  • 以仔细确定的份量发或者称量配发。
    distributed or weighted out in carefully determined portions.
  • 异卵黄的卵子中卵黄布不均匀的
    Having the yolk unevenly distributed throughout the egg.
  • 大的且布很广的一种灰蝶。
    large and widely distributed genus of hairstreak butterflies.
  • 一个广泛布的陆生兰花大属。
    large and widely distributed genus of terrestrial orchids.
  • 广泛布在温带海洋中的大原始鲨鱼。
    large primitive shark widely distributed in warm seas.
  • 指从存储点提供或配信息或数据,或指输出报告的发。
    Furnishing or distributing information or data from a storage point;the distribution of output reports.
  • 示威者向行人发传单.
    The demonstrators distributed leaflets to passers-by.
  • 配或发某物的行为。
    the act of apportioning or distributing something.
  • 你们分配票要小心。
    You must be careful in distributing tickets.
  • 布或散布或配的行为。
    the act of distributing or spreading or apportioning.
  • 配的动作;配的一轮
    The act or a round of apportioning or distributing.
  • (纸牌游戏)发扑克牌的行为。
    (card game) the act of distributing playing cards.
  • (英国)配广播或电视节目的系统。
    (British) a system for distributing radio or tv programs.
  • 官职的委派派或委任某人这种地位的行为
    The act of distributing or appointing people to such positions.
  • 把某物配给指定的地区或人的行为。
    the act of distributing something to designated places or persons.
  • 合理地系统地配或安排人事的活动或结果。
    the activity or result of distributing or disposing persons or things properly or methodically.
  • 对盖茨来说,瘦客户机提出的问题主要是有关远地pc机的管理和软件的配。
    For Gates, the issues raised by thin client are mainly about administering remote PCs and distributing software.
  • 与把要洗的衣服配到20台洗衣机里相比,编写能同时使用20台微处理器的程序要难得多。
    And writing a program that can use 20 processors at once is much harder than distributing laundry to 20 washers.
  • 毛泽东同志提出,农村里边包括地主在内,都要同等地配一份土地。
    Comrade Mao Zedong advocated distributing an equal share of land to everyone in the rural areas, including the landlords.
  • 他们提出富农坏田,地主不田,说毛泽东同志是机会主义。
    They advocated distributing poor land to rich peasants and no land to landlords, calling Comrade Mao Zedong an opportunist.
  • 这些特点集于一身,使它在网上存取音乐(非法发有版权的音乐)第一次成为现实。
    That combination of features makes accessing music -- and illegally distributing copy righted music -- on the Web practical for the first time.
  •  对生活有特殊困难的缺乏劳动能力的继承人,配遗产时,应当予以照顾。
    At the time of distributing the estate, due consideration shall be given to successors who are unable to work and have special financial difficulties.
  • 关于基因改造食物,食物环境卫生署通过发小册子和举办公众研讨会等措施,为市民提供资料。
    The department has taken steps to provide relevant information on genetically modified (GM) food to the public including distributing pamphlets and organising public forums.
  • 与主配线板和发送/接收滤波器接口的三态驱动电路。驱动器和滤波器都是端口组的一部
    The tristate driver circuit that interfaces with the main distributing frame and the transmit/receive filters. The drivers and filters are part of the port grouping.
  • 如果给地主、富农了田,使他们逐步由剥削者变成劳动者,就可以使用他们的劳动力嘛。
    By distributing land to landlords and rich peasants, they could gradually be transformed from exploiters to labourers and, in the meantime, we could use their manpower.
  • 国家在配扶贫资金和物资时将五个民族自治区全部视同西部省区,予以重点扶持。
    While distributing the help-the-poor capital and materials, the Chinese government put the five autonomous regions on the same footing as western China, placing them all on the priority list.
  • 他们对于利润的配意见不一致。
    They could not agree about the distribution of the profits.
  • 经理把工作尽量平均配给雇员.
    The manager tried to even out the distribution of work among his employees.
  • 地方病分布
    distribution of endemic diseases
  • 传染病分布
    distribution of infectious diseases
  • 高山病分布
    distribution of mountain diseases
  • 营养病分布
    distribution of nutritional diseases