systems become more rapid and it is difficult to put a stop to them. But rational communication between human societies has not increased correspondingly.
  • 依照中国古代星象学说,紫微垣(即北极星)位于中天,天帝所居,天人对应,是以故宫又称紫禁城。
    Situated at the heart of Beijing, the Palace Museum is approached through Tiananmen; immediately behind it is Prospect Hill, while on the east and west are Wangfujing and Zhongnanhai. It is a location endowed with cosmic significance by ancient China's astronomers. Correlating the emperor's abode, which they considered the pivot of the terrestrial world, with the Pole Star (Ziweiyuan), which they believed to be at the centre of the heavens, they called the palace Zijincheng.
  • 因为一个人底自我可由其面上的征状而看出者,是一个大弱点,大泄漏;
    For the discovery of a man's self by the tracts of his countenance,is a great weakness, and betraying;
  • 因此,对一个从事社会活动的人来讲,培养一种嗜好和新的情趣方式,是至关重要的对策。
    The cultivation of a hobby and new forms of interest is therefore a policy of first importance to a public man.
  • 无知是罪恶,知识是我们借以飞向天堂的翅膀。--莎士比亚
    Ignorance is the curse of God, knowledge the wing wherewith we fly to heaven.-- William Shakespeare
  • 正如花圃里被割掉的花再也不能复原了,我们就不要再去打破一个小孩子稚嫩纯净的心灵,使他们原来充满活力的感觉变得迟钝,至麻木。
    The flowers are already dead. We must remember not to add to the destruction by breaking a child's spirit and deadening his sense of liveliness.
  • 这反过头来又设置了一系列挑战,我们和许多国家至全世界都面临这些挑战。
    That in turn defines a set of challenges that we share with many nations, indeed with the world as a whole.
  • 同有关国家一道,防范和化解金融风险,促进亚洲至世界经济的稳定增长。
    China will work with the countries concerned to guard against and defuse financial risks and promote steady economic growth in Asia and the world as a whole.
  • 要不然,现在长江三角洲,整个长江流域,至全国改革开放的局面,都会不一样。
    If Shanghai had been included, the situation with regard to reform and opening in the Yangtze Delta, the entire Yangtze River valley and, indeed, the whole country would be quite different.
  • 然而这些事情,无论其在人们堕落的判断力及好尚中是如何,真理(它是只受本身底评判的)却教给我们说研究真理(就是向它求爱求婚),认识真理(就是与之同处),和相信真理(就是享受它)是人性中最高的美德。
    But howsoever these things arc thus, in men's depraved judgements, and affections, yet truth, which only doth judge itself, teacheth, that the inquiry of truth, which is the love-making,or wooing of it; the knowledge of truth, which is the presence of it; and the belief of truth, which is the enjoying of it; is the sovereign good of human nature.
  • 它以自我贬低为起点,喜欢嘲笑自己的缺点、失败、窘境至自己的幻想。
    Its starting point is self? depreciation; they like laughing at their own faults,failures and embarrassments,even at their ideals.
  • 短道赛经常被称为“冰上的rollerderby”,因为选手容易冲撞、跌倒、至被取消比赛资格。除了美国和加拿大以外,亚洲国家中国、韩国和日本都在该项比赛中处于领先地位。
    Short-track, often dubbed a "roller derby on ice" for its spectacular show of crashes, falls and disqualifications, has been led by Asian nations including China, South Korea and Japan as well as Canada and the United States.
  • 他的家族皇室的后裔。
    His family were descended from kings.
  • 有时就公开地鄙弃它们,而偏爱小资产阶级知识分子的至资产阶级的东西。
    At other times they openly despise these things and are partial to what belongs to the petty-bourgeois intellectuals or even to the bourgeoisie.
  • 前者是用以短暂收容新抵港的越南非法入境者,而后者本港现时唯一主要用以收容越南船民及非法入境者的羁留中心。
    The former is used to accommodate VIIs temporarily for quarantine purposes and the latter is the only major detention centre for VMs and VIIs in Hong Kong.
  • 在这前所未有的时间与空间发展平台上,充分、准确、及时、全面地掌握运用知识和资讯,成了争先取胜的至要前提。
    On this unprecedented huge platform of time and space,sufficient, accurate, on-time and comprehensive knowledge and information become the determinant of success.
  • 在这前所未有的时间与空间发展平台上,充分、准确、及时、全面地掌握运用知识和资讯,成了争先取胜的至要前提。
    On this unprecedented huge platform of time and space, sufficient, accurate, on-time and comprehensive knowledge and information become the determinant of success.
  • 在这前所未有的时间与空间发展平台上,充分、准确、及时、全面地掌握运用知识和资讯,成了争先取胜的至要前提。
    On this unprecedented huge platform of time and space, sufficient, accurate, timely and comprehensive knowledge and information become the determinant of success.
  • 每年各地群众的节庆集会,既有大量的传统节日,如拉萨的藏历新年、萨噶达瓦节、望果节、雪顿节、沐浴节、酥油灯节、达玛节、煨桑节、噶尔恰钦节、赛马会等和拉萨以外其他地区的各种节日,以及许多寺庙的宗教节日,如扎什伦布寺的什莫钦布节、甘丹寺的昂觉节,桑耶寺的经藏跳神节、萨迦寺的七月金刚节、楚布寺的树经幡杆节、热振寺的帕蚌唐郭节等等,又有全国至世界性的新兴节庆集会,如三八妇女节、五一劳动节、五四青年节、六一儿童节、十一国庆节等。
    There are many traditional festivals and fairs in Tibet, including the Tibetan New Year, Sakadawa Festival, Ongkor (Bumper Harvest) Festival, Shoton (Yogurt) Festival, Bathing Festival, Butter Lamp Festival, Dharma Festival, Burning Offerings Festival, Garchachen Festival, and Horse Race Fair of Lhasa and the many festivals of other places. Religious festivals celebrated by monasteries include the Shimo Chento Festival of Tashilhunpo Monastery, Nganjo Festival of Ganden Monastery, Collecting Sutras and Religious Dance festivals of Samye Monastery, July Vajra Festival of Sakya Monastery, Erecting the Prayer Banner Pole Festival of Tsurpu Monastery, and Paltung Tanbo Festival of Radreng Monastery. In addition, the Tibetans also celebrate some national and international festivals such as International Working Women's Day (March 8th), International Labor Day (May 1st), Chinese Youth Festival (May 4th), International Children's Day (June 1st) and National Day (October 1st).
  • (麝)香石竹,康馨一种大量种植的(麝香石竹石竹属)属多年生植物,通常开重瓣花,花色多样且鲜艳,气味芳香,四周有花瓣
    Any of numerous cultivated forms of a perennial plant(Dianthus caryophyllus) having showy, variously colored, usually double, often fragrant flowers with fringed petals.
  • 保守派眼看事态发展,先是难以置信,然后是吃惊,继而怒不可遏。对他们而言,戈尔巴乔夫在海湾战争中支持以美国为首的联军是最后再也令人难以忍受的打击:由莫斯科在外交方面协助而赢得的联军胜利,使苏联再也无法保持超级大国的地位。
    The conservatives watched these developments with disbelief, then with dismay and finally with uncontrollable fury. For them, Mr.Gorbachev's support of the U.S.-led coalition in the gulf war seemed to have been the last straw: the allied victory, won with Moscow's diplomatic help, drove the final nail in the Soviet claim to superpower status.
  • 吾爱撒谎者甚于谈真理者,爱轻率之撒谎者甚于慎重之撒谎者,因其轻率他喜爱读者之表现也。
    I love a liar more than a speaker of truth, and an indiscreet liar more than a discreet one. His indiscretions are a sign of his love for his readers.