| - 我把住过的每一家汽车旅馆的卧室和卫生间的尺寸都量过了,到回家的时候,想建的旅馆的样子已经了然于胸。
I measured the bedrooms and bathrooms in every motel in which we stayed, and, by the time we returned home. I knew exactly what kind of hotels I wanted to build. - 1951年,我带着妻子和五个孩子到华盛顿特区去度假。那是过去的好时光,汽车旅店的一个房间一晚上收8美元。可是房东们无一例外地对每个孩子加收2美元,所以我们一家人的房价一下子就涨到了18美元。
In 1951, I took my wife and our five kids on a vacation to Washington, D.C. Those were the good old days, when a motel room cost about $8 a night, but the proprietors inevitably charged $2 extra for each child, so the price ballooned to $18 for my family. - 我母亲不可能在战争期间旅行12,000英里从澳大利亚来见比尔的女朋友。
My mother could not come twelve thousand miles from Australia in time of war to meet Bill's girl. - 我认为母亲应当留出时间与孩子相处。
I think mothers should make time for their children. - 恩雅的音乐融合了民间音乐的旋律、多重和声的背景音乐和经典的主题,这使得她的音乐风格独树一帜。虽然在事业初期影响她的是民间音乐,但她的音乐风格却与新派音乐更加接近。
With her blend of folk melodies,synthesized backdrops and classical motifs,Enya created a distinctive style that more closely resembled the new age than the folk music that provided her initial influences. - 他虚应故事欢迎一下她的朋友,转眼就离开了房间。
He went through the motions of welcoming her friends but then quickly left the room. - 恒星的空间运动
space motion of stars - 冲突戏剧或小说中人物或势力间的对立,尤指推动或影响故事情节的矛盾冲突
Opposition between characters or forces in a work of drama or fiction, especially opposition that motivates or shapes the action of the plot. - 印度的一种弦乐器;具有长颈和移动的基质间片。
a stringed instrument of India; has a long neck and movable frets. - 宋仁宗庆历(一○四一——一○四八)年间,毕升发明了活字印刷。
Movable type was invented by Pi Sheng in the Sung Dynasty between 1041 and 1048. - 放在两块运动物之间以让它们更容易运动。
placed between moving parts to allow them to move easily. - 不活动或缺乏活动的空间。
lack of movement or room for movement. - 一种突然而且间歇性的动作。
an abrupt spasmodic movement. - 这部电影放映了多长时间?
How long did the movie last? - 现在可以打扫房间了吗?
Can we do the room mow? - 我现在得付账了。姓名是杰克伦敦,254房间。
I have to pay my bill mow. The name is Jack London. Room 254. - 本周你有些空闲时间,你为我修剪草坪也是理所当然的。
You've got some spare time on your hands this week. It wouldn't hurt you to mow my lawn for me. - 本周末我必须抽出时间来刈草坪。
I must get round to mowing the lawn this weekend. - 斯威士兰位于南非和莫桑比克之间的东南非洲国家。1903年之后成为英国保护国,1968年获得独立。姆巴巴纳是其首都及最大城市。人口585,000
A country of southeast Africa between South Africa and Mozambique. A British protectorate after1903, it became independent in1968. Mbabane is the capital and the largest city. Population,585, 000. - 莫扎特狂热地工作着,自认为他所写的就是他自已的安魂曲——他是依靠借来的时间来完成这个任务的。
Convinced that this was what he was writing and that: he was living on borrowed time to do it Mozart worked feverishly. - 几个月来,布什的战略迫使自己冒进,而萨达姆却指挥若定。十一月间,他决定将波斯湾美国军力从20万增至50万,即是一例。
For months, Mr. Bush's strategy has forced his own hand more than Saddam Hussein's. That was the case when he decided in November to increase American forces in the gulf from200, 000 to500, 000. - 史密斯小姐,房间是朝院子里,会很安静。
They are . Ms. Smith , They face the courtyard. - 你还能等多少时间?
How much longer can you wait? - 花许多时间的
Taking up much time. - 天气的变化打乱了我们体育比赛的时间表。
The change of the weather has mucked up our sports timetable. - 你不能把房间弄得那麽乱七八糟的。
You can't leave your room in a muck like that. - 孩子们把房间弄得脏乱不堪。
The children have mucked the whole room up. - 你的房间真是乱七八糟。
Your room's in a real muddle. - 大多数乘客都把火车开动以前的时间浪费掉了。
Most passengers muddle away the hours until train time. - 多丽,你的东西乱七八糟,收拾收拾房间。
Dolly, all your things are in a muddle, tidy up your room. - 一整天我们都在银行和办公室之间为弄清混乱的账目而奔波。
All day long we went backwards and forwards from office to bank, trying to clear up the muddle in the accounts. - 隔壁房间传来含糊的说话声
Muffled voices coming from the next room