  • 那艘船只得在悉尼停靠,装载补品。
    The boat had to put into Sydney for supplies.
  • 钥匙长度为40位的对称算法可以、并且已经黑客破译。
    Symmetric algorithms whose key-size is 40 bits can be and have been cracked by hackers.
  • 全面的,全对称晶形的具有在定的晶体系统中全面对称的全部平面的
    Having as many planes as required for complete symmetry in a given crystal system.
  • 我们请求她在选举中予支持,但她无动于衷。
    We asked for her support in the election, but she wasn't sympathetic.
  • 人以有同情心的印象.
    He came across as sympathetic/a sympathetic person.
  • 他们在许多时候,对于小资产阶级出身的知识分子寄予满腔的同情,连他们的缺点也以同情甚至鼓吹。
    Often they show heartfelt sympathy for intellectuals of petty-bourgeois origin, to the extent of sympathizing with or even praising their shortcomings.
  • 犹太教徒的聚会其成员提供相互认识和建立友谊的机会
    The synagogue provides members an opportunity to meet and develop friendship
  • 她把止咳糖浆孩子们吃了。
    She dosed up the children with cough syrup.
  • 我把安排这些桌子的事交你办行吗?
    Can I leave the arrangement of the tables to you?
  • 医生了她一些止疼药片。
    The doctor have give her some tablet to take away the pain.
  • 他额外又了那个侍者1美元小费。
    He tacked on a dollar for the tip to the waiter.
  • 他将教我我们怎样处理这类技术问题。
    He'll teach us how we should tackle this sort of technical problem.
  • 你巧妙地处理了困难的局面,我得你打满分。
    I must say I give you full marks for your tactful handling of a difficult situation.
  • 你能我讲解一下排球战术吗?
    Can you explain to me the tactics of volleyball?
  • 我们先这些磁盘加上标签吧,不然我们就记不清哪个是哪个了。
    Let's tag the disk now or else we'll forget which is which.
  • 店员每一件商品系上标价签。
    The clerk attached a price tag to each article.
  • 我就照定价您打九折。
    I will take off ten percent from the price on the tag.
  • 裁缝把帐单递给我。
    The tailor presented his bill to me.
  • 裁缝为了我做新上衣,量了我的尺寸。
    The tailor took my measure for a new coat.
  • 裁缝说:“我要你量一量尺寸。”
    "I just measure you up." said the tailor.
  • 裁缝说:"我要你量一量尺寸。”
    "I'll just measure you up," said the tailor.
  • 裁缝做好一件上衣并把它卖掉时,钱从顾客那里转移裁缝,除此之外还多出了一件以前没有的上衣;
    When a tailor makes a coat and sells it, there is a transfer of the price from the customer to the tailor, and a coat besides which did not previously exist;
  • 对下列动作,裁判员分:摔倒,摆脱成功,反控制翻上,完全摔倒(两肩着地),接近摔倒(两肩着地)或接近压下(两肩着地)。
    The referee awards points for a takedown, an escape position, a reversal of control, a fall, a near fall, or near pin.
  • 他的才能传了儿子。
    He bequeathed his talent to his son.
  • 该芭蕾舞蹈学校有特殊天赋的儿童提供免费学习的机会
    The ballet school offers free place to children who are exceptionally talented
  • 该芭蕾舞蹈学校有特殊天赋的儿童提供免费学习的机会。
    The ballet school offer free place to children who is exceptionally talented.
  • 我想请你把我介绍刚才你和她说话的那姑娘!
    I'd like an intro to that girl you were talking to!
  • 我们看病的医生对我说话总是像教师对小学生说话一样
    Our doctor always talks to me like a teacher talking to a child
  • 我们看病的医生对我说话总是像教师对小学生说话一样。
    Our doctor always talks to me like a teacher talking to a child, ie He is not a teacher but he has the manner of one.
  • 我们看病的医生对我说话总是像教师对小学生说话一样。
    Our doctor always talks to me like a teacher talking to a child, iie He is not a teacher but he has the manner of one.
  • 到课的学生人数应与提供你的学生名单相符。
    The number of students present should tally with the class list that you have been provided with.
  • 完整性——确保信息在传送接收者的过程中没有被修改
    Integrity – ensure that information is not tampered with in transit to the recipient