| - 我的朋友,你的语声飘荡在我的心里,就象大海的声音回响在静听着的松林之间。
Your voice, my friend, wanders in my heart, like the muffled sound of the sea among these listening pines. - 在你下一次举杯前,不妨抽点时间了解一下这种具有悠久历史的饮料!
Before your next mug, glass or bottle, take some time to learn about this age-old beverage. - 这样的人,坐在他的扶手椅上,一大杯啤酒在面前的圆桌上冒着白沫,只要你在饭后适当的时间,在这山中方圆五六英里区域内走一趟,总可以看得到的。
Such an individual seated in his armchair, his mug of ale frothing on the round table before him, is to be seen in any circuit of five or six miles among these hills, if you go at the right time after dinner. - 但是东方格言说:“时间和耐心把桑叶变成蚕丝。”
But "time and patience," says the Eastern proverb, "change the mulberry leaf to silk." - 以信息技术为核心的高新技术在军事领域广泛应用,战场向陆、海、空、天、电多维空间扩展,中、远程精确打击成为重要作战样式,战争形态正在向信息化方向发展。
The extensive applications in the military field of new and high technologies led by IT have stretched the battlefield into multidimensional space which includes the land, sea, air, outer space and electron. Medium- and long-distance precision strikes have become an important pattern of operations. The form of war is becoming increasingly information-oriented. - 然而,当大多数人谈及多媒体时,他们通常是指混合了两种或两种以上连续的媒体,即,媒体可以在一段规定的时间之内连续播放,并且通常伴随着与用户的交互。
Nevertheless, when most people refer to multimedia, they generally mean the combination of two or more continuous media, that is, media have to be played during some well-defined timed times interval, usually With the users interaction. - 朋友之间,欢乐同享,苦难同当。
Friendship multiple joy and divide grieve. - 我想把多选题全部做完,但时间不够了。
Time failed me to finish all the multiple-choice questions. - 使用windows菜单在多个打开的文件之间切换
Use the Windows menu to switch among the multiple open documents - 复合式建筑包括多个独立房间的建筑,特别是影剧院或住宅
A building, especially a movie theater or dwelling, with multiple separate units. - 由于math.random()会产生0到1之间的一个值,所以只需将其乘以想获得的最大随机数(对于英语字母,这个数字是26),再加上一个偏移量,得到最小的随机数。
Since Math.random( ) generates a value between 0 and 1, you need only multiply it by the upper bound of the range of numbers you want to produce (26 for the letters in the alphabet) and add an offset to establish the lower bound. - 一种软件标志,在多处理机系统中,处理机之间可以根据这种标志相互中断。
A software flag, by which processors in a multiprocessing system interrupt each other. - 多道程序计算机中将每个程序占用中央处理机的时间加在一起的一种时钟设备。
A clock device which adds up the time during which each program, in a multiprogramming machine, is utilizing the central processing unit. - 多用途的房间;多功能软件
A multipurpose room; multipurpose software. - 可是夜间的黑影并不曾指明,在那一大堆闪现在他面前的面孔中哪一张才是那被埋葬者的。
Now, which of the multitude of faces that showed themselves before him was the true face of the buried person, the shadows of the night did not indicate; - “玩噱头,”他转身走开,想道,在纷至沓来的众多印象之中却也有时间感到一种义愤:为什么要拿这么多的美来玩噱头?
"A trick picture," was his thought, as he dismissed it, though in the midst of the multitudinous impressions he was receiving he found time to feel a prod of indignation that so much beauty should be sacrificed to make a trick. - 他仍然和妈妈住在一起,房间的布置也仍然和童年时一样:灰色的床,蓝色的墙。
And he still lives with his mum in his childhood bedroom with grey sheets and blue walls. - 我亦不懂得这是什么缘故:可是“真理”这件东西可说是一种无隐无饰的白昼之光,世间的那些歌剧、扮演、庆典在这种光之下所显露的,远不如灯烛之光所显露的庄严美丽。
But I cannot tell: this same truth, is a naked, and open day light, mat doth not show, the masques, and mummeries, and triumphs of the world, half so stately, and daintily,as candlelights. - .com先生一天中的很大一部分时间是在做平常的事情,人们难免会注意这样的人,他能够自我意识到长时间处于监控状态下。
DotComGuy spends a good part of his day doing mundane things, and one can't help but notice the self-consciousness of someone under constant surveillance. - 思忖着开车也许比步行花的时间还多
Mused that it might take longer to drive than walk. - "一英里博物馆"(位于第五大道,70街和104街之间)是为纽约城的一组最具名望的博物馆而起的名,其中包括大都市艺术博物馆、纽约市博物馆、全国设计学院。
“ The Museum Mile” (5th Avenue,between 70th & 104th streets)is named to the group of the most prestigious museums the city has to offer: The Metropolitan Museum of Art,The Museum of the City of New York,The National Academy of Design among others. - 许多非回教徒认为回教徒在埃及、土耳其和其他回教国家的斗争,是"中庸回教徒"和"极端回教徒"之间的斗争。
Many non-Muslims view the struggle between Muslims in Egypt, Turkey and many Muslim countries as one between "moderate Muslims" and "radical Muslims". - 在穆斯林教徒的家庭中为女眷及女性亲戚准备的房间。
place reserved for wives and concubines and female relatives in a Muslim household. - 实习了一段时间以后,他便成了一名合格的教师。
After a period of practice, he was able to pass muster as a qualified teacher. - inners发现,变异品种和正常植物之间的差别在于,变异品种缺少一种称为edr1的基因。
The difference between the mutants and normal plants, hines found, is that the mutants lack a gene called EDR1. - 在会议期间播放vcr盒带,不要用消音键。
When play a VCR tape during a conference, do not use the mute button. - 人与人之间相互理解相互信任的关系。
relation of mutual understanding or trust between people. - 必须在相互排斥的可能性之间做出选择。
necessitating a choice between mutually exclusive possibilities. - 我们深信这批寄售业务将促进双方之间的互利关系。
We are confident that this consignment will promote the mutually profitable connection between us. - 进退两难需要在相等或相互排斥的选择物之间进行选择的处境
A situation that requires a choice between options that are or seem equally unfavorable or mutually exclusive. - 相互适应的群落中组织间相互有益的作用建立起来的特性的,或与其有关的
Of or relating to characteristics that have become established through mutually beneficial interaction between organisms in a community. - 我的时间是我自己的。
My time is my own.