  • 这些进展有希望一种现在称作内部网的intranet带来快速的成长:web页面和应用程序只在一个单位内部使用,而电子“防火墙”软件防止信息被外部使用或窜改。
    These advances promise rapid growth in what's now being called the Intranet: Web pages and applications that exist solely within an organisation, while electronic "firewalls" of software protect the information from outside use or tampering.
  • 老师在我们讲述诗人生平故事的时候,突然把话题一转,讲开他自己的战争经历来了。
    The teacher was telling us about the poet's life, when he went off at a tangent and started talking about his war experiences.
  • 老师在我们讲述诗人生平故事的时候,突然把话题一转,讲开他自己的战争经历来了。
    The teacher was telling us about the poet's life,when he went off at a tangent and started talking about his war experiences.
  • 请递我一个最熟的橘子。
    Hand me of a the ripest tangerine please.
  • 真实的证据;他当总理的短暂时间几乎没有穷人带来切实的利益。
    tangible evidence; his brief time as Prime Minister brought few real benefits to the poor.
  • 您会在别人讲您听的那些事情里面找到和您自己生活中的某些经历相吻合、相一致的东西。
    You realize that your paths have crossed many times without your noticing, and you find in the events which others recount some tangible link or affinity with certain events in your own past.
  • 你扔下一张网罩住它们,它们就被裹住了,然后你走上前去,它们注射镇静剂。
    You throw a net over them,they get tangled up,and then you go up and sedate them.
  • 我们在加油站汽车加满了油。
    We tanked up at the filling station.
  • 把那块骨头那条狗吧--别让它乾著急了.
    Give the dog the bone don't tantalize him.
  • 官吏不予人民以丝毫民主权利,此放弃民权主义也;视人民之痛苦若无睹,此放弃民生主义也。
    officials are depriving the people of all democratic rights, which is tantamount to abandoning the Principle of Democracy, they are ignoring the people's sufferings, which is tantamount to abandoning the Principle of the People's Livelihood.
  • 非洲东部以前曾存在过的一个国家;年与桑巴尔合并形成坦桑尼亚。
    a former state in East Africa; united with Zanzibar in 1964 to form Tanzania.
  • 巴尔市坦桑尼亚的一个城市,位于桑巴尔岛西海岸。16世纪建立时,作为葡萄牙的一个贸易站。19世纪时,它是东非象牙贸易的一个重要中心。人口110,699
    A city of Tanzania on the western coast of Zanzibar Island. Founded in the16th century as a Portuguese trading post, it was a major center of the East African ivory trade in the19th century. Population,110, 699.
  • 世界排名第二的王涛在第一盘中输了奥运会冠军瓦尔德内尔。
    In the first match, world NO. 2 Wang Tao was defeated by Olympic champion Waldner.
  • 我们已经婚礼录了像。
    We have taped the wedding.
  • 我已经叫苏您带去几盘通俗歌曲盒带,因为她说您家里有一台录音机。
    I asked Sue to bring you several pop music tapes, as she said you have a tape recorder at home.
  • 机器有一点小故障,把我们上午的工作耽搁了,不过,我认为我们已经把它查明排除了。
    There was a small fault in the machine which delayed our work this morning, but I think we've got it taped now.
  • 咱们把磁带还他们吧。
    Let's give them back their tapes.
  • 无条件最惠国待遇是向缔约国提供予第三国的一切关税优惠,这是在1948年签订的《关税及贸易总协定》中所包括的一项原则。
    Under the unconditional form , any tariff concessions granted to a third party is granted to the party, a principle that was included in the 1948 General Agreement on Tariff and Trade.
  • 鸭肉加了点猪油使它美味可口。
    He larded the duck with pig fat to make it tasty.
  • 他们不像我们的孩子。不管什么故事书,一经了他们,不出一星期就变成了一堆破纸烂片。
    They are not like our children. Any picture books they are given are reduced to rags and tatters within a week.
  • 我永远也不会忘记她我们的教诲。
    I'll never forget what she taught us.
  • 他几乎学会了教他的一切。
    He sucked up almost everything being taught.
  • 底线就是税收:美国公民必须他们的城市、县、州、联邦政府交税,然后再想办法靠剩下的那些钱过日子。
    The bottom line is taxa- tion: some U.S. citizens must pay taxes to their city, county, state, and federal governments, and then try to live on anything left over.
  • 她叫了一辆出租汽车。
    He called her a taxi.
  • 坐在租车了不需要小费。
    Graturity is not expected in taxicabs.
  • 一个为了征税而财产估价的官员。
    an official who evaluates property for the purpose of taxing it.
  • 纳税人:可以,给。
    Taxpayer: Yes, here you are.
  • 纳税人:请等一下。您。
    Taxpayer: Just moment. Here you are.
  • 他把女儿许配泰勒。
    He betrothed his daughter to Mr. Taylor.
  • 并且由于想到他正在朋友带去帮助而感到快慰,所以他急冲冲地向泰勒家走去。
    thought of the help he was bringing to his friend, he hastened to Henry Taylor's house.
  • 有天大好处我也不嫁他。
    I wouldn't marry him for all the tea in China.
  • 伯恩:请我来点茶水。
    Tea for me, please.